Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

075: Qi Lin Gets Straight To The Point

Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that he must go all out this time. He can't let his reputation be damaged, let alone let those criminals go unpunished.

He drove to the starting point of the case - a seemingly ordinary ore company. He walked into the company and looked around, only to find that there was nothing unusual here. However, elsewhere, the truth is often hidden beneath the surface.

He began to communicate with the company's employees, trying to find clues from their conversations. He asked about the source of the ore, sales channels, etc., but everyone answered in a flawless manner, as if they were already prepared to deal with it.

Qi Lin was not discouraged. He knew that in order to solve this case, he must have patience and perseverance. He continued to communicate with employees trying to find flaws in their tone and expressions.

Finally, after several hours of communication, he discovered something suspicious. An employee named Li Ming had a flash of panic in his eyes when he talked about the source of the ore. Qi Lin keenly captured this point, and he knew that this might be the breakthrough in the case.

He decided to conduct an in-depth investigation of Li Ming. He secretly observed Li Ming's whereabouts and found that he always left the company mysteriously and did not know where he went. Qi Lin decided to follow Li Ming to see what he was doing.

He drove quietly behind Li Ming, passed through the streets and alleys of the city, and finally came to a remote warehouse. Qi Lin hid in the distance and observed the movements in the warehouse. He saw Li Ming walking into the warehouse, and soon after, several more trucks arrived.

Qi Lin realized that this warehouse might be a base for smuggling ore. He decided to take action and busted the smuggling gang in one fell swoop.

He quickly contacted the police and asked for support. Then, he quietly approached the warehouse, preparing to arrest him.

However, just as he was about to enter the warehouse, he suddenly heard a conversation coming from the warehouse. He held his breath, pressed against the wall, and listened carefully.

"The quality of this batch of ore is really good. We will definitely make a lot of money this time." said a voice.

"Yeah, thanks to this guy Li Ming, he helped us find such a good source of goods." Another voice echoed.

Qi Lin's heart tightened, and it turned out that Li Ming was really a member of the smuggling gang. He took a deep breath and decided to act immediately.

He quickly rushed into the warehouse and uniformed the smuggling gang members. When Li Ming saw Qi Lin, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, but he was soon shocked by Qi Lin's calmness and decisiveness.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and took away all the members of the smuggling gang. Qi Lin looked at the sealed warehouse and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that this time he successfully cracked the smuggling case and removed a cancer for society.

Back at the detective agency, Qi Lin compiled a detailed report on the case and prepared to submit it to the police. He knew that the successful cracking of this case would not only make his reputation even more famous

It also brings justice and fairness to society.

"Detective Qi, what do you think of this case?" Assistant Xiao Wang asked with some worry.

Qi Lin raised his head, his eyes blazing: "This case is not simple. Judging from the clues left at the scene, Zhao Tianbao is highly suspicious, but he also has his own version of events."

"Yes, he said that he and Lin Wan'er had broken up a long time ago, and the breakup was peaceful." Xiaotian added.

Qi Lin sneered: "Peace? Peace enough to kill her?"

The two fell into silence, and the air was filled with tension. Qi Lin knew that to solve this mystery, he must have a deeper understanding of these former lovers.

Qi Lin decided to start the investigation from Zhao Tianbao. He came to Zhao Tianbao's residence, a dilapidated rental house. When Zhao Tianbao saw Qi Lin, his face showed a trace of sadness.

"Zhao Tianbao, do you know why I came to you?" Qi Lin got straight to the point.

Zhao Tianbao sighed: "I know, it's because of Lin Waner."

"Why did you break up?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhao Tianbao was silent for a while and then slowly said: "We broke up because of our personality differences. She was too strong and I couldn't stand it.

"Then have you ever thought about killing her?" Qi Lin looked directly into Zhao Tianbao's eyes.

Zhao Tianbao was taken aback and shook his head repeatedly: "How could I kill her? Although I hate her, I won't kill anyone."

Qi Lin nodded, knowing that Zhao Tianbao was not lying. But he also knew that this case was far from simple.

Next, Qi Lin began to investigate Lin Waner's social circle. He soon discovered an important clue - Lin Wan'er became very close to a man named Li Hao shortly after the breakup.

Qi Lin found Li Hao, a handsome man. Li Hao didn't seem too surprised when he saw Qi Lin, as if he had expected this day.

0Please ask for flowers…………

"Detective Qi, I know why you came to me." Li Hao said with a smile.

"Oh? Then tell me." Qi Lin became interested.

"I killed Lin Wan'er." Li Hao's words surprised Qi Lin.

"Why?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Hao sighed: "Lin Waner and I really love each other, but she chose Zhao Tianbao. I was unwilling to accept it, so I wanted her to come back to me, so I created this incident.

Qi Lin looked at Li Hao and felt a chill in his heart. This man could do such cruel things for the sake of love.

"Do you have any evidence?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Hao took out a document: "This is the chat record between Lin Waner and I. You can take a look."


Qi Lin took the document and read it carefully. It can be seen from the chat records that Li Hao and Lin Waner do have a deep emotional foundation, and Li Hao's love for Lin Waner is very strong.

However, these chat records alone cannot prove that Li Hao is the murderer. Qi Lin knew that he needed more evidence.

As a result, Qi Lin began to conduct an in-depth investigation into Li Hao's whereabouts and background. He soon discovered something suspicious - Li Hao had appeared near the crime scene on the day of the crime, and there was still some bloodstains of Lin Waner on his hands.

Qi Lin placed these evidences in front of Li Hao, and Li Hao's face suddenly turned pale. He knew that he had nowhere to escape.

"Detective Qi, I admit that I killed Lin Wan'er." Li Hao's voice was trembling.

"Why?" Qi Lin asked again.

Li Hao closed his eyes, as if recalling that painful past: "Lin Waner and I really loved each other, but she chose Zhao Tianbao.

I was unwilling to give in, I wanted her to come back to me, so I committed this love murder. I know I'm wrong, but I really love her and I can't control my feelings. "

Qi Lin couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart as he listened to Li Hao's account. Love sometimes makes people do crazy things. However, no matter what, killing cannot be forgiven.

Qi Lin was sitting in his office, holding a case document in his hand.

The background of the case is that a large technology company recently discovered that its core technology was leaked, and it was suspected that a commercial espionage had infiltrated Wang. .

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