Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

232: Jiang Nannan: The boss wants to buy me a diamond ring?

"Go and bring the props and the dog over."

Director Huang Lijia instructed the field service.

"Oh oh good!

The field manager sympathetically glanced at Feng Wei with an ugly face, then went to bring the steamed rice and the dog over.

Originally, this plot was performed by a third-tier actor, and the props rice was also fresh rice, which was put in a clean bowl.

Now director Huang Li's family takes real dog food and puts it in a dog bowl for Feng Wei to eat. Isn't this insulting?

"Everyone, get ready to shoot! 95

Seeing that all the actors were in place, Huang Lijia shouted with a loudspeaker.



His dog food was about to be eaten by others, this big yellow dog barked frantically at Feng Wei.

Feng Wei, who had already changed into a beggar's clothes, was so frightened that his legs were shaking.

"Feng Wei, what are you still doing? Let everyone wait for you alone?


The Huang Li family shouted with a loudspeaker.

With the knife around his neck, Feng Wei didn't have the courage to back down, unless he really didn't want to get involved in the entertainment industry.

Grit your teeth!

Feng Wei picked up the dog food, buried his face in it, and frantically ate the steamed rice.


Before he could take a few bites, Feng Wei retched.

I don't know if this meal was sour for a few days, and it smelled rancid, almost fainting from disgust.

He wanted to vomit.

Huang Li's family held a loudspeaker like a ghost: "Swallow! Swallow! Do you look like someone who has been hungry for a few days?"

Feng Wei's eyes were red, and he scolded wildly in his heart: "Huang Li's family, labor and management take care of your whole family! Qi Lin, you bastard, labor and management will never let you go, wait, wait, I will definitely kill you. of.

With all his strength, he swallowed the sour rice in his mouth.

Huang Li's family looked at Qi Lin at this time, meaning to ask how this scene was shot.

"It's so-so, it looks like I'm wrong, he's not suitable for this role."5

Qi Lin said lightly.

At that time, "seven, six, seven" is almost the same, and if you insult Feng Wei a few times, Jiang Nannan will become suspicious.

No, Jiang Nannan couldn't bear to turn her face away.

Let Feng Wei suffer so much, but not even give him a small role, which is a small reward for Qi Lin to Feng Wei's previous life.

And this is just the beginning, more exciting things are still to come.

"Feng Wei, you've disappointed me too much, you can't even play a little down-and-out scholar, you should go back and play your soldier captain.

The Huang Li family waved their hands and directly sent Feng Wei away.

"Ouch! 35

At this time, Feng Wei, whose stomach had been turned upside down, couldn't hold it any longer. He found a corner and vomited in darkness.

"Originally, I was going to find you a role in the Magic Doctor Xilaile crew, but it seems that there is no suitable one for you. You should study in the company for a while, and when the female general of the Yang family starts filming, I will arrange an important female role for you. .

Qi Lin said to Jiang Nannan who was beside him.

Even if the genius doctor Xi Laile had a perfect match for Jiang Nannan, Qi Lin would not let her stay with Feng Wei, lest the two meet every day in the crew and spark some sparks.

"Well, I listen to the boss.

Jiang Nannan nodded obediently.

After following Qi Lin to the crew, she realized what power is.

Just a word can make these directors and actors flatter.

Although Feng Wei did not get a good role, it was a pity for Jiang Nannan.

But she thought that it was because Feng Wei didn't perform well, and it had nothing to do with Qi Lin.

After all, it was Huang Li's family's idea to use sour rice, and Qi Lin didn't say anything from beginning to end.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Nannan said to Qi Lin, "Boss, can I have a few words with Feng Wei?"5

"I'm not going to meet him in front of everyone, I'll text him to go somewhere with less people."

Before the change, Qi Lin would definitely not agree.

But this time, Feng Weigang was humiliated, it was the best time to let the two quarrel and divide the two, Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "Okay, you can pay attention to yourself, don't let people see, I'll go to the car first Wait for you.

After speaking, Qi Lin turned and left.

Looking at Qi Lin's back, Jiang Nannan felt strange.

Since when did she meet her boyfriend secretly, she had to get Qi Lin's consent instead.

She didn't know whether this state was right or wrong.

After a few minutes.

Behind an empty building at the shooting base, Feng Wei received a message from Jiang Nannan and came over.

"Nan Nan, I knew you wouldn't stop talking to me.

Feng Wei walked over happily and said to Jiang Nannan.

Smelling a sour smell in the air, Jiang Nannan subconsciously put her jade hand under her nose, and her beautiful eyes flashed a repulsion.

Although Feng Wei had washed his face and rinsed his mouth afterwards, the sour smell after vomiting still lingered.

This is the place where Qi Lin's thief is pregnant, let Jiang Nannan see Feng Wei who is extremely sloppy, just like now, dressed as a beggar and still sour, that girl doesn't dislike it.

Feng Wei also saw Jiang Nannan's disgusting look.

Thinking of why he became like this, he was angry in his heart.

The joy just now disappeared, and he asked coldly, "Nan Nan, why do you want to join Qi Lin's company?"

