Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

219: The ultimate problem, give up or choose to sacrifice for interpretation

Man No. 3 is a bald middle-aged man with a big belly, a grin with big yellow teeth, and an overnight vegetable leaf between his teeth.

Man No. 4 is a pockmarked rabbit, with squinting eyes full of lewdness, and he interprets the word wretched to the fullest.

"What exactly is the last interview, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang?"

Enduring the feeling of nausea, Jiang Nannan had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"The most important thing for an actor is to have dedication. Maybe there are scenes of eating dog food, scenes of being defiled by bad guys, and scenes of rolling in mud. If an actor can abandon all inner factors and complete these If it is impossible to take pictures, then she is a qualified actor."

"The last interview question is, choose a person in this room to kiss once, as long as you can do it, Nannan, it means that your psychological quality is extremely strong, and you will definitely be a qualified actor in the future."

Zhang Dan said lightly.


As soon as these words came out, Jiang Nannan's mind instantly went blank.

Although she was in love with Feng Wei, she never even gave him a hand.

Not to mention kisses or anything.

Even holding hands with the opposite sex, she may blush, but she suddenly gave her such a big problem, kissing these extremely ugly men.

Jiang Nannan felt that she really seemed to be eliminated this time.

Because she can't do it at all!

"Woooo~ President Zhang, I can't do what you said at all!

"I didn't lie to you, I'm still kissing for the first time. I haven't even kissed my boyfriend. How can I go down and kiss these people."

Jiang Nannan burst into tears.

Zhang Dan's face was light: "There is no such thing as a first kiss and no first kiss in acting. This is just a test of your acting skills and determination. If you can't even do this, what kind of dedication are you talking about? 35

"Okay, since you can't do it, then go back directly, we won't force anyone here.

When people are in a desperate situation, the explosion of potential is huge.

The opportunity to become a star is right in front of you, but because of the test, you can only watch the opportunity slip away.

"That's right! President Zhang seemed to say just now that he could choose one person to kiss in the room, but he didn't say that he had to choose one of these four people, so can I choose the others?"

Jiang Nannan's pretty face was pleasantly surprised, she actually discovered a loophole in Zhang Dan's words.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nannan immediately glanced at the faces of the four interviewers, and then passed away.

After that, she glanced at Zhang Dan again.

Zhang Dan's appearance is not bad. Although he is fifty years old now, he is well maintained.

Obviously Jiang Nannan could choose to complete the test with her, but in the end, Jiang Nannan's eyes were fixed on Qi Lin's face.

Seeing Qi Lin's handsome face, Jiang Nannan felt a lot more at ease.

It's like squatting in a dry toilet and seeing countless yellow and white maggots. After you come out, you can see lively and agile little fish in the clear water river, which heals your soul.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, you just said that as long as you choose a person in the room to kiss, you can pass the interview, right?"

Jiang Nannan pointed out the loopholes in Zhang Dan's words.

Zhang Dan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Did I say that?"

Examiner No. 1 smiled and nodded: "President Zhang really said that.

Examiner No. 2, 3, and 4 also smiled and nodded.

Zhang Dan smiled bitterly at this time: "I didn't expect you to find a loophole for this little girl in the end, okay, as long as you choose someone to kiss in this room, I will consider you to pass the actor assessment.

Jiang Nannan blushed and dripped blood at this time, but in the end she had to slowly say to Qi Lin: "Mr. Qi, I, I want to kiss you, can you help me?

Qi Lin's heart was overjoyed, after all, this was all controlled by him.

The highest level of the villain is that everyone thinks you are a good person even though you are doing bad things.

Qi Lin has now reached the highest level of cultivation.

"This is not good? I remember Nannan, you have a boyfriend, I'm afraid he will misunderstand.

Qi Lin shamelessly continued to tease Jiang Nannan there.

Hearing Qi Lin mention Feng Wei, Jiang Nannan's pretty face became more and more rosy.

She bit her lower lip and lowered her head: "This is just an actor interview, and it's not real.

Speaking of this, Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes were filled with mist, and she looked at Qi Lin with a small expression about to cry at any time: "Mr. Qi, please help me? I, I really have no choice.

Qi Lin knew that this was Jiang Nannan's limit.

At this moment, this fellow pretended to be helpless and sighed: "Hey, I was originally just a showgoer, how could I still be a prop person? Forget it, Nan Nan is so beautiful, I don't think it's a disadvantage, just kiss it. bar 々

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Jiang Nannan was both ashamed and happy, but she still didn't dare to go up.

Zhang Dan said lightly: "Jiang Nannan, we are all very busy. If you don't seize the opportunity, we can leave."

"do not!"

Jiang Nannan panicked and did not dare to hesitate any longer.

She walked in front of Qi Lin, her beautiful eyes flashed a hint of shyness, then she slightly pursed her moist lips, closed her beautiful eyes, and kissed Qi Lin with a trembling eyelashes.


The moment the two kissed, Jiang Nannan's soul trembled.

Unfortunately, not you.

Take my first kiss.

Obviously her boyfriend is Feng Wei, but in the end the first kiss was given to Qi Lin, the hero who saved the beauty herself.

