Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

236: Buzz is around the corner, Qi Lin hits Bernice

Although you have to write an IOU, you must know that Bernice is a Westerner, and her fiancé is still Buzz.

240 million Huaxia coins are stored in Swiss Bank, and are managed by professional top financial managers. The annual income is tens of millions of Huaxia coins.

Now Bernice is willing to lend it to Qi Lin without interest, which already shows that she has a good impression of Qi Lin, and not a little bit.

"Silly girl, I am teasing you, even if you add 240 million yuan, you will not be able to buy that batch of artworks.

Qi Lin finished breakfast, wiped his mouth, and said with a smile.

When Bernice heard it, she retracted the blank paper with a speechless expression: "This joke is not funny at all. If you don't borrow it this time, there will be no chance in the future."

Qi Lin shrugged indifferently.

As long as Bernice is completely reconciled, all of her money is not Qi Lin's. He just wanted to test the stage of Bernice's goodwill towards her just now.

The answer to the test made Qi Lin~ quite satisfied.

"Let's go, since your fiancé, Buzz, has been kindly invited, how can there be any reason not to."

Qi Lin got up and said to Bernice.

Bernice also knew that Qi Lin couldn't be persuaded anymore, her beautiful eyes flashed helpless, and she just hoped that there would be no conflict between the two.

She is not worried about Buzz, but feels that Qi Lin's power is too weak now, and she will suffer a loss in the face of Buzz who has family power behind her.

"Qi Lin, where are you going? Aren't you going to class today?"

Qi Xueyao couldn't understand the conversation between the two, so she was obviously worried about Qi Lin, but she asked casually.

Baz's background is too big, and telling Qi Xueyao will only make her worry in vain.

Qi Lin leaned over, kissed Qi Xueyao's white tender cheek, and said with a smile, "Bernice's fiance invited me to visit the art exhibition, I'll be back later.

Qi Xueyao:

It's not that she can't see the ambiguity between Qi Lin and Bernice.

But what Qi Xueyao didn't expect was that Bernice actually had a fiancé.

"This bastard is messing around outside all day long, even if he wants to harm him, won't he find a single girl?

"This Bernice's fiancé is not a trivial person at first glance, and he has provoked her fiancé, and he doesn't know what trouble he will cause.

Qi Xueyao turned her face away in a fit of anger, she simply couldn't see.

Zhou Pojun drove, following Bernice's Ferrari 488, towards the Christie's auction.

Forty minutes later, several people came to the door of the Christie's Building.

"Your car is very handsome, why didn't I see you drive it a few days ago?

Qi Lin touched Bernice's burgundy Ferrari and asked with a smile.

Bernice's azure blue eyes rolled her eyes at Qi Lin: "This car is my car in Gaul. When the Buzz family transported more than 1,000 exhibits, there was extra space on the special plane, so I asked him to take me by the way. The Ferrari was also brought in."

Hearing this, Qi Lin felt a little emotional.

Special plane to transport Ferrari, this is the real life of the rich.

Although Qi Lin's family is rich, it can only be said that they are better than the nouveau riche. They are quite ordinary rich second generation.

The Baz family is a real giant, and the family capital can even affect the election results in Gaul.

"The assets are still too small, and it is a bit of a wealthy family to be able to buy a few special planes to play at any time.

Qi Lin thought silently in his heart.

Anyway, he saw a news in his previous life.

Not to mention the top giants in the United States, he is a top star in Hollywood. There are 5 special planes parked in the manor, both large, medium and small planes, and they have also applied for all domestic and foreign shipping lanes.

Compared with this freedom of flight, what Ferrari and Lamborghini are definitely weak.

"You can take this Ferrari and drive it if you like. 35

Bernice really has the taste of raising a little white face.

Seeing Qi Lin in a daze, I thought I had taken a fancy to her Ferrari.

Buzz didn't give her this customized Ferrari if she wanted to drive it, but now she offered to give it to Qi Lin.

No wonder Qi Lin always felt that Bernice suffered from Stockholm Syndrome and tended to be abused.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "You misunderstood, I'm not interested in your Ferrari, I'm interested in Buzz's special plane, can you get me one?"


Rolling her eyes, Bernice said to Qi Lin coquettishly, "His private plane is an A321 owned by Airbus. It is a long-range type and is one of the largest planes in the world. The price is 114.9 million meters of gold, equivalent to more than 800 million Chinese dollars , and it has been transformed into a luxury and comfortable plane, worth more than 1 billion, how can I buy such an expensive plane.

The two were arguing when Buzz suddenly came out of the gate of Christie's auction house.

"Mr. Qi is here, and there are some who are far away to welcome them, and some who are far away to welcome them!

Buzz walked up with a smile, speaking in broken Chinese, and took the initiative to shake hands with Qi Lin.

Willing to step out of the comfort zone to learn the Chinese language that I know nothing about, and also to cite the classics.

