Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

049: Wang Yao Is An Excellent Software Engineer

From their accounts, he learned that Wang Yao was last seen in her apartment building. However, no one noticed any suspicious characters or unusual circumstances.

Qi Lin further investigated Wang Yao's social circle and work environment. He found that Wang Yao was an excellent software engineer and her colleagues spoke highly of her. But in the process of getting to know her deeply, Qi Lin discovered something unusual.

By carefully analyzing Wang Yao's social media accounts and communication records, Qi Lin discovered that she had recently been in frequent contact with a strange man. The man calls himself Li Ming and is said to be an investment consultant867. This attracted Qi Lin's attention, and he decided to investigate Li Ming's identity and background in depth.

Qi Lin quickly launched an investigation into Li Ming. Through tracking and reconnaissance, he discovered that Li Ming was not actually a real investment consultant but a habitual criminal who was good at using interpersonal relationships to commit fraud."

Suspecting that Li Ming was related to Wang Yao's disappearance, Qi Lin tracked his whereabouts and finally found his hiding place. During a night operation, Qi Lin successfully arrested Li Ming and brought him to justice.

After interrogation, Li Ming finally confessed the truth. It turned out that he used social media to pretend to be an investment consultant (bhcc), approached young women and exploited their trust to commit scams. Wang Yao became his next target, but when he realized she had powerful software skills, he decided to kidnap her and force her to perform illegal activities for him.

Qi Lin was shocked, and at the same time he was relieved that Wang Yao was lucky enough to escape. He handed Li Ming over to the police and ensured that the host received appropriate help and protection.

The cracking of this case not only allowed Wang Yao to regain her freedom, but also revealed a criminal network that manipulates people's hearts and disguises their identity. Detective Qi Lin showed his intelligence and firm will, bringing safety and justice to society.

Qi Lin took strong steps and walked straight to the office.

At the door of the office, Qi Lin saw Sheriff Wang Guohua waiting for him. Sheriff Wang is a tall and powerful middle-aged man with silver hair and firm eyes.

"Mr. Qi, long time no see. There is a difficult case that needs your help this time." Sheriff Wang said.

"Chief Wang, I have always been honored to work with you again. Please tell me the details of the case and I will try my best to solve the problem." Qi Lin replied with a smile.

Chief Wang handed Qi Lin an investigation report, which recorded in detail an explosion that occurred in the city center. The case occurred at the headquarters building of a well-known company and resulted in multiple deaths and injuries.

"The motive for this explosion is still unclear, but we believe there must be some kind of conspiracy behind it. We need you to help us find the murderer and bring justice to the deceased." Sheriff Wang said firmly.

Qi Lin read the report carefully, his eyes always watching every detail.

"According to records in the report, when the explosion occurred, a man wearing a black hat was seen leaving the building [and quickly fled the scene in a black car]

"Qi Lin thought.

"Yes, we have investigated the ownership information of this car, but did not find any relevant clues. We need your help to analyze the case and scene evidence to find the murderer as soon as possible." Sheriff Wang looked at Qi Lin, expecting his answer.

Qi Lin nodded and agreed to assist in the investigation. He requested the police to provide case information and permission to visit the scene to gain a deeper understanding of the case. .

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