During the investigation, Qi Lin discovered that Li Ming had appeared near the fire scene many times before the fire. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, Li Ming was extremely panicked before the fire, and he was even seen holding a mysterious package in his hand.

Qi Lin became increasingly convinced that Li Ming was the culprit of the arson case. He decided to conduct a deeper investigation into Li Ming to obtain more evidence.

In a late-night raid, Qi Lin successfully arrested Li Ming. Faced with Qi Lin's questioning, Li Ming tried to quibble at first, but under Qi Lin's questioning, he finally admitted his crime of arson.

"Why did you set the fire?" Qi Lin asked coldly.

"Because I want to destroy that restaurant and redevelop the land." Li Ming lowered his head and said, with a kind of crazy persistence in his voice.

Qi Lin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He understood that what was hidden behind this arson case was a person's greed and madness for power and money. He didn't say anything more, but silently recorded Li Ming's confession, and then handed him over to the police.

The truth of the case was finally revealed, and the arsonist received the punishment he deserved. Qi Lin knew that he had once again successfully solved a difficult case and found the truth and politics for the victim.

On this day, a special case attracted his attention. There was an abduction case involving multiple children. The case was complicated and confusing, with few clues. It seemed as if an invisible hand was controlling everything. A sharp light flashed in Qi Lin's eyes, and he knew that this would be a battle of wisdom and patience.

He picked up the phone and dialed the police station: "Hello, I'm Qi Lin, I want to know about the recent abduction case.

The voice of police officer Xiao Li came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, Detective Qi. This case is indeed very difficult. We have been investigating it for a long time, but we have never found any valuable clues.

Qi Lin smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter, tell me everything you know and I will try my best to help."

Xiao Li began to describe the case in detail, while Qi Lin listened carefully and asked some questions from time to time. After hanging up the phone, he fell into deep thought.

In the next few days, Qi Lin began his investigation. He visited the victim's family, interviewed witnesses, and even went to the crime scene to investigate in person. However, everything seems to be clueless, and the case is reaching a deadlock.

Just when Qi Lin was confused, an unexpected clue appeared in front of him. He spotted a suspicious figure in the surveillance video of a small supermarket. After repeated comparison and analysis, he determined that this figure was the key figure in the case.

Qi Lin immediately contacted the police station and told Xiao Li what he found. After hearing this, Xiao Li said excitedly: Detective Qi, your discovery is so important to us! We will arrest him right away!"

However, things did not go as smoothly as they imagined. When the police arrived at the suspect's location, they found that he had disappeared. Qi Lin stood in the empty room, frowning. He knew that this time his opponent was much more cunning than he thought.

However, Qi Lin was not discouraged. He believes that as long as he observes carefully and analyzes patiently, the truth will always surface. So, he once again devoted himself to the investigation of the case, digging deeply into every possible clue. .

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