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed a hint of playfulness, such opponents are often more terrifying.

He kept his head down, shook hands with Buzz, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few days, Mr Buzz has become Huaxia Tong. 35

"Where, Mr. Qi has won the prize.

Buzz returned to French with a smile.

"I'm really thankful for Mr. Qi for the last time with Bernice. I also heard from the staff present that I knew that Bernice had an accident while singing. If it wasn't for Mr. Qi's timely rescue, I'm afraid Bernice would There will be danger to life.”

"That's why I asked Bernice to personally invite President Qi to participate in this exhibition. 35

"Mr. Qi, if there is a piece of art that you like later, I will give you a 20% discount at the exhibition in seven days, as a thank you to Mr. Qi for saving his life to my fiancée."

Buzz's eyes flashed a shimmer.

He was not afraid of Qi Lin bidding, but he was afraid that Qi Lin would not bid.

For what Qi Lin wanted, he let his trustee raise the price high, and finally sold it to Qi Lin at a 20% discount, slaughtering him.

The staff at the scene said that when Qi Lin rescued Bernice, he didn't let go of her waist for a long time.

Later, the two entered the lounge, and it took a long time to come out.

Buzz was not worried that Bernice would betray him, after all, he knew how much Bernice hated and despised Chinese people.

What he hated was that Qi Lin took advantage of Bernice, which was the greatest insult to the noble Gauls.

"Since Mr. Buzz said so, then I'm welcome. I will take a few more exhibits and take advantage of it. I hope Mr. Buzz will not regret it.

The two of them were smiling on the surface, but their hearts were being sold, and they communicated very friendly.

"Of course not... Boss Qi, please go in first and see if this exhibition suits Boss Qi's appetite.

Buzz made a please gesture.

Entering the Christie's exhibition hall, Qi Lin looked at the surrounding environment casually.

"Can the system scan out all the defenses here?

Although Qi Lin couldn't see the security measures here, his sixth sense told him that in this luxurious-looking exhibition hall, there were countless mechanisms waiting for him.

System: "Scanning, please wait patiently."

Three seconds later, the system sent feedback: "There are 116 infrared sensors in the wall, and 4 poisonous gas discharge holes, which are neurotoxins, which can temporarily paralyze the brain and paralyze the body."

"The glass cover that protects the collection is a multi-metal fiber double-layer vacuum defense cover, which cannot be destroyed by ordinary weapons in a short period of time, unless the fingerprint of Buzz is obtained and the permission is used to open it. 39

"There are 72 360 water drop cameras installed on the wall, and the exhibition venue has no dead ends. If the host wants to start with the exhibits, please proceed with caution.

After listening to the feedback from the system, Qi Lin touched his chin and said, "It's angry again, it's an infrared sensor, and there are so many cameras. It's not realistic to be hard."

"It seems that if you want to get along with these works of art, you have to find a way to outsmart them. 39

Buzz didn't even know, he invited Qi Lin to visit the exhibits, completely bringing the wolf into the room.

He guided Qi Lin to the most expensive artwork area.

"Mr. Qi, please look, this is the red coral lion that our Buzz family originally lent to the Fontainebleau Palace for exhibition. This artwork is the favorite thing of Emperor Kangxi. When a wealthy businessman bid 97 million Huaxia coins, my father also Did not agree to sell. 99

Buzz pointed to a lion carved out of rare red coral and stepped on a thousand-year-old red sandalwood and said with a smile.


Qi Lin nodded, in fact, his unforgettable brain was frantically copying all the details of this exhibit.

Don't forget, Qi Lin also has the ability of SSS-level fake master.

Since you choose to walk along these exhibits unwittingly, you must prepare some identical exhibits to replace them.

"Look at this again. This is the grand parade armor used by Qianlong. It was passed down by Emperor Qianlong when he inspected the army. It is said that it is made of 300,000 gold threads and high-quality silk, and it is invaluable."

Buzz pointed to a glass showcase again, and said proudly that the whole body was golden-yellow, but the armor was splendid and heroic, which was supported by a wooden frame.

Afterwards, Baz took Qi Lin to visit again, the cloisonné incense burner, the whole picture of the Yuanmingyuan, the bronze gilt pagoda, the Kangxi colorful character stories and other valuable works of art.

The value of each piece will not be less than 100 million Huaxia coins.

Looking at these exquisite works of art, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with obsession.

When the money reaches a certain value, it will only be a bunch of numbers.

At this time, countless tycoons will be obsessed with collecting all kinds of priceless and priceless collectibles.

If all these collections can be taken along, and when the time comes, when Qi Lin's power is huge, and then these private collections are made public, one can imagine how shocking it will be.

"Mr. Qi, I have always been committed to the friendship and exchanges between Gaul and Huaxia, and I also know that Huaxia has always wanted these artworks that should belong to you to return to their own country, so I tried my best to persuade my father to let him agree to transfer these artworks. Send it back to you Huaxia."

