Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

217: Xiao Hua Gu Duo is not interested, just want to make a little girl popular

"Hey~ it hurts!"

Back in the house Chen Shuyi rented, Qi Lin put down Chen Shuyi in his arms.

However, when Chen Shuyi tried to stand up, her pretty face turned pale and her eyebrows slightly frowned.

"It is estimated that your foot is sprained, you sit down and I will show you.

Qi Lin said with some humor.

Chen Shuyi blushed.

Feet are a girl's private part, and she would never agree to it before.

But what happened tonight brought some distance between them again.

She nodded obediently.

"Well, can you turn around first, or you won't be able to see your ankle clearly through the stockings.

Chen Shuyi said a little embarrassedly.

Obviously, the two of them have experienced everything except their final innocence, and now they have to take off their stockings to make Qi Lin turn around.

Women are such strange creatures.

Qi Lin shook his head, and finally turned around.


After a few minutes.

"Okay, you can turn around now.

Chen Shuyi said in a low voice.

Qi Lin turned around and didn't see the stockings. He guessed that Chen Shuyi was embarrassed and stuffed it into his bag.

Chen Shuyi sat on the sofa with her legs together and a thin blanket on it.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin laughed and said, "Anti me is like a thief, I really want to eat you, can you resist? 99

Chen Shuyi thought it was justified, but she still blushed and whispered: "I, I am a girl, I will be embarrassed. 359

"Alright, alright, raise your feet a little higher, and I'll help you see.

Qi Lin crouched down and said with a smile.

Chen Shuyi raised her injured right foot.

The ankles were indeed slightly red and swollen, but it did not affect the delicateness of her little feet, the fair insteps, and the standard beauty arches.

"You bear with it, it's a little misplaced, I'll help you straighten your bones.

Qi Lin held Chen Shuyi's arch in his hand and said lightly "seven five zeros".

"Will it hurt? I-I'm afraid of pain.

Chen Shuyi asked timidly.

"Then sing a song to me to ease your mood, and I'll help you straighten your bones when you sing the third sentence. 39

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Okay, then I, then I sing Xu Wei's Blue Lotus.

Chen Shuyi thought this idea was a good idea.

"Nothing can stop・

Chen Shuyi opened her mouth, but her mouth was crisp.

The girl's crisp voice made this song with a little wenqing feel a little more dynamic.

Now KTV has just been introduced to Huaxia from Baodao.

If put in 20 years, Chen Shuyi is definitely the most eye-catching and beautiful girl in KTV, capturing the hearts of a large number of men.


Just after Chen Shuyi finished singing the first sentence, she suddenly groaned softly.

The next second, she looked at Qi Lin with beautiful eyes and angrily: "Didn't you help me straighten my bones after the third sentence of the rap? You big liar!"

Qi Lin didn't say much, and scratched twice on Chen Shuyi's tender sole: "You take two steps to see if your ankle still hurts?

With a blank look at Qi Lin, Chen Shuyi stepped into her high-heeled shoes with her jade feet in anticipation, and then her jade fingers hooked the heels to put them on.

After getting up, she took two steps.

"Huh? It's amazing, it really doesn't hurt anymore~"

In addition to some swelling, it is estimated that the congestion has not dissipated, and the heart-piercing pain just now is gone.


The moment Chen Shuyi looked at Qi Lin, he was embraced by Qi Lin, and the two looked at each other, and the atmosphere became a little charming.

"You, what do you want?"

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was slightly red, and she didn't dare to look at Qi Lin.

"If I don't eat you for a day, I'm afraid that you, a delicious white swan, will fly by itself, so it's better to eat it in your mouth.

Qi Lin pinched Chen Shuyi's fair jaw.

"But, but I want to keep my innocence until after marriage."

Chen Shuyi lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Marry? Who to marry? I may never get married in my life, do you mean that you still want to find another boyfriend?"

Qi Lin asked back with a faint smile on his face.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Chen Shuyi burst into tears: "But I'm an ordinary girl, I just want to marry the person I like, have children, and live the most ordinary life, don't you want even the most basic rights? Deprive me?"

Looking at Chen Shuyi with a sad expression, Qi Lin's mouth curled slightly: "Marriage is just a formality, when you buy a house, it will be your warm little home, the harbor of love, and I will often go home with my little wife. , my sister Shuyi lives in a two-person world, and I will take care of you all my life, and grow old with you, are you not satisfied with this kind of life?

Still want to talk to a boyfriend and find your true love?

Chen Shuyi cried and shook her head: "I don't have true love, I'm willing to fall into the abyss of you bastard, I never thought of running away from you in my life, I know I can't stop any of your decisions."9

"But, but can you respect me this time?"

"At least in our new home, it's festive, decorated with lanterns, and filled with balloons. Can it be in our wedding room?"

"Even in the dreams I weave myself, will I be happy to get married once?"9

Is Chen Shuyi's condition excessive?

Or it is not an exaggeration to use the word humble to describe it.

