Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

230: Jiang Nannan signs a contract for the future planning of Sugar Man Entertainment

"One hundred million liquidated damages?"


"Mr. Zhang, why are my liquidated damages so much? 39

After scrolling to the back, when Jiang Nannan saw the number of his liquidated damages, he was directly frightened, and his pretty face turned pale.

Zhang Dan's face was as usual: "Mr. Qi told me that I want to cultivate you as the head of Tangren Entertainment, and all resources will be put on you."

"You should know how much it will cost to make a star who is not famous in the entertainment industry at all? Even hundreds of millions can't beat it."

"You worked hard to cultivate a star, but when her wings are hardened, she will fight against the company. There are many stars who backstabbed the company. This 100 million yuan is a constraint on you."

Jiang Nannan said anxiously: "But, but I will not betray the company, I, Jiang Nannan, have never been an ungrateful person.

Zhang Dan said lightly: "If people only rely on morality to be bound, then what is the use of the law?"

"For our company, the contract is the tool that can best guarantee its own interests."

"I'm going to tell you the ugly thing in front of you. After signing this contract, you have no turning back. Of course, you can also choose not to sign, and you can leave from here now."5

Jiang Nannan:

Although Zhang Dan's remarks are cruel, they are also true.

This hundred million liquidated damages is not a trap, Jiang Nannan has no way to refute.

In addition, she never thought of quitting, after all, she finally won this job with her own strength.

"I-I have no objection to this clause.""

Jiang Nannan said in a low voice.

"No objection, just look down.

Zhang Dan smiled lightly.

Don't talk about such a simple little girl, even if she is a popular actress in the entertainment industry, don't even think about finding flowers in her hands.

five minutes later.

Jiang Nannan pointed to the terms of the contract and asked, "Mr. Zhang, it says here that I can't fall in love, and I can't find a boyfriend, but I already have a boyfriend, what should I do? 35

Jiang Nannan's tone was a little flustered.

This silly girl, some shrewd girls, will definitely choose to hide it, and she will admit it directly.

Zhang Dan said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you have a boyfriend, it's okay to break up now, and when someone asks you later, don't admit it. 35

Hearing Zhang Dan's words, Jiang Nannan shook his head repeatedly: "No, this is absolutely impossible, I can't even want my boyfriend for a job, I can't do it.

Jiang Nannan has not yet entered the entertainment industry, her heart is too pure, and she doesn't want to break up with her boyfriend because of this job.

This clause was actually added by Zhang Dan.

She wanted to mention Qi Lin to clear up her worries and play with this little girl as she wanted.

But she didn't know that Jiang Nannan was still the heroine of the novel, and it would be great if the connection between her and the hero was so easily cut off.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are someone that President Qi values, I can let you go directly based on that alone."

"Forget it, forget it, this clause is revised so that no one can know your relationship with your boyfriend, and no one can see the picture of you and your boyfriend meeting. If it is exposed, I will also You will be in breach of contract.

"If you can't do that, then you just go.""

Zhang Dan said impatiently.

"I, I will, I can do this!

Hearing that there is no need to break up, the pure Jiang Nannan immediately agreed.

Seeing Jiang Nannan obediently taking the bait, Zhang Dan's eyes showed a deep meaning.

"Is there any objection to the contract? If not, sign the contract."

Jiang Nannan immediately shook his head: "There is no objection. 35

After speaking, she signed her name on the contract.

Seeing that Zhang Dan had stamped the seal at the end of the contract, for some reason, she had an illusion in her heart that she was involved in a whirlpool and was gradually being sucked into the bottom of a lake.

"Mr. Zhang, can I ask you a question?"

After signing the contract, Jiang Nannan said embarrassedly, "Mr. Zhang, can I ask you a question?"

Zhang Dan smiled and said, "Ask.

Jiang Nannan asked with a hint of hope, "I am already an employee of the company, can you help me arrange roles now?"

Like this, it is a common problem for almost every girl who is already in the entertainment industry and can't wait to prove himself and want to get the heroine role.

Zhang Dan laughed and said: "You don't even know the basics of acting, how could you be filming so quickly, I have arranged a teacher for you, you should study with the teacher for a period of time, and when your acting skills improve, the company will naturally give it to you. You arrange the resources."5


Hearing Zhang Dan's words, Jiang Nannan lowered his head in disappointment.

"Go to the practice room first, and I'll arrange a teacher for you right away."

Zhang Dan asked Jiang Nannan to go down first.

Jiang Nannan turned around and left the president's office. When she went out, she changed her heart and clenched her fists to cheer herself up: "Mr. Zhang must have her reasons for doing this. Before doing things well, you must first sharpen your tools, Jiang Nannan. , Come on, as long as the company sees your progress, it will definitely give you resources.

Not long after Jiang Nannan left, the door of Zhang Dan's office was pushed open again.

This time, there was no knock on the door.

Zhang Dan frowned slightly, just wanting to see which ignorant subordinate it was.

However, when he saw Qi Lin's handsome face, he smiled bitterly.

