He quietly approached the trafficker and prepared to arrest him. However, at this moment, the trafficker noticed his presence and tried to escape.

Qi Lin reacted quickly and launched a desperate struggle. After a fierce fight, Qi Lin successfully subdued the trafficker. He handcuffed him and notified the local police to come and deal with it.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and conducted a thorough search of the entire den. At the same time, Qi Lin immediately contacted the owner and told her the good news about getting her pet back.

Soon after, the owner rushed to the den and found his cherished puppy "Wangcai" with tears streaming down his face. She looked at Qi Lin gratefully and said in a trembling voice: "Thank you sir! I really don't know how to thank you."

Qi Lin smiled and shook his head: "You're welcome, this is my job. As long as I can help you, I will be very satisfied."

Detective Qi Lin was sitting in his office, immersed in thinking about solving the case. Various case files and clues were scattered on the table, and his mind kept replaying the witness statements and the scenes at the scene. This case of illegally felling trees has troubled him for many days, but he believes that he is very close to the answer.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. He quickly picked up the phone and heard the other party's anxious voice saying: "Mr. Qi Lin, please come to a wood processing factory as soon as possible. We found a suspicious person appearing."

Qi Lin immediately packed his luggage and drove to the wood processing factory. After arriving at his destination, he noticed that the door of the factory was open and the staff were standing aside nervously. He went straight to the factory director and asked what happened.

The factory director nervously wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a little fear in his tone: "Mr. Qi, last night we found that someone broke into the warehouse quietly and stole a large number of trees. This is our main cargo and we suffered heavy losses. I hope you can find the prisoner as soon as possible.

Qi Linsi (bffh) took the exam for a while, and then asked the factory director to take him to the site for inspection. In the warehouse, he carefully observed every corner. A broken rope caught his attention. He knelt down and examined the clue carefully, trying to find some useful information.

Suddenly, a young worker came over and said nervously: "Mr. Qi, I have something to tell you."

Qi Lin stood up and motioned for the young man to continue talking.

The young man whispered: "When the robbery happened last night, I happened to be smoking nearby. I saw a man in black clothes entering the warehouse, but I didn't dare to stop him because he had a gun in his hand. A knife.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, thinking about this clue. He decided to investigate the suspicious person further and began looking for other witnesses.

After several days of investigation, Qi Lin finally found several witnesses. Their descriptions varied, but all mentioned a man wearing a black hat. This clue made Qi Lin more certain of a certain connection.

During a conversation with witnesses, Qi Lin collected some important information. One of the witnesses said: "When I saw the man in the black hat running away, he entered the hotel near Hijia."

Qi Lin immediately went to the hotel to look for this suspicious person. After careful search, he found a black hat and a knife wrapped in red cloth in a hotel room. .

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