Jiang Nannan also knew that her actions were too much, and Feng Wei was also her boyfriend after all.

Pretty face blushed, Jiang Nannan took her little hand and said, "Of course it's because I also want to be an actor, we didn't come together because of common hobbies.

"You keep saying you want to find a way to get me into the entertainment industry, but the problem is, you are only a special actor now, not even a third-tier actor.

"When do you want me to wait until I can enter the entertainment industry?"

‘I have signed a contract with Sugar Man Entertainment, as long as I study for a period of time, the company will arrange resources for me, and then I will start directly as a third-tier actor.

"When I'm completely popular and become a first-line star, I'll give you some important resources, both of us are popular in the entertainment industry, isn't it good?

Jiang Nannan shared his plans for the future.

Hearing that Jiang Nannan had signed a contract with Sugar Man Entertainment, Feng Wei's expression changed.

He has been in the entertainment industry for several years, what is this place, does he still know?

Once the contract is signed, Jiang Nannan is a plaything in the hands of Sugar Man Entertainment, and he can handle it how he wants.

What's more, the owner of Sugar Man Entertainment is Qi Lin.

"Nan Nan, why are you so naive, you haven't even studied professional acting, how can you become a star, that Qi Lin recruited you into the company, he must be trying to take advantage of you, and even eat you!

"Has he already harassed you, tell me!"

Feng Wei said anxiously.

Hearing Feng Wei slandering Qi Lin, Jiang Nannan's face was a little ugly at this time: "Feng Wei, you were the one who threatened Qi Lin first, and President Qi didn't care about you because of my face, and President Qi didn't have you at all. As he said, take advantage of me, is he a decent gentleman?"9

Feng Wei:

For some reason, Feng Wei always felt that his girlfriend had been brainwashed by Qi Lin.

With a frantic expression, he said, "How could he be a decent gentleman, didn't you see it on the set just now? He targeted me, he let me eat dog food! I am your boyfriend, how can you speak for an outsider. "

Jiang Nannan said helplessly: "Feng Wei, I found that you have become a little unknown to me. In my eyes, you have always been a gentleman. Since you met President Qi, you have always targeted him inexplicably." 5

"I have seen everything that happened just now. It is clear that President Qi wanted to give you a chance and gave you an important role, but it is because you are not sure about it yourself, and President Qi is not good at forcing Director Huang.

Feng Wei was going to be so pissed off, he argued: "Qi Lin didn't say anything, but Director Huang was completely instructed by him!"

The smile on Jiang Nannan's face has faded: "Feng Wei, you are already a little irrational. I don't think there is any need for us to continue talking in this state. You calm down first, and then come to me."

After speaking, Jiang Nannan was about to leave.

Seeing Jiang Nannan's beautiful back, Feng Wei felt a pain in his heart.

He found that as long as he said that Qi Lin was not, Jiang Nannan would always be on Qi Lin's side.

The image Qi Lin showed in front of Jiang Nannan was too bright and great, and he couldn't shake it at all.

"Damn, Qi Lin is too sinister, no matter what he says, Nan Nan will believe him.

"But it doesn't matter, at least Nan Nan is still my girlfriend now, as long as I find a chance to eat her first, what if Qi Lin steals it, it's not the broken shoes I've played with.

Feng Wei clenched the brand new tightly and thought coldly in his heart.

Thinking of this, Feng Wei directly changed his strategy.

He took a few steps ahead, stood in front of Jiang Nannan, changed a smile and said, "Nannan, you are right, I am too excited, I shouldn't speak ill of your boss, I apologize to you.

"I have regained my composure now. Now that you have become a contracted actor of Sugar Man Entertainment, it means that this is a good thing to celebrate. Anyway, there is no filming in the crew at night. I will invite you out to eat hot pot."

Feng Wei wanted to take the opportunity of apology to get Jiang Nannan drunk, so that he would not have more dreams at night.

Jiang Nannan hesitated for a moment, then under Feng Wei's dark face, he shook his head and refused.

"The contract I signed with the company stipulates that I can't admit that I have a boyfriend, and I can't go out on a date with the opposite sex at night.

"Feng Wei, I know it's unfair to you to do this. You wait for me for a while. When I become a front-line obvious, then I will announce my love to you, okay?"

Jiang Nannan looked up at Feng Wei.

Feng Wei:

Feng Wei also knew about the contract, and those companies would not be allowed to talk about boyfriends only if they cultivated their female stars as Huadan.

Could it be that Sugar Man Entertainment really wants to play Jiang Nannan as a sign?

"Hehe, Qi Lin, you cultivated as a famous celebrity, but in the end, you will be crushed by me, and you have to give me resources. I just like to be a little white face, what can you do to me?"

Feng Wei, who was thinking of Qi Lin's soft meal, was not angry all of a sudden, and said to Jiang Nannan with a smile: "I can understand you Nannan, then you go back to the company first, and we will call at night."

