Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

240: Lan Yuxi's jk, knee-length black silk

"Dad, don't think I didn't hear it, it was Qi Lin who called you?"

"This bastard, didn't come to school for a few days and didn't call me.""

"I didn't dare to call him for fear of delaying his business. 35

"Today is Saturday, and I don't have to go to class anyway, I want to go with you!"

Lan Yuxi couldn't eat the food she made, so she threw the bowl and chopsticks and pulled Lan Gang's arm.

Lan Gang's face became stern: "What nonsense are you talking about? You, a girl, can go to the crime scene? Just stay home and hear? When the case is finished, I'll let that kid Qi Lin come to play with you."

Hearing that Dad didn't agree, Lan Yuxi pouted and said angrily: "Dad, you hid 2,000 yuan of private money on the back of the photo of our house. If you don't take me, I'll tell mom."

Lan Gang: "・・......"

"You used to be such a good girl. Ever since you met Qi Lin, you have completely learned from him, and now you dare to threaten Dad."

Lan Gang said sadly.

"Hmph, just ask if you take me with you.

Lan Yuxi didn't want to eat this, and asked proudly with her little face raised.

Zhou Lina really wanted to find out about hiding money in private houses, but she didn't know what the fuss was going to be like.

Lan Gang was defeated by his daughter, and helplessly took her to the police car.

Ten minutes later, Lan Gang arrived at the crime scene with a dozen police cars.

As soon as the car stopped, Lan Yuxi couldn't wait to get out of the car.

Today, she specially put on the JK uniform she bought a few days ago, with a pair of knee-length black silk, and a pair of light brown leather shoes on her small feet.

The long hair is tied into a double ponytail. In the era of 2002, it was so beautiful.

This match was what Qi Lin told Lan Yuxi.

On the way, Lan Yuxi kept pouting, thinking that even if she saw Qi Lin, she would deliberately ignore him and let him know the consequences of abandoning Miss Ben.

But seeing Qi Lin's tall and handsome figure, the 18-year-old girl couldn't hold back her longing for her lover.

Just as Lan Gang's face darkened, he flew towards Qi Lin.

"Husband, I miss you."

Lan Yuxi hugged Qi Lin's waist tightly, raised her pretty face, her beautiful eyes were misty, and she couldn't stop her longing for Qi Lin.

"Isn't it Saturday? Come to my house tonight?"

Qi Lin smiled and rubbed Lan Yuxi's head.

What a nostalgic match for JK uniforms with over-the-knee black silk.

But in 20 years, can the young lady be as beautiful as Lan Yuxi?

That's just too far.

Qi Lin was looking forward to tonight.

"Well, wait, if my dad doesn't agree, husband, you must be stronger 770.

Lan Yuxi's small face rubbed happily in Qi Lin's arms.

But she didn't know that Lan Gang had already walked behind her.

Hearing Lan Yuxi's words, Lan Gang's face turned even darker: "If you turn your elbows out before you get married, you simply don't come back.

Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes lit up: "Okay, you and your mother don't come to pick me up tomorrow, I will live at Qi Lin's house from now on.

Lan Gang covered his forehead in despair.

This girl is completely helpless.

The case was important, and Lan Gang didn't want to mess with Lan Yuxi.

"Go in and search and see what's going on.

He waved his hand and let the police behind him go in.


Uniform voices sounded at the same time, and teams of policemen charged in with live ammunition.

Lan Gang glanced at Qi Xueyao next to Qi Lin.

Every time he came to handle the case, this girl was by Qi Lin's side.

Qi Lin didn't do his job properly, he couldn't control it, but Qi Lin was so distracted, he absolutely shot this kid.

"Qi Lin, who is this girl? Why does she follow you all day long?"

Lan Gang asked lightly.

Hearing Lan Gang ask himself about 'Qi Xueyao', his heart tightened.

In fact, what is she Qi Xueyao, she is clearly a rose that has been dressed up by Qi Lin.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Uncle Lan, don't you know? This is my cousin, my business partner. You don't think this is my lover, do you?"

Blue Gang:

"Xue Yao, is what he said true?