"I'm not an arbitrary person, you said earlier that you want to have a wedding in your new home, there is no problem at all, sister Shuyi and wife, I will definitely give you a perfect immersive wedding.

Qi Lin stroked Chen Shuyi's tender face and said with a light smile.

"Can you stop calling me sister Shuyi's wife, it sounds weird."5

Seeing that Qi Lin did not force herself, Chen Shuyi felt a little better.

She sneered, and she couldn't stand Qi Lin's messy address.

"In my eyes, you are the elder sister who grew up with me as a childhood sweetheart, and the wife I always want to marry back home. I just want to call you that."

Qi Lin's goosebumps love words come when you open your mouth.

"If I knew that you were so naughty when you grew up, I wouldn't want to be your sister, I'd better stay far away from you.

Chen Shuyi felt shy for a while.

Things are unpredictable.

She ended up in the hands of the brat who stole her mother as a child.

But for some reason, she didn't reject it at all.

"Sister kiss~"

Qi Lin imitated the tone of running after Chen Shuyi when he was a child, and approached.

Chen Shuyi had nothing to do with Qi Lin.

The figure that Qi Lin hated in his mind disappeared.

Instead, it is a happy scene of two childhood people, holding hands and running in the garden.

He closed his eyes, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and kissed Qi Lin's mouth.


The bright incandescent lamp pulled the intimate figures of a pair of golden boys and girls.

ten minutes later.

"I'll call you tomorrow and go get a new house early.

Before Qi Lin left, he warned Chen Shuyi.

"You can't wait a day, you little bastard. 35

Thinking that after moving to a new home, the two would hold a wedding and give themselves to him, and Chen Shuyi's pretty face flushed.

When Qi Lin went home.

Only Qi Xueyao sat alone in the living room watching TV.

"Watch less TV, don't you know that there is radiation? 39

"What about Si Ling and Rose?"

Qi Xueyao picked up the remote control on the coffee table and turned off the TV.

Qi Lin gave Qi Lin a white eye, and Qi Xueyao said with a smile, "I'm afraid that someone will go home without a key, so I can only sit here and wait. It's so boring at night, what else can I do if I don't watch TV shows?"

"Si Ling is also waiting for you, but she has to go to school tomorrow, so I let her go to bed first."

"Sister Rose won't wait for you, she has long since returned to her room.

Qi Lin didn't get any advantage from Chen Shuyi, so he sat down beside Qi Xueyao and put his arms around her jade shoulders.

Qi Xueyao, who was wearing a light blue nightdress, blushed: "I don't know where you've been outside. Go take a shower and don't stain my skirt."

"Go back to the room and wait for me, if I don't see you later, I'll just kick the door.

Qi Lin pinched Qi Xueyao's face and went directly to the bathroom.

"Damn, if it wasn't for you to sleep with me, I would have gone back to my room long ago."

Qi Xueyao murmured in a low voice.

Seeing that Qi Lin accompanies her shopping today, and keeps carrying her on her back when she can't walk, she will perform her duties as a petite wife today.

At one o'clock in the morning, Qi Xueyao fell asleep.

There is a hint of pink on her beautiful little face.

"I have to go home earlier in the future. This girl is pregnant, and it is really inappropriate to sleep so late."

Flicking Qi Xueyao's messy hair aside, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with love.

Tsundere mouth, tofu heart.

Knowing it was so late, he still spoiled Qi Lin.

Perhaps like Chen Shuyi, after getting along for a long time, the two will love Qi Lin as a younger brother, but express it shyly.

The next morning.

"Little slacker, get up for breakfast."

Qi Lin pinched Qi Xueyao's cute little nose, preventing her from breathing.

"I'm so sleepy, can you stop bullying me?"

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes didn't even want to open, she pouted and took Qi Lin's hand away.

But Qi Lin didn't let go, he said with a smile, "Come and listen to my husband, I'll let you sleep a little longer. 35

"Husband~ Just let me go, I'll have breakfast later, you can eat it yourself.

Qi Xueyao pouted, without even a hint of hesitation, she called out.

The sky is big, the sleep is the biggest, the innocence, including a heart, is given to this bastard, how can Qi Xueyao care about her husband.

The goal was achieved, Qi Lin stopped bullying Qi Xueyao and went downstairs.

"Brother, Sister Yuxi asked me to ask you when will you go to school. 39

While eating breakfast, Wang Siling asked embarrassedly.

"It's been a bit busy these days, wait for me to talk less about it.""

Qi Lin guessed that Qi Xueyao missed him.

Anyway, the weekend is approaching again, and then let Lan Yuxi come to stay at home for two more days.

"Brother, aren't you going to class today?

Wang Siling asked cautiously.

"You shouldn't go, you should go to school first.

Qi Lin touched Wang Siling's little head.

"All right."

Wang Siling nodded obediently, and after eating this breakfast, he rode his bicycle to go to school.  …

In the third and sixth class of high school, the first class in the morning is Qiu Yuelin's math class.