Jiang Nannan smiled happily: "Feng Wei, I know you can understand me, then I'll go first, you can work hard in the crew, maybe you can become a big star without my help.  … ..

After saying this, Jiang Nannan turned around and left, fearing that Qi Lin would become impatient after waiting for a long time.

The idiot Feng Wei really thought that Qi Lin did not let Jiang Nannan meet him privately because of Jiang Nannan's reputation.

When Jiang Nannan can become a first-line star, it is not up to Qi Lin to decide.

During this long period of time, even if Jiang Nannan was cultivated into a first-line star, her vision and pattern at that time had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Maybe Feng Wei was still her boyfriend, but it wasn't him who slept together at night.

This is Qi Lin's ultimate goal. Qi Lin can play with Feng Wei's girlfriend without breaking up, and Jiang Nannan took the initiative to cheat, which is no more interesting than stealing Feng Wei's girlfriend.

"Jingle bell~"

On the other side, Qi Lin, who was waiting in the car, rang the phone.

He glanced at it, his mother Fang Yuanyuan was calling.

"Mom, what's the matter with me?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Fang Yuanyuan said angrily, "I can't find you if I have nothing to do. Come to the Hyatt Regency Hotel right now and have dinner here in the evening. 35

Qi Lin was going to go to Yan Yan in the evening to discuss the matter of closing the net to Li Zhou. After all, out of the seven hospitals, four hospitals had already fallen into his hands.

"Mom, I still have important things to do. If you want to eat, you and Dad will eat first, I'll just deal with it casually.

Fang Yuanyuan didn't know whether to tell the truth at this time, this stinky boy didn't come back, she said coquettishly: "This is your kid's wedding banquet. If you don't come, I will find a man to replace you, would you like to?"

*B: "........."

"My wedding reception? Who to marry?"

Qi Lin was really stunned this time.

Fang Yuanyuan laughed and said, "Who else is there besides Yuelin? I have already made an appointment with your Uncle Qiu. When you are an adult, I will ask you and Yuelin to get a marriage certificate to make up the wedding. Now we have a meal for the two of us. , Take the form of marriage.

After Qi Lin heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

He smiled and said: "Mom, when it comes to ingenuity, it's still your old ginger. I'm still thinking about how to settle Uncle Qiu, but I didn't expect that you have already arranged it, so that I can not only hold the beauty back. , You don't have to marry Qiu Yuelin to get a license, so that other girls can't step down."

Fang Yuanyuan was also made to cry and laugh by Qi Lin's thick skin: "You kid, don't flatter you, and after the beauty returns, you should also cherish it, do you hear it? Anyway, I can only help you wipe your butt for a while, and wait until you do a good deed. Get ready to take refuge in Africa."5

"Stop talking nonsense with you, I'll rush to the Kaiyue Hotel before six o'clock, if I dare not come, I'll give your sister Qiu to someone else.

With a snort, Fang Yuanyuan hung up the phone.

Not long after hanging up, Jiang Nannan also came back.

"Boss, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. 99

Jiang Nannan sat in the back row, beside Qi Lin, her pretty face was slightly embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what, you are my sister, right?

Qi Lin smiled lightly, and very naturally picked up Jiang Nannan's tender white jade hand and intertwined her fingers.

Jiang Nannan blushed, but when she thought that Qi Lin was her godfather, holding hands didn't seem to matter.

but why?

When the palms of the two were together, her face would get hot and her heart would tremble slightly?

"Break the army and drive to a Cartier store.

Qi Lin was not in a hurry to go to the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

The heroine who is about to return to her heart needs a perfect ending.

At the beginning, the blows that should be attacked, the hearts that should be abused, but later, if the foundation is not laid well, the heroine will have a rebellious mentality, and it will not be fun to play.

Since it is a wedding, the diamond ring jewelry must be indispensable,

"Cartier store?"

Before Jiang Lei opened the company, Jiang Nannan's family was only average.

I don't know what Cartier is selling.

Qiu Shanhai sat in the Mercedes-Benz seat at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

He called Qiu Yuelin's phone.

"Yuelin, are you off work?"

The teacher in the office is almost gone.

Only Qiu Yuelin was left.

At this time, she was sitting at the desk, correcting the students' homework.

"It's already off work, Dad, do you have anything to do with me?

Qiu Shanhai was in a good mood and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that our father and daughter haven't eaten out for a long time, and I want to invite you out for a meal."

Qiu Yuelin's pretty face was stunned for a moment: "Eating? Is it just the three of us?"

Qiu Shanhai said with a smile: "Now your family is not only your father and mother, have you forgotten that you have a little boyfriend Qi Lin? Their family is there for dinner today. 99

Hearing the name Qi Lin, Qiu Yuelin gritted her teeth.

Since the last time her fake pregnancy happened, Qi Lin, the bastard, just disappeared.

I haven't come to school for three or four days.

Originally, Qiu Yuelin wanted to call Qi Lin, but when she thought that she was a girl, it was Qi Lin who made the mistake. Why didn't Qi Lin call her?

In this way, Qiu Yuelin was foolishly angry with Qi Lin by herself.

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