Lan Gang asked Lan Yuxi again.

Although Lan Yuxi and Qi Xueyao didn't quite deal with each other, they were sisters of their own. Lan Yuxi nodded and said, "Yes, Sister Xueyao has always lived in Qi Lin's house, and we are still good friends."

Hearing what Lan Yuxi said, Lan Gang finally felt relieved.

But how could he know that his daughter-in-law actually helped his son-in-law to hide the woman, this kind of ideological awareness is enough.

Ten minutes passed.

The scene in the yard made Lan Gang both surprised and heartbroken.

"Report to the chief, a total of 13 suspects were arrested and 54 children and women were rescued. According to the confessions of these traffickers, they still have more than 20 accomplices who have not returned. In the hands of these 20 accomplices, there are still more 40 children being coerced to beg.99

The police leading the team saluted and reported to Lan Gang.

"These abominable scumbags are so cruel to such small children. These people imprisoned in the rental house should be the traffickers who want to sell them. Those children outside are their tools to make money."5

"All the team members stand by, tidy up the scene, and wait for the traffickers to fall into the trap!

Lan Gang guessed that the traffickers outside didn't know that Laochao was taken out of the pot.

After begging, these traffickers will come back.

At that time, a heavy net is waiting for them.

"The report said that a suspect was seriously injured, his eyes, ears, nose and tongue were all gouged out or cut off, and his limbs were also cut off. If no treatment is given, he may die from blood loss.

The police who led the team reported to Lan Gang again.

Hearing his subordinate's return, Lan Gang looked directly at Qi Lin.

As for Qi Lin, his eyes were looking up at the sky, as if a plane was flying by, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Blue Gang:

This must have something to do with Qi Lin.

But the human trafficker is really outrageous. Even if they know that Qi Lin did it, no one wants to hold him accountable.

"It should be caused by infighting, let's just get into the ambulance. 35

"Such people are hateful, but it is the most notarial thing to let the law punish them.

Lan Gang waved his hand and signaled his subordinates to carry this fresh person away.

"It's okay, you can take Yuxi and go, and I will apply for the Courage Award for you when I look back. 99

Lan Gang waved helplessly to Qi Lin.

This kid treats the police station as an ATM. In the recent period, it is estimated that he has won awards such as being a good citizen and being a good citizen.

What left Lan Gang speechless the most was his Shui Ling daughter.

When Ren She was lifted out, even his deputy chief, who had been in the police for many years, was a little nauseous, but Lan Yuxi didn't even blink her beautiful eyes, watching with interest.

Sure enough, it was Hei who was close to the ink. He didn't learn it from Qi Lin, and Lan Gang didn't believe it.

"Uncle Lan, can I ask you something?"

Qi Lin leaned over with a smile, but didn't mean to leave.

"Fuck away!

Lan Gang said angrily.

"Have you heard about the upcoming auction of the Buzz family at Christie's?"

Qi Lin asked with a faint smile.

Lan Gang was stunned for a moment, wondering how Qi Lin knew about this news.

"Your kid is very well informed. This auction invites all the top richest people in China, including Li Chao, the richest man in Asia. Logically speaking, your family should not receive invitations with such a small property.

Qi Lin rolled his eyes, saying this as if a billionaire is not a millionaire.

"Buzz and I have a business partnership and have invited me to exhibit.

Qi Lin said angrily.

"I really don't know if your kid is a high school student. He is either dealing with criminals all day long or cooperating with hundreds of millions of dollars in business. 99

Lan Gang had a headache at this time.

He is a smart person, Qi Lin took the initiative to bring this up, I am afraid he has made a big move.

"Uncle Lan, leave me alone, I just want to ask, Buzz should have invited the police to help in this auction?"

Qi Lin asked lightly.

Lan Gang nodded, and his tone was a bit gnashing: "The descendants of these robbers are too deceiving. Not to mention the treasures that were stolen from China, they still dare to bring them back to China and sell them blatantly."5

"It's okay to sell them, and let us police protect them personally. This is like riding on our heads and shitting.""

"If it weren't for this dress, I really want to get all these treasures back.

