Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

224: The king of soldiers goes home to visit relatives, and his wife lives in a kennel. It turns out

As if thinking of something, Zhou Pojun turned around and prayed to Qi Lin and Yan Yan: "Boss, President Yan, please save Xiaojuan, as long as I can save her, I will promise you any conditions.

Hearing Zhou Pojun's words, Qi Lin knew it was the right time.

Yan Yan hesitated for a moment, then said to Zhou Pojun: "Get out of the way, I think your wife has fallen asleep due to malnutrition, and now she needs to ventilate and eat some liquid food to supplement her nutrition.

Yan Yan was originally a graduate of a medical university and worked in Huamei Zixin, so he knows a lot of professional knowledge.

Although Wu Juan was pale, she was unconscious.

But her lower abdomen rose and fell gently, and it seemed that the problem was not particularly serious.

Hearing Yan Yan's words and knowing that Wu Juan just fell asleep, he was full of surprises.

He picked Wu Juan up and put him on the bed: "Then please let Mr. Yan show her, and I'll cook some porridge for her first.

Yan Yan nodded, then stepped forward to check Wu Juan's situation.

Zhou Pojun was grateful again, turned around and went to the kitchen.

Yan Yan stood beside the bed, massaged Wu Juan's acupuncture points, and pressed the human body.

After tossing for about an hour, Wu Juan woke up leisurely.

"You, who are you?"

Seeing the unfamiliar faces of Qi Lin and Yan Yan, Wu Juan asked weakly.

Yan Yan's face softened: "Don't be afraid, we are your husband's friends, and he is preparing food for you in the kitchen."

Hearing the movement here, Zhou Pojun immediately came over with a pot of porridge in surprise.

"Xiaojuan, are you awake?"

"Quick, this is the porridge I just boiled, I've already soaked it in cold water, eat it quickly.

Zhou Pojun was going to feed Wu Juan with a spoon.

But in the next scene, Wu Juan's reaction surprised both Qi Lin and Yan Yan.

Wu Juan turned her head aside and did not eat the food, then stared at Zhou Pojun: "Where's our son? Have you found your son?"5

Seeing Wu Juan's expectant eyes, Zhou Pojun lowered his head in shame.

Zhou Pojun's look also made Wu Juan understand something.

She smiled bleakly: "Our son can't be found anymore, right? Anyway, I have this disease and I don't want to live for a long time. In my dream every day, my son said that it was so cold and scary over there, so let me go over there to accompany him. ."5

"As a mother, how can I let my son suffer over there alone."

"Po Jun, leave me alone, you are still young, you are looking for a good wife, I want to go down with my son."

Hearing Wu Juan's words, Zhou Pojun couldn't hold back any longer.

He put a bowl of porridge on the table, hugged Wu Juan, and shouted loudly, "My son is still alive, how could you give up so easily!"

"You miss your son, don't I miss your son? You just abandoned me like this, and you want to walk away alone, how can you be so selfish!"

"I don't want anyone, I only want you, I just want to grow old with you and spend a lifetime with you. If you die, I will never live alone."5

Qi Lin was watching with interest.


A soft sob came from beside Qi Lin.

Before he could turn his head to look, a soft body was already leaning against his arms.

Yan Yanmei's eyes were red, and she was crying on Qi Lin's chest.

"It turns out that there is really such a poignant love in the world, unlike you, a little rascal, who has so many confidantes to provoke me."

Qi Lin:........."

Seeing others show affection, you can lie down, Qi Lin can only say that a woman's sensibility really comes when she says it, and there is no warning.

"I will be terminally ill in the future, will you be so nice to me? 39

Yan Yan asked while sobbing.

Scumbag training manual.

Regardless of whether it can be done in the future, pick up what women like to hear and talk about it.

"It doesn't matter, if you have leukemia, I will donate bone marrow to you, if you have heart disease, I will donate your heart, and if you are blind, I will donate your eyes"

Qi Lin didn't blink an eye, and said it nicely there.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can I get these messy diseases, even if I really have a terminal illness, you are not allowed to do these stupid things to save me, if I really leave, I only hope that you can live well, take with you My share of happiness, live well.

Yan Yan covered Qi Lin's mouth, preventing him from talking nonsense.

As he spoke, Yan Yan's tone became gentle again, leaning against Qi Lin's arms.

Look at the example of the grandfather.

Don't argue with a woman, just say a few nice words, and she will be able to move herself without you enlightening her.

Closer to home.

On Zhou Pojun's side, no matter how much she coaxed Wu Juan, she refused to open her mouth to eat, and she went to accompany her son in pursuit of death.

Just when Zhou Pojun was helpless and desperate.

Qi Lin pulled him aside: "I can ask your wife to eat, as long as you promise me one condition 々︾."

Zhou Pojun was stunned for a moment, and then filled with joy: "As long as Xiaojuan can eat, let alone a condition, it is a hundred, and I promise you too."