Seeing that Qi Lin's seat was empty again, Qiu Yuelin felt agitated.

After class, Qiu Yuelin asked Lan Yuxi in a low voice, "Yuxi, your husband hasn't come to class for two days, do you know where he went?

Lan Yuxi held back her laughter, she naturally knew that Qiu Yuelin wanted to ask Qi Lin to account for her fake pregnancy.

"Sister Qiu, I really don't know where your fiancé is. He hasn't even called me for the past two days, so it's useless for you to ask me."

Lan Yuxi didn't get any useful information either, Qiu Yuelin said angrily, "I can't escape the first day of the first year, but I can't escape the fifteenth day. I provoke me, and now I don't want to be responsible, how can it be so cheap."

Qi Lin didn't know that Qiu Yuelin was looking for her.

Knowing that he probably doesn't matter.

Qiu Yuelin is on her period now, and she is angry again. Even if they meet, there is no benefit.

When Qiu Yuelin left for her period, Qi Lin would consider the matter of the two of them continuing the child.

After breakfast, Qi Lin drove directly to Sugar Man Entertainment.

"Mr. Qi is good.

"Mr. Qi is here."

On the way to the president's office, Tang Man Entertainment employees greeted Qi Lin one after another.

The share transfer agreement between Qi Lin and Zhang Dan has been finalized.

Zhang Dan held a company meeting, announced the company's new boss, and put Qi Lin's photo on the bulletin board.

This is the first time Qi Lin came to the company, and the employees of the company knew Qi Lin.

Smiling and nodding all the way, Qi Lin pushed the president's office away.

"Mr. Qi is visiting the company for the first time today. Would you like me to hold a staff welcome meeting? 39

Zhang Dan, who was sitting in the boss chair, got up and said with a smile.

"No, I came to the company for a small matter, and I'll leave when I'm done.

Qi Lin sat on the sofa, looked at Erlang's legs and said lightly.

"Mr. Qi's news is really good. Today is our company's casting day for the 'Yang Clan's female general'. There are many young beauties of the new class of graduates outside. Do you want to go and see if President Qi?"

Zhang Dan understands a man's heart best.

Qi Lin himself admitted that the main purpose of acquiring Sugar Man Entertainment was to play actresses. He just came over to inspect the company the next day after the acquisition. Didn't he get the news?

Sugar Man Entertainment has already filmed a "Peerless Double Pride", the one played by Lin Zhiying and Su Youpeng.

The response is not bad, at least let Huayu know that there is such an entertainment company.

There is no well-known entertainment company in Central China, and Sugar Man Entertainment is a precedent.

Now that it has just been announced that she will be filming 'The Female General of the Yang Family', countless local girls in Jianghan City, and even the little beauties who graduated from the drama academy in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have come to audition, dreaming of becoming famous in the entertainment industry.

If you want to gain something, you naturally have to give up something.

If Qi Lin really wants to taste these little beauties and promises a small role, I am afraid that many girls will be willing to devote themselves to their careers.

But this time, Zhang Dan guessed Qi Lin wrong.

"I don't have any interest in those little flower bones for the time being. This time I mainly want to tell President Zhang, I want to make a little girl popular. 99

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said lightly.

"Holding the red 3.6 is a little girl?

Zhang Dan was stunned for a moment.

"It's no wonder that President Qi doesn't like those little flowers. It turns out that he has already picked them out."

Zhang Dan nodded suddenly, then said with a smile.

"How is the little girl?"

Zhang Dan asked.

Qi Lin thought for a moment: "Jianghan Conservatory of Music, majoring in ballet, has never studied professional performance."

Zhang Dan nodded: "Learning ballet is also considered to be in the entertainment industry, at least not a layman, but if you haven't studied acting, then your acting career will still be relatively narrow.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter whether the show is narrow or not, whether it is popular or not depends on whether the capital is willing to make you popular.

"I am also investigating this little girl. If she is obedient, I will let her become a top star and raise her as a canary.

"I don't need to worry about this, Mr. Zhang. Today is just an interview. I already have my own plan."

Speaking of which, Qi Lin told Zhang Dan about his plan later.

Hearing Qi Lin's plan, Zhang Dan's mouth grew bigger and bigger, and he finally looked at Qi Lin in disbelief.

"If it weren't for President Qi's young age, I really doubt that Qi is always a coal boss who often mixes with the entertainment industry, and he can come up with such tricks. If I have a daughter, I'm afraid I have to guard against President Qi.

"Mr. Zhang's words mean that I'm a scum? Want to despise me? 99

Qi Lin smiled lightly.

Zhang Dan quickly shook his head and smiled helplessly: "How dare I slander President Qi, I have been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, this place has always been a Vanity Fair, this little girl is lucky to meet you, how many A beautiful little girl meets a black-hearted boss, and in the end, she is a waste, and she has not achieved her dream of being a star."5

"Okay, I have written down what President Qi asked me to do, so I'll go to arrange the manpower, and President Qi can call the little girl directly now and ask the little girl to come over.

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