The passage leads to an abandoned cabin. Qi Lin entered the house, searched around, and found a knife covered in blood in the corner. He immediately sealed the knife and prepared to send it to the forensic doctor for examination.

A few days later, the forensic report came out. The blood stains completely matched Li Ming's blood type, proving that the knife was the murder weapon.

Then, Qi Lin received a call. "Mr. Qi, I know you are investigating Li Ming's murder case." A low and slightly mocking voice came from the other end of the phone. "But you'll never find the real murderer."

Qi Lin's heartbeat quickened, and he held the phone tightly, trying to grasp the other party's words. He replied calmly: "Who are you? Why are you making this call?"

The other party said mockingly: "Do you think you have found the truth? You are still far from it." Then, there was a cut-off beep on the other end of the phone.

Qi Lin was confused and angry, but he decided not to be beaten. He realized that the case was not completely solved and there was still an unknown murderer hiding behind it.

Qi Lin decided to return to the scene of the crime and re-examine every detail. When he was immersed in thinking, something suddenly caught his attention - the surveillance video of the crime scene.

He immediately asked the technicians to provide the video and began to watch it carefully. In the video, he saw a man wearing a black coat and hat quietly appear among the trees near the garden, and then leave in a hurry.

Qi Lin believes that this may be the suspicious figure described by witnesses. He asked technicians to zoom in on the screen to try to obtain more feature information.

Qi Lin's heartbeat quickened as the screen zoomed in. He saw a familiar face - it was Liu Qiang!

This discovery shocked Qi Lin. Liu Qiang previously claimed that he only had business exchanges with Li Ming, but why did he appear at the crime scene? Could he be the real murderer?

Qi Lin calmed down and decided to keep the discovery secret and focus on collecting more evidence. He sent plainclothes police to monitor Liu Qiang and arranged a secret meeting

At that meeting, Qi Lin revealed to other investigators new clues they had and findings in the video. Everyone was shocked, especially when they heard that Liu Qiang had been in contact with Ji Ming.

After detailed discussions, Qi Lin and other investigators decided to take action. They need more evidence to confirm whether Liu Qiang is the real murderer.

...Please give me flowers...

Qi Lin commanded the investigation team and launched an in-depth investigation into Liu Qiang. They checked Liu Qiang's call records, bank accounts and other information in an attempt to find information related to the murder.

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During a secret search, they discovered a small box hidden in Liu Qiang's home. It contained a large amount of cash and a sealed envelope.

Opening the envelope, Qi Lin was surprised to find that it contained Li Ming's will, signed by Liu Qiang as a witness.

This fact shocked Qi Lin. He began to suspect that Liu Qiang might have a deeper entanglement with Li Ming. But he needed more evidence to deduce the truth.

Subsequently, Qi Lin had a meeting with the forensic doctor. The forensic doctor told him that according to the autopsy report conducted, they found some strange scratches on Li Ming's body.

These scratches do not look like they were caused by a murder weapon, but more like they were caused by an animal's claws or a sharp object. Qi Lin thought about the significance of this discovery and started looking for possible explanations. .

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