Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "Thank you for informing me. Please continue to do your best to treat other injured people. I will solve the case as soon as possible and restore the truth."

After leaving the hospital, Qi Lin was full of questions. Why would the victim place a note in his bag with his name written on it? Is this a coincidence or a clue someone deliberately left?

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the current clues.

He carefully read the eyewitness statements and found that 15 one of the witnesses mentioned that there was an obvious billboard on the vehicle involved in the accident.

"This billboard may be the key to finding the vehicle responsible for the accident." Qi Lin said to himself.

He immediately asked Lees to contact the city's transportation authority to obtain all photos and videos of the billboards that had been released in recent days.

At the same time, Qi Lin began his own online search to find places in the city where the billboard might be hung.

After a while, Li Si rushed back to the office, holding a lot of photos and video materials in his hands.

"Mr. Qi, I have obtained the shooting data of all the billboards in recent days from the Traffic Management Bureau. We can find the vehicle that caused the accident through careful comparison." Li Si said excitedly.

Qi Lin felt very satisfied. He knew that the critical moment to solve the case was approaching.

"Okay, let's analyze this information together." Qi Lin said, pouring the information Li Si brought on the table.

The two began going through the photos and videos one by one, looking for any clues that might match the billboards described by witnesses.

After a long comparison, a black car with a billboard hanging was finally found in a video.

"This is the car!" Qi Lin shouted excitedly.

He immediately asked Li Si to obtain detailed information about the video, including the time, location and direction of the vehicle.

With this information, Qi Lin further tracked the owner of the vehicle and found that he was a young businessman named Zhujie. Qi Lin decided to go to Zhujie's residence immediately to report back.

After arriving at Wang Jie's residence, Qi Lin knocked on the door.

"Hello, I am Mr. Qi Lin, a police detective. I have some questions that I need to talk to you about, related to a hit-and-run case." Qi Lin introduced himself politely.

Wang Jie seemed a little surprised, but still invited Qi into his house.

"Sir, did you drive a black car on XX street last night?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Wang Jie looked a little nervous, but he answered without hesitation: "Yes, I did drive my black car home last night, but I did not knock down anyone, nor did I flee the scene. I can provide relevant information Evidence to prove my innocence.

Qi Lin 210 carefully observed Wang Jie's expression and words. He felt that there was a trace of uncertainty and tension in Zhu Jie's words.

"Sir, please cooperate with the investigation and provide relevant supporting materials. We need to clarify the truth of this case as soon as possible." Qi Lin said firmly.

Wang Jie nodded slightly hesitantly and agreed.

Qi Lin and Li Si began to examine the evidence provided by Wang Jie in detail, including his driving records that night, phone call records and other materials that could prove his innocence. They found that Wang Jie had indeed recorded his driving path through the car navigation system during the time of the accident. .

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