Sugar Man Entertainment, she is the president, but above her head, there is still a big boss.

"Mr. Qi, what kind of wind blows you here today? Isn't she here to see Jiang Nannan's little girl again?"

Zhang Dan asked with a smile, and got up to make tea for Qi Lin himself.

This kind of treatment is something that no one in Sugar Man Entertainment has ever experienced.

"Looking at Jiang Nannan is just a drop-in, the most important thing is to check the company's development.

Qi Lin took a sip of the tea and said with a smile.

Zhang Dan didn't believe Qi Lin's words very much.

Although Qi Lin has acquired the company, he is an 18-year-old boy after all, and he knows how to run a business.

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhang Dan seemed to listen carefully: "Which aspect does President Qi want to hear?"

Qi Lin thought for a while and asked, "Let's hear what TV series and movies the company is making recently.

Zhang Dan sat on the sofa opposite Qi Lin and said with a smile, "Mr. Qi should already know about the preparations for the female general of the Yang family, so I won't go into details."

"Then we have cooperated with another company to make a film of 'Magic Doctor Xilai Le', which has now reached the mid-stage, and is expected to be released in a month or two. 99

"In terms of movies, our company is still too small, and we don't have the qualifications to prepare films at all. I'm afraid we can only think about it when the company develops."

Zhang Dan told Qi Lin about the current status of the company.

"Divine Doctor Xilaile?"

Hearing this name, Qi Lin became a little interested.

He has also seen this TV series in his previous life, remember that it came out in 2003, and the main actor is Mr. Li Baotian, that is, the actor who played the prime minister Liu Luoguo and Wang Baochang.

It tells the story of a folk god doctor hanging a pot to save the world and rescue the common people during the Cixi period in the late Qing Dynasty.

"Show me the information about this TV series, and I'll see if there are any suitable roles for Jiang Nannan. 39

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Zhang Dan smiled helplessly.

Said to come to the company for inspection, but in fact it was for Jiang Nannan.

But Qi Lin was the company's big boss after all, and he acted ruthlessly. Zhang Dan was also afraid of this young man, so he had to find out the information and hand it to Qi Lin.

After taking the information, Qi Lin's black eyes looked at it with a hint of interest.

"The leading actors, Li Baotian, Li Aojun, Du Xudong, and Zuizui, are all well-known old actors. The only pity is that the role of the heroine is not very suitable for Jiang Nannan. She is a little younger. The temperament of the character of Saixi Shi comes.

"Huh? There is also a special actor named Feng Wei, who has the exact same name as Jiang Nannan's boyfriend, shouldn't it be the same person?"

Suddenly, Qi Lin was attracted by a name.

The bottom actors are also divided into three, six, nine, and so on.

Those who come to play tricks at random are called group performances.

Those with good appearance and certain acting skills are called special actors.

Generally, students who graduate from the Academy of Film and Drama will skip the group performance and start directly as a special actor.

"To be a special guest in a TV series invested by Sugar Man Entertainment, wouldn't it be a pity not to take Jiang Nannan to see her boyfriend.

Thinking of Feng Wei, who was almost strangled to death by his failure to blackmail him last time, Qi Lin's mouth curled slightly, revealing a playful smile.


This time Qi Lin came, really not for Jiang Nannan.

As a person who came back from time to time, he knew too well the development track of Sugar Man Entertainment.

Shooting the peerless double pride, let Sugar Man Entertainment emerge in the entertainment industry.

The filming of Immortal Sword One made Sugar Man Entertainment an instant hit in the entertainment industry.

The filming of Fairy Sword III made Sugar Man Entertainment unparalleled in the entertainment industry.

The shooting step by step is startling, so that Sugar Man's entertainment is still coquettish.

Shooting Xuanyuan Sword (ahdg), let the sunset of Sugar Man Entertainment be red.

Filming Qin Shimingyue, let Sugar Man entertainment sunset Xishan.

Take pictures of Wuxin Mage, and let Sugar Man's entertainment return to light.

After that, Sugar Man Entertainment disappeared, and they could no longer come up with good works for sale.

At its peak, the company's market value did not exceed 3 billion.

Such an entertainment company is not the towering tree in the entertainment industry that Qi Lin pursues.

In order to prevent Sugar Man Entertainment from following in the footsteps of previous lives, Qi Lin decided to do something.

Of course, he was only responsible for the layout of Zhang Dan, and the specific implementation had to rely on Zhang Dan himself.

If Zhang Dan can't make the company develop rapidly, then he doesn't mind changing the president directly.

As for what Qi Lin promised, the position of president will always belong to Zhang Dan.

Can you believe the words of a big villain?

"The company only relies on some small actors to drive traffic, and relies on filming one or two TV series to support the market, and its development is too slow. 35

"Let's not talk about the future, but now, the company's annual net profit is less than 500 million yuan. I think this is your dereliction of duty."

Qi Lin's expression was light and outspoken.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhang Dan was stunned for a moment, and then he was dumbfounded.