Qi Lin smiled lightly and asked, "Tell me about your own past, as well as your son's affairs. Only after I know the matter can I see how to get your wife to eat.

Now the only person Zhou Pojun can trust is Qi Lin.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Pojun slowly told a story.

"Once, I worked in the border 233 anti-drug special force, and was the special team leader of the force. I have been carrying out anti-drug security tasks in the Huaxia border."

"During the 12 years at this border, I and my subordinates have eliminated more than 300 drug traffickers and seized countless drugs. 39

"On a holiday a few months ago, I was allowed to go home to visit family.

"My parents died of illness a few years ago, and my wife lives alone in her hometown with her son."

"I came home full of joy, but I will never forget what happened that day.

"The home I once lived in has become a scorched ruin, and my wife and son are nowhere to be found."

"I didn't know until I asked my neighbor's grandma that one day a few months ago, a group of uninvited guests broke into this place. They set fire to the house and stole my son, if not for the villagers to stop it in time. , I'm afraid Xiaojuan, Xiaojuan, she was also humiliated by this group of beasts."

"I asked my grandmother where my wife is now, and she said that there were kind villagers who gave her a small abandoned earthen hut, and she now lives there.

"Ming Xiaojuan has suffered enough, why does God still treat her like this?"

"When I arrived at the abandoned earthen house, a rascal in the village actually wanted to bully her!"

"At that moment, I finally couldn't help but feel the rage in my heart! Why is my family being treated like this when I guard the house for the country."

"That rainy night, I slaughtered that bastard scoundrel and threw his body into the wild.

“Because of this incident, I was directly arrested by the local police, or the commander of my unit rushed here and saved me. 55

"Because it is self-defense and manslaughter, I do not need to be criminally responsible, but it is no longer suitable for me to stay in the army, and I was expelled from the army.

"After working in the army for more than ten years, apart from killing and fighting, I have become completely out of touch with society. The thing that breaks me the most is that my son is missing, and my wife is suffering from the undead cancer lupus erythematosus. Life.""

"In desperation, I can only sell myself to the eighth master, while fighting the death arena, while taking care of Xiaojuan, and trying to find a way to find my son."

"Boss, I have told you everything, please help me.

Zhou Pojun took Qi Lin's arm, a man with five big and three rough, but his attitude was extremely humble.

"In a world where multiple novels are integrated, why is the plot so familiar. 35

"The king of soldiers went home to visit relatives, and his wife lived in a kennel, and was insulted by others. With a single order, he recalled one hundred thousand of his bloody enemies?"

Qi Lin couldn't help crying and laughing in his heart.

"System, help me check Zhou Pojun's luck value and see if he is the hero.

System: "Zhou Pojun, male, 31 years old, captain of the 233 special forces, the hero of a military novel, because of the eunuch, the author of this book, Zhou Pojun lost his luck, his luck value is 0, and he cannot pose any threat to the host. , acceptable. 99

Qi Lin:

Oh shit.

The world where these many novels are integrated is too beautiful. The author of The Return of the King of Soldiers is actually a eunuch, and he has caused such a miserable harm to a good hero.

"A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in a sullen state for a long time, your wife and children have been reduced to what they are now, it should be done by those drug dealers who you have offended when you were fighting drugs.

"Since justice can't help you save your son, can't keep your wife safe, and can't help your wife cure a terminal illness, why don't you rely on your hands to fight all this?"

"Kill those villains who framed you, and create a future, so that your wife can live a life of worry-free food and clothing? 99

"Follow me in the future, I can not only let your wife speak to eat, but only if the son is not dead, I can also help you find his son.

"A person's ability is limited. I have a lot of background forces that you can't imagine. It is definitely more efficient than searching in the vast sea of ​​people alone.""

Qi Lin brainwashed Zhou Pojun, so that all his old thoughts were washed away.

Zhou Pojun's eyes changed, extremely complicated.

Although I haven't been with Qi Lin for a long time, just thinking about it, I know that Qi Lin is by no means a good person in the traditional sense, which is obviously inconsistent with Zhou Pojun's concept of not being in the company of villains.

But the problem is, Qi Lin saved Zhou Pojun's life, which makes Zhou Pojun who has kindness in return doesn't know what to do.

In addition, his great revenge has not been repaid, his son is missing, and his wife's life is hanging by a thread.

Under the heavy pressure, Zhou Pojun's solid heart began to loosen.

a long time.

Zhou Pojun took a deep breath and said, "As long as Xiaojuan can eat, I will follow the boss. If the boss can help me and Xiaojuan find our son, my life will be yours in the future."

"No matter what you ask me to do, even if it is murder and arson, I will not frown. 99

Struggling alone in the sea of ​​misery, Zhou Pojun realized how realistic this society is.

Since he chose to follow a boss like Qi Lin, ethics and morals can also be abandoned.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Don't be so exaggerated, I'm just an honest businessman, and I won't let you do things like murder and arson.