"The hard work pays off, and now this batch of works of art will be auctioned soon, and I have done a great deed to promote the friendship and exchanges between the two countries.

Buzz pressed gold to his face.

Qi Lin smiled faintly, but in his heart he dismissed Buzz's words.

0....... ask for flowers ·

Obviously he wanted to harvest the wealth of the rich Chinese, obviously it was the loot that he plundered at the beginning, and now he shamelessly said that he had done a good deed.

To be honest, Qi Lin felt that it was Buzz who was mad at himself.

"Mr. Buzz, Mr. Li Cheng has arrived.

Just then, Buzz's subordinates came to report.

"Mr. Qi, I'm sorry, I still have guests to entertain, you can take your time and excuse me.

Buzz said with a smile, then turned and left.

Mr. Li Cheng is the richest man in Xiangjiang, and he is much more important than Qi Lin.

He took Qi Lin to visit, just as Qi Lin thought, he was just mad at him and humiliated him.

Seeing Buzz leave, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed a hint of playfulness, and in Bernice's frightened eyes, he directly slammed her against the wall.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Buzz chatted with Li Cheng just around the corner, but Qi Lin slammed her against the wall, and Bernice's heart was about to jump out.

"What are you talking about? Your fiancé not only plundered our Huaxia artworks, but also irritated me there. Do you think I should teach his fiancée a lesson and give him a hat to wear?

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Bernice Yu pushed Qi Lin and panicked: "He's mad at you, go and teach him a lesson, what are you doing by bullying me as a girl?"

"Get up, if Buzz sees it, we'll all be finished.

"What's the matter? Don't you think it's more interesting to kiss in this situation?"

Qi Lin's black eyes were already full of jokes.

"No... woohoo!"


Bernice didn't even want it, but before she could say it, Qi Lin pinched her pale chin and kissed her straight.

As Qi Lin said, she was not immune to Qi Lin's kiss, and now Buzz is still around the corner.

Bernice's feet were sore and soft, if it wasn't for Qi Lin's arms around her waist, she would have almost knelt on the ground with her pretty face blushing.

ten minutes later.

"Mr. Li Cheng, my father always praised you as the god of business in China, and wanted to see you, but the group has been too busy recently, and he couldn't get away for a while.

Buzz took Li Cheng to visit the most precious collection area.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the place where Qi Lin and his fiancee were.

Qi Lin was touching his chin and looking at a landscape painting on the wall.

And Bernice squatted there, looking at a sculpture.

Seeing that there was no intersection between the two, Buzz concentrated on talking with Li Cheng.

But how did he know that just a few minutes ago, his fiancée had already been kissed by Qi Lin.

If he hadn't brought Li Cheng here, Bernice would have begged Qi Lin to take her to the hotel.

"You bastard, aren't you reconciled if you don't make me miserable?"

After Buzz left, Bernice got up and wanted to punch Qi Lin a few times.

But she was weakly kissed by Qi Lin, and fell into Qi Lin's arms again, as if she was throwing her arms away.

Reaching out his hand, holding Bernice, whose pretty face was pale pink and her beautiful blue eyes were misty, Qi Lin asked with a smile, "It's just a Buzz, what are you afraid of? When I get rid of him after a while, you Can you give me a blond little loli?"

Bernice blushed and immediately spit: "It's like Buzz is a muddy pinch, anyway I can help you as much as I can, if you can get rid of Buzz, or break my engagement with him. , I came to China to settle down. 99

The Gallic girl was more direct, and generously admitted that she was willing to follow Qi Lin, but the premise was that she would have no worries.

Qi Lin originally wanted to take Bernice directly to the hotel.

But Bernice says that she, as Buzz's fiancée, must stay here with Buzz entertaining wealthy businessmen, otherwise it will arouse his suspicions.

In order to frighten the snakes unnecessarily, Qi Lin could only shrug his shoulders, drink some tulip tea, move his fingers, and then began to visit the entire venue alone.

He wants to memorize the production details of all the collections here within one day, and then perfectly reproduce all the collections within seven days.

For others, this may be a fantasy, but for Qi Lin, who has the unforgettable skills that come with the system, it is a piece of cake.

The morning time passed quickly.

Qi Lin, who had memorized all the details of the collection, left without saying hello to anyone.

Back in the villa, Qi Lin immediately called Chen Oimeng.

"Chen Zai, now I give you an important task. I want you to kidnap all the antique masters and forgers masters in Jianghan City within one day and send them to the abandoned steel factory in the eastern suburbs. I will send someone to pick you up here. ."

Qi Lin gave Chen Xuemeng a death order.

"Knowing the boss, I will instruct the brothers below to do it. 99

Chen Xuemeng's face was straight, and he said immediately.

This is what Qi Lin admires most about Chen Xiaomeng.

As long as he assigns a task, Chen Oimeng never refuses, if he can do it, he will do it if he can't.

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