The crazy sense of departure made Jiang Nannan feel like a fairy, and she didn't know where she was.

The first time a couple kisses lightly, it is often just a light tap on their lips.

But poor Jiang Nannan met Qi Lin.

Seeing her being dumb, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with a smile.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Nannan was almost held in Qi Lin's arms, unable to stand still.

"Jiang Nannan, congratulations, you have been accepted."

Behind Jiang Nannan, Zhang Dan smiled and clapped and congratulated.

At this time, Jiang Nannan was still paralyzed in Qi Lin's arms, and when she heard Zhang Dan's voice, she woke up like a dream, blushed, and struggled to stand up.

I don't know when, the interview room was empty, and only Qi Lin, Zhang Dan, and Jiang Nannan were left.

"I'll report here tomorrow, and talk about the specific contract by the way.

After Zhang Dan said this, he left the room and closed the door by the way.

The moment the door was closed, a playful smile appeared in Zhang Dan's eyes: "Mr. Qi's eyesight is quite good, this little girl's appearance is one of the best in the entertainment industry, and his methods are quite clever. , This little girl probably can't escape from his palm.""

Shaking his head, Zhang Dan went to work on casting the female generals of the Yang family.

in the room.

After Zhang Dan left, Jiang Nannan had no face to face Qi Lin at all.

It used to be said that the two were friends.

But between men and women, once they cross the ambiguous barrier, they can never go back.

At this moment, Jiang Nannan's mind was full of pictures of Qi Lin drinking honey tea.

"Qi, President Qi, thank you for your help just now. I'll go back to school first, and I'll invite you to dinner next time."

Jiang Nannan blushed, lowered her head and was about to leave.

There is nothing more to do than to kill a donkey.

However, before she could open the door, Qi Lin grabbed her little hand.

The next second, she was pulled by Qi Lin, just like the movements in a ballet dance, she turned a few times and fell directly into Qi Lin's arms.

"Nan Nan, last time you promised me the palm ballet, but you haven't fulfilled your promise, and now you are going to leave like this, do you want to default?

Qi Lin and Jiang Nannan looked at each other beautifully.

Jiang Nannan couldn't stand this charming atmosphere anymore, pushed Qi Lin away, and stood aside.

She wanted to be a star, but she didn't plan to kick Feng Wei.

Now Jiang Nannan is still pure and kind, thinking about sharing good news with Feng Wei, thinking about the two of them falling in love slowly in the future, and entering the palace of marriage.

However, this kind of Jiang Nannan is even more interesting to Qi Lin.

"I-I don't want to default on my debt, but there is no tutu here, and I don't look good when I dance."

Of course, Jiang Nannan wanted to repay her debts.

It is such a shy thing to hold ballet in the palm of your hand. If she really dances, even if she is married to Feng Wei, it will be something she will never forget for the rest of her life.

"Who says there's no tutu here, well, here's the one you wore last time. 35

Qi Lin lifted a bag and put it on Jiang Nan Nanyu's hand.

Jiang Nannan: 66..."

"Mr. Qi, didn't you say that this tutu has already been given to your girlfriend?"

Jiang Nannan asked shyly.

She wore this ballet dress, but Qi Lin didn't give it to her girlfriend. Jiang Nannan always felt that Qi Lin was lying to her.

"My girlfriend tried it, but she didn't fit the body, so I thought about throwing it away and wasting it, so I'll just give it to you. 39

Qi Lin babbled.

"Okay, it's important to dance, and now the problem of ballet costumes has been solved for you, this time you have no reason, right? 35

Qi Lin urged.

Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes flashed a hint of helplessness, thinking that this catastrophe cannot be escaped.

"Feng Wei, you can't blame me for this. It's you who provoke President Qi yourself, and I'm just protecting you."

"Besides, Mr. Qi doesn't have any bad thoughts. He just wants to appreciate art. You won't think too much about it, right?"

Hypnotize yourself.

Jiang Nannan reluctantly took the ballet costume and went to the dressing room of the interview room.

After a few minutes.

Although it was the second time that he saw Jiang Nannan in a ballet costume, it still made his eyes shine.

The slender legs are wearing white silk for ballet dancing.

On top of the thin gauze skirt, there are bright and shining decorations.

Under the delicate collarbone, there is a close-fitting pure white coat.

Although Jiang Nannan is only 88 jins, but the flesh grows in the place where it should grow, and she has a perfect body.

Palm ballet also does not require dancing shoes.

Jiang Nannan blushed slightly and said to Qi Lin, "I weigh 88 pounds, can you hold me with one hand?"

"Sit on your arms."

Qi Lin smiled slightly and spoke with facts.

Jiang Nannan hesitated for a while, and finally sat on Qi Lin's arm.

Qi Lin lifted her up steadily.

"Good, good arm strength.

Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes flashed with color.

Then, Jiang Nannan propped himself up with one hand.

Bai Siyu stepped on Qi Lin's palm.

This is an artistic exchange that spans time and space.

Two thousand years ago, Zhao Feiyan danced on her palm.

Two thousand years later, Jiang Nannan danced a graceful swan lake on Qi Lin's palm.

