"So, please tell me, do you have any clues or observe any suspicious situations?" Qi Lin asked.

"I just finished a new crime novel last night and was about to go out for a walk when I suddenly saw thick smoke coming from the warehouse. At the time, I thought it was just disinfection or other similar work, so I didn't pay much attention. But then I heard I thought it was strange that it was a fire," the man recalled.

"You didn't see anyone leaving the warehouse on "290"?" Qi Lin continued to ask.

"No, the doors of the warehouse were closed when I left. But there is one thing that I find strange. That is that the thick smoke I saw coming out of the warehouse did not attract the attention of nearby residents and passers-by. Usually In this case, people should call the police or at least be surprised, the man explained.

After Qi Lin heard this, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes. He decided to go to the fire scene again to look for more clues. On the wall of the warehouse, he found a tiny depression that seemed to have been deliberately hidden.

The indentation may be some kind of device placed in the wall. Qi Lin took out a small tool and gently explored the surroundings of the depression. Suddenly, he discovered a hidden button.

Qi Lin pressed the button, and a board on the wall moved quietly, revealing the entrance to a secret passage.

He entered the secret passage without hesitation, secretly glad that this matter did not escape his eyes.

The secret passage led to the basement of the warehouse, and Qi Lin searched carefully.

In a corner, he found a diary. The diary records one man's observations and plans for the warehouse, as well as the motivations that led to the arson.

Qi Lin browsed the contents of the diary and found that the mysterious arsonist had a great interest in the property in the warehouse and had a dispute over the ownership of the warehouse. It seems that someone is trying to destroy evidence or obtain insurance compensation through arson.

Next, Qi Lin decided to find and talk to the owner of the warehouse.

Through investigation, he learned that the ownership of the warehouse was indeed in dispute, and the person most likely to benefit from the arson incident was a businessman named Li Wen.

Qi Lin went to Li Wen's office and found him. Li Wen was initially nervous about the police's visit, but his expression softened slightly when Qi Lin introduced himself as a detective.

"Sir, I am Qi Lin, the detective responsible for investigating the warehouse arson case... We have found some clues showing that you are related to this case." Qi Lin said in a deep voice.

Li Wen immediately denied any connection with the arson case and insisted that he was innocent. However, "Qi Lin used the contents of the note and his property status to launch an inquiry.

"You know, Mr. Li, we have found evidence left by the arsonist. This diary reveals your observations and plans for the warehouse. Also, your benefit from insurance compensation for this fire cannot be denied. People ignore it." Qi Lin analyzed calmly.

Li Wen was forced into a desperate situation and he understood that he could no longer deny his crime. Putting down his guard, he frankly explained his plans and motives.

*2.1 I admit that I was the mastermind behind the arson case. I had a dispute with the previous owner of the warehouse and decided to set it on fire in order to destroy the evidence and collect insurance compensation. I didn't expect you to reveal all this. Li Wen said weakly.

Qi Lin connected this complex arson case through various clues in the case. He handed Li Wen over to the police and submitted the collected evidence to the prosecutor.

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