She said angrily: "My Boss Qi, the development of the company is not as simple as you think. If you want to make TV series, can you do it without good scripts? Huaxia's script market has just developed, and there are only a few scripts that can catch your eye every year. , and have to compete with dozens of entertainment companies."5

"As for those rubbish scripts, there are quite a lot of them, but if they are filmed, we have to lose money in them, and our reputation is also bad.

"In this case, let alone an annual profit of 500 million, I would be snickering if it could reach 50 million."

Qi Lin smiled lightly and said, "Don't blame others for your lack of ability. Do as I say. The company's annual profit is less than 500 million yuan. I will give you the shares in my hand for nothing."

Under Zhang Dan's suspicious eyes, Qi Lin continued: "Go to Bangzi Country to find a woman named Yuan Xiuyan, and no matter what means are used, she must buy out the 'Full House' script in her hand. This novel, this year's ratings champion is definitely yours.""

In 2003, KBS TV station in Bangzi country, only to find someone to contact Yuan Xiuyan, and to prepare for the filming of this TV series.

It was broadcast in 2004 and became popular all over Asia overnight.

The ratings in Bangzi Country directly broke the record of half a century, reaching a terrifying 34%, and successively broke the ratings records of Southeast Asian countries and even China.

It was one of the most ruthless TV dramas that harvested banknotes that year.

"A TV series from Bangzi Country?

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhang Dan showed a look of interest.

As the queen of the entertainment industry, Zhang Dan has also heard a little about the rise of Korean entertainment in recent years.

There are several TV series, and even hit China.

Zhang Dan thought about it when he bought the script of the Kingdom of Bang Zi, and it seemed like a bold move that he could try.

Of course, whether it is really going to be filmed or not depends on the plot of the novel.

"In addition, you can go to Baodao Province in person to acquire a game company called Daewoo Information. 99

Qi Lin said again.

This time, Zhang Dan really didn't understand.

She asked amusingly: "Mr. Qi, if you asked me to buy the script, I can still think clearly, but it's a bit unreasonable for you to ask me to buy a game company? 35

"There is a specialization in the art industry, and our entertainment company suddenly involved in the game industry. Is the pace too big, and the phrase "interlacing is like a mountain", Mr. Qi has never heard of it?

Qi Lin said with a funny tone: "Fart, when did I say that I want to do the game industry, I asked you to buy this company because at this time, the company was about to close down and was in trouble.

"They have all the copyrights of the Legend of Sword and Fairy game in their hands. You buy the company directly, get all the copyrights from 1 to 6, and then find someone to adapt the game into a script, and directly find someone to shoot."

Hearing this, Zhang Dan was a little surprised.

After a long time, it was Qi Lin who wanted to adapt the game into a TV series.

This is definitely a first in China.

In the past, perhaps in Europe and the United States, there were only such examples of shooting games into movies.

"Mr. Qi, the company's funds are limited, are you sure that the two scripts you mentioned can catch fire? 35

Zhang Dan didn't believe Qi Lin, and his eyes were suspicious.

Qi Lin has run out of patience, and said lightly: "Mr. Zhang, you have to understand a question. I have more shares in the company than you, and I want to make more money. I won't make jokes about my company."

"Of course, if you don't want to do as I say, I won't make it difficult for you, but if something happens to Linglang in the future, don't blame me for not warning you. 99

Zhang Dan: ".........⁹⁹

Qi Lin has always been very talkative, so Zhang Dan almost forgot how this guy got the company's shares in the first place.

"Mr. Qi, I know how to do it. I hope the company can be as prosperous as you wish. Otherwise, the company will go bankrupt and our fate will probably be exhausted."

Zhang Dan said with a wry smile.

Qi Lin doesn't like this way of communication, he prefers to have a smart and obedient subordinate who does what he says.

"It's not very realistic to get rid of Zhang Dan directly now, this company was built by her, and without her, the company would fall apart.

"We have to get Zhang Man to help soon. With her there, at least Zhang Dan can be checked and balanced, and then we will find a way to let Zhang Man take over the company. 39

"As for Zhang Dan, if she knows the current affairs and cooperates with Zhang Man's work, she will be saved. If she is unwilling to cooperate, she will be kicked out of the game."5

Qi Lin's black eyes showed a cold light.

Zhang Dan didn't know that it was because of his distrust of Qi Lin that Qi Lin was already trying to find a way to take her down.

"Go and call Jiang Nannan, I have something to do with her."

Qi Lin said to Zhang Dan.

Zhang Dan now understands that it is impossible for Qi Lin not to point fingers at the company.

In order to avoid direct conflict with Qi Lin, Zhang Dan chose to follow his instructions as much as possible.

"Jiang Nannan was in the practice room, and I asked someone to call her over.

Zhang Dan nodded, then called his assistant.

five minutes later.

The assistant led Jiang Nannan into the president's office.

Seeing Qi Lin, Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes lit up with a hint of joy.

Her only support in Sugar Man Entertainment is Qi Lin.

With Qi Lin around, she would feel more at ease.

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