Qi Lin's motionless arm gave Jiang Nannan a solid backing.

With the music, Jiang Nannan also forgot all kinds of worldliness and indulged in this one-of-a-kind experience.

A place the size of a palm, want to complete a complete dance.

The concentration and physical energy expended is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Sweat poured down like raindrops, and the beauty of the toes and the straight arches were exactly the same as Jiang Nannan's performance on the stage.

As long as she dances, Jiang Nannan will show 100% seriousness, which is the reason why she won the first prize in dancing at the Jianghan Conservatory of Music.


A palm ballet is too tiring.

In Jiang Nannan's last move, because of lack of strength, he lost his balance and fell down.

But he also wanted to know that since Qi Lin was below, how could Jiang Nannan fall down.

She was directly hugged by Qi Lin.

Wearing a ballet costume and being held by Qi Lin, Jiang Nannan was extremely shy.

"Mr. Qi, I have fulfilled my promise, can you let me down?

In order to prevent him from falling, Jiang Nannan put his arms around Qi Lin's neck.

"Step on the ground, your stockings will get dirty, I'll take you to the sofa.

Qi Lin smiled and hugged Jiang Nannan and walked towards the sofa.

After sitting on the sofa, Qi Lin still didn't let Jiang Nannan move.

He picked up Jiang Nannan's little leather shoes and helped her stuff her little feet into them.

"Seeing that you're running out of energy, you shouldn't mind doing a gentlemanly manner, right? 35

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes flashed with shyness.

Qi Lin's actions obviously made her shy, but she couldn't find any evidence that Qi Lin was an apprentice.

It seems that these actions are all gentleman's and gentleman's, so she can't find any fault.

And that's the genius of Qi Lin.

Blur the boundaries between men and women, and rationalize all charming actions.

In the end, Jiang Nannan will be so wicked that he thinks that it is normal for Qi Lin to kiss her, and he is accustomed to all Qi Lin's intimacy.

"I know Qi is always a decent gentleman, so I won't blame you.

Jiang Nannan took a peek at Qi Lin and found that he was looking at him, and immediately went to the dressing room with his dress in his arms: "Mr. Qi, I'm going to change first.

three minutes later.

Qi Lin did not send Jiang Nannan off.

"Nan Nan, how was your interview?"

When Xiaodie and Xiaoyu saw their best friend come out, they immediately gathered around and asked gossip.

"With 239 points, there is one point left to pass.

Jiang Nannan hesitated and said.

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that all previous efforts have been given up?"

There was a pity on Xiaodie's face.

Jiang Nannan blushed, and said, "Mr. Qi helped me to say something, and if he said one point, he would set a precedent, and Mr. Zhang didn't dare not give Mr. Qi face, even if I passed.

"Let her and I come to sign the contract tomorrow.

Hearing Jiang Nannan's words, Xiaodie and Xiaoyu went crazy with joy.

"Wow, Nan Nan has really become a contracted artist of Sugar Man Entertainment! This is a contracted artist! There will be countless resources tilted in the future, but don't let these girls outside (Zhao Li's) become more beautiful. 99

"You bad girl, even though you passed the interview, you didn't finish the interview, you deliberately scared us to see if I could tickle your itch.

Xiaodie groaned and scratched Jiang Nannan's itch.

"Giggle~ Xiaodie, please forgive me, I won't dare next time."

Jiang Nannan quickly surrendered, and the paper bag in his smiling hand fell.

"Hey, what is this? Nannan didn't mention anything when he went in just now?

Xiaoyu picked it up curiously and opened it.

"do not look!"

Jiang Nannan blushed pretty and wanted to grab it back.

"Wow, isn't this a customized version of the ballet dance costume? I remember this brand, at least more than 6,000, right?


Xiaoyu touched and kissed her nose.

"It's the kiss on Nan Nan's body, and it's also stained with sweat."

"Nan Nan, did you wear this tutu just now?"

Jiang Nannan immediately grabbed the small skirt and explained with a pretty face blushing: "The examiner asked me to dance a ballet, and I can only dance.

"What about this tutu? The examiner gave it to you too?"

"This is more than 6,000 expensive skirts, half a year's salary for ordinary people."

Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

Jiang Nannan knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only say shyly: "This, this is what Mr. Qi gave me, saying that it was a gift for me to join the company. 39

Feng Wei is afraid that Jiang Nannan will become a popular actress in the future and will despise him.

Qi Lin, on the other hand, let Jiang Nannan wear the best clothes, take millions of luxury cars, bring the most precious jewelry, and eat the best food.

He wants to transform Jiang Nannan in an all-round way, so that Jiang Nannan can completely adapt to the extravagant life, and he can never be separated from him.

This tutu is the first step in Qi Lin's plan.

"Zizou, I gave away 6,000 pieces of ballet dance costumes before signing the contract, Nan Nan is really going to be popular this time.

"Don't forget our little sisters Nan Nan, you will be a big hit in the future, remember to help us, and give us two girls, three girls and four to play."

Xiaoyu and Xiaodie joke about Taoism.

PS: The current automatic subscription is 475, which is 6 more than yesterday.

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