Seeing the indignant Lan Gang, Qi Lin was very interested.

He didn't expect that Uncle Lan was also a man of love.

"The above means to agree to this matter, after all, after a hundred years, it is impossible to get these treasures back, it is better to successfully auction them and let those patriotic businessmen donate to the country.

"I'm now competing with another deputy chief for this job, and if the auction goes well, that's no small (ahdg) credit.39

Lan Gang explained the current situation.

"Uncle Lan, don't go to this auction, give this opportunity to your colleagues.

Qi Lin suddenly said such a sentence.

Lan Gang's eyes narrowed and he stared at Qi Lin: "Do you know something, kid?

Qi Lin stopped Lan Yuxi's fragrant shoulders and turned around, and said lazily: "What can I know, I just say it casually, it's up to Uncle Lan to hear it.

After speaking, Qi Lin took Lan Yuxi and Qi Xueyao into the Mercedes-Benz and drove away.

Lan Gang took a deep look at the back of the Mercedes-Benz car.

"This kid looks frivolous, but in fact he has foresight. At least so many things have happened, but he can't find any clues about him."

'That group of foreign devils is really hateful, if this kid can really cure them, it will be a great deed to relieve anger.

"Just trust this kid once, and give up this chance to protect the auction when you go back."

In the Mercedes-Benz, Qi Lin and Lan Yuxi sat in the back row.

Qi Lin patted Lan Yuxi's knee.

Lan Yuxi gave Qi Lin a shy look with her beautiful eyes, but her heart was filled with joy.

"Sister Xueyao, you're not too bad, you can't even blink your eyes when you see Ren She when you're pregnant.

"By the way, when did you learn to drive? I remember you couldn't drive before!

Looking at Qi Xueyao who was driving, Lan Yuxi asked curiously.

Glancing at Lan Yuxi from the rearview mirror, the corners of Rose's mouth twitched slightly: "I'm not your sister Xueyao, I'm your boyfriend's hired bodyguard. 39

Rose's voice startled Lan Yuxi.

When she lived in Qi Lin's villa, the gangster Rose had not yet been subdued, and all Lan Yuxi did not know Rose, nor heard her voice.

"Husband, what's wrong with her?"

Not knowing what happened, Lan Yuxi asked Qi Lin nervously.

"It's nothing, it's just a disguise, her name is Rose, she is a bodyguard who is fascinated by my personality and voluntarily protects our villa.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Qi Lin, can you stop talking nonsense, you bastard? Where did you get your personality charm? I was forced to become a bodyguard because of you. 99

Rose gritted her silver teeth and said.

Lan Yuxi did not speak at this time, but carefully looked at Rose's appearance.

No matter how she distinguishes, she can't find any difference between her and Qi Xueyao.

This reminded Lan Yuxi of an incident more than a month ago.

Aunt Xia Sha said that when Wang Cheng came to work in her shop, he not only spit gum into the dishes of the customers, but also deliberately opposed her, almost making her dizzy.

"Husband, did you pretend to be Wang Cheng to work in my aunt's shop?"

Lan Yuxi asked angrily.

Speaking of Yi Rong's matter, Qi Lin was not going to hide it from Lan Yuxi.

Holding Lan Yuxi's fair jaw, Qi Lin asked with a smile, "Yes, I did this thing, do you admire your husband and my resourcefulness?

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Spit chewing gum into other people's dishes, and even make my aunt half-dead. If my aunt finds out about this, she might take a rolling pin and chase you a few streets.

Lan Yuxi was also amused by Qi Lin's shamelessness.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart that Qi Lin had this magical disguise technique, and Wang Cheng was not wronged at all to lose to him.

If you don't even know where the enemy is and how to dig a hole for yourself, how can you fight this battle?


Qi Lin didn't take Lan Yuxi away because of her broken thoughts. Under Lan Yuxi's helpless eyes, she was kissed by Qi Lin.

Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes gradually became misty, her jade arm wrapped around Qi Lin, and took the initiative to respond to her lover.

"Qi Lin, are you going to die? If you want to kiss, will you go back to your own house and kiss again? You're so disgusting to me, do you know that