Qi Lin frowned slightly, feeling that this woman seemed to be hiding something. He decided to take a more direct approach.

"Please forgive me for being direct, but I believe you know more than you say. This case is very important to nearby residents, if you have any clues, please let me know." Qi Lin said firmly.

The woman hesitated and finally whispered: "Actually, I heard some strange noises a few nights ago. Whenever night falls, I can hear some noises from the warehouse 17, as if someone was quietly groping what.

Qi Lin's eyes flashed with excitement. This clue gave him a new direction.

"Thank you very much for telling me this information. This is very important to me. Please continue to be vigilant and contact me as soon as possible if you find anything suspicious." Qi Lin thanked the woman and left in a hurry.

A few days later, Qi Lin came to the warehouse again and he had determined the truth behind the fire. He found a secret basement filled with all kinds of illegal goods.

Just as he was about to return to report the progress of the case, a figure suddenly appeared from behind and stood on his way.

"It seems that you are a smart guy, but you should not interfere in this case." The figure said.

Qi Lin stared at the other person without fear: "You are the arsonist and a member of the smuggling group, right?" Qi Lin asked calmly.

The figure showed a mocking smile and slowly approached Qi Lin. "Looks like you're not stupid. Yes [I am] one of them. But do you think you can stop us?"

Qi Lin remained calm and scanned his opponent sharply. "I fight for justice, and no matter how cunning you are, I will bring you to justice."

The two people faced each other nervously in the warehouse, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense. Suddenly, the other party pulled out a pistol from behind and pointed it at Qi Lin.

"Qi Lin, you are really a trouble. In this case, I have to deal with you." A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Qi Lin did not flinch, he knew he had to react quickly.

He quickly calculated the time and distance, then quickly dodged the opponent's gunfire and launched a counterattack. He used quick and accurate movements to seize the opponent's gun.

The two sides fell into a fierce hand-to-hand fight, with fists hitting the flesh and deadly moves. Qi Lin showed extraordinary fighting skills and agility, and gradually gained the upper hand. In the end, he successfully subdued his opponent and locked him aside.

"Tell me, why did you set the fire and what were you smuggling?" Qi Lin asked sharply.

The trapped person smiled bitterly and said: "Do you think we are just doing it for money? In fact, there is a bigger conspiracy hidden behind it. There are many important people in this town who are also involved in these smuggling activities. We are just the enforcers. , and they are the real masterminds behind the scenes.

Qi Lin frowned, this case seemed more complicated than he imagined. He understood that in order to reveal the truth, he needed more evidence.

"I will find these masterminds and make them pay the price. You will be a witness in my pursuit of justice." Qi Lin declared firmly.

After some investigation and hard work, Qi Lin finally collected enough evidence to bring the mastermind and related criminals to justice. The residents of the town are grateful for Qi Lin's courage and intelligence. .

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