They entered a company called "Qingquan Technology", which was suspected to be one of the sources of sewage discharge.

Qi Lin walked into the company lobby and found a young woman busy processing documents. He walked up to her and greeted her with a smile.

"Excuse me, can I talk to you about Qingquan Technology Company?" Qi Lin asked politely.

The woman raised her head and looked at Qi Lin and little "Zero Nine Seven" Bai in surprise. She hesitated, then nodded.

"I am Qi Lin, a detective. We are here to investigate cases related to sewage discharge." Qi Lin explained.

The woman replied slightly nervously: "I am the administrative director here, my name is Li Ting. What questions do you have?"

Qi Lin handed her an investigation warrant and asked: "We suspect that this company is illegally discharging sewage. Do you know anything about this?"

Li Ting hesitated for a moment, and then finally admitted frankly: "Yes, we do have a problem with sewage discharge. But we are just doing it to improve production efficiency and have no other malicious intentions."

Qi Lin nodded thoughtfully, expressing understanding. He knows that the case is not simple, and there may be more stories behind it waiting to be revealed.

Qi Lin decided to continue the in-depth investigation, and he and Xiaobai left the office of administrative director Li Ting. In the corridor, they met a worker making his rounds.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, the detective in charge of this sewage discharge case. Do you know anything about this issue?" Qi Lin asked politely.

The worker stopped and looked a little nervous. He whispered: "I'm just an ordinary worker, and I don't know much about the company's decisions. But I heard that some senior executives are just for profit.

There is serious disregard for environmental regulations.

Qi Lin nodded and began to think of clues to the entire case. He understood that more evidence was needed to uncover this conspiracy.

Then, Qi Lin and Xiaobai walked into the production area. They found several workers treating wastewater, but the method seemed a bit strange.

"They poured the wastewater into a truck, but did not take any treatment measures." Xiaobai said, pointing to the truck.

Qi Lin frowned, realizing that this truck might be key evidence. He asked the worker next to him: Where is this truck going?"

The worker hesitated for a moment, then replied: "This truck will transport wastewater to a place far away from the city for disposal...N

Qi Lin didn't completely believe this explanation. He felt that there might be deeper problems within the company. So, he left Xiaobai in the factory for further observation, while he decided to investigate the company's senior officials.

Qi Lin decided to take infiltration action in order to obtain more information. He put on work clothes and pretended to be a new technician. After entering the company's office building, he began to investigate the actions and decisions of senior management.

After some investigation, Qi Lin discovered a document that detailed how company executives deliberately circumvented environmental regulations and hid the fact of discharging sewage. The document also lists the names of some senior officials involved in the case.

Qi Lin was about to take these evidence to the Public Security Bureau, but suddenly received a call from Xiaobai saying that someone was tracking him. Qi Lin immediately decided to help Xiaobai get out of danger and told him to wait in a secret place.

When Qi Lin arrived, Xiaobai told him with a pale face: "Someone discovered our investigation. They don't want the truth to be made public and may take extreme measures to stop us.

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