"Okay, give me the photo of your son, and I'll ask your wife to eat first."

"Oh, good! 35

Only then did Zhou Pojun remember that his wife was still weak and her life was hanging by a thread.

He handed the only photo of his son in his wallet when he was five years old to Qi Lin.

"Well, I look a lot like you, and I will be a violent beast in the future, so I don't need to bother to disguise."

Qi Lin glanced at it, smiled and joked.

Zhou Pojun blushed, knowing that Qi Lin was making fun of the scene where he lost his mind and slammed on the door frantically.

"Go downstairs and come to the car with me, and I'll make it easier for you.

The vanity case was in the car, Qi Lin said to Zhou Pojun.


Zhou Pojun didn't know what Qi Lin was going to do, so he quickly followed.

ten minutes later.

Zhou Pojun returned to the rented house again, but at this time, his eyes were full of horror.

He never thought that a person could have such a strong disguise technique, that he could disguise an adult to be exactly the same as his son.

"`"Go, your wife should be very pleasantly surprised."

Qi Lin smiled and pushed Zhou Pojun.

After a few minutes.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyy on you mommy have been worrying about you these few months."

"You promise mom that you will never leave mom again, okay? 99

Wu Juan's cry of joy came from the room.

"Xiaojuan, would you like to eat first? You are so thin, how can you hold Xiaolong, how can you cook for him and take care of him? 35

Yan Yan took the opportunity and said.

"Sister Yan is right, I want to eat more, I want to get better, and I want Xiaolong to take care of him. Xiaolong must have suffered a lot when he left his mother during this time."

Wu Juan was finally willing to eat.

I ate the whole pot of porridge in one go.

People are full of sorrows and joys, and they are most easily tired.

Not long after eating the porridge, Wu Juan fell asleep.

"Boss, thank you so much, I don't even know how to repay your kindness to me.

Zhou Pojun came out and thanked Qi Lin once again.

Qi Lin waved his hand and smiled: "Don't talk about this, just do things for me in the future. 99

"Transforming is not a long-term solution. Your wife can't distinguish between reality and fantasy because of vanity. Maybe in a few days, she will find out that you lied to him. 35

"The most urgent task is to find your son first. I will send people tomorrow to search for your son's traces throughout Jianghan City."

"By the way, take your wife to the hospital at Huamei Zixin's headquarters to recuperate later. There is no one to take care of her here, and it is easy for your enemies to come to her door."

"The Huamei Zixin headquarters hospital has complete medical equipment and equipment, and the nursing care is also serious. Your wife should be more easily cultivated. 35

"Don't run around for the past few days. You were seriously injured by my beating. Now there should be some problems with your internal organs, so you should stay in the hospital for a while."5

The better Qi Lin treats Zhou Pojun, the more sorry for Zhou Pojun.

"Boss, I haven't done anything for you right now, how can I make you worry so much (Zhao Wanghao), Xiaojuan can take over, and I will make up for any medical bills I owe in the future.

"I don't need it, I'll help the boss drive for you first, if the boss has any orders, I can do it now.

"I am as strong as a calf, and this internal injury is not a problem at all.

Zhou Pojun's chest clapped.

What Qi Lin likes to use the most is such an honest person.

He smiled and asked, "You used to work at Eighth Master, how much did he pay you a month?"

Zhou Pojun smiled bitterly: "I had no income at the time, and I couldn't find a job, so I sold myself to the eighth master, and I would accompany him for 25 million yuan if I breached the contract. 99

"He doesn't pay me salary, he only pays me if I win the game, and he gives me 500 yuan per game."


Hearing Zhou Pojun's words, Qi Lin had a new understanding of Zhou Papi.

Eighth Master is a lot of age, and he is in the black boxing arena, and he is making gold every day.

If you get Zhou Pojun, a big killer, you won't be able to win over him, and you will suck the blood of others. If you are Zhou Pojun, you will send this old guy on the road with a few punches.

"I'll give you 100,000 yuan every month in the future. There are only three things that you need to do. Do it right away. Don't ask any questions after you're done. Don't tell anyone what you're doing. Can you do it? 99

Qi Lin asked in a light tone.

Zhou Pojun's face became straight: "Don't worry, boss, I used to be a guard for the superior, and I can recite the confidentiality rules by heart."

Zhou Pojun got into the car with Wu Juan in his arms, and then ran to the driving position to drive by himself.

After sending Wu Juan and Yan Yan to Huamei Zixin Hospital, he was relieved to see Wu Juan being taken care of in the intensive care unit.

After that, Qi Lin followed Qi Lin's instructions and drove him back to the villa.

"It's really comfortable to have a driver, and you can see the scenery along the way.""

Qi Lin sat in the back seat, his expression changed comfortably.

After arriving home, Qi Lin threw Zhou Pojun 10,000 yuan: "You can use this 10,000 yuan first, and advance it from your next month's salary."

"I'm fine tonight, find a place to rest yourself, and come pick me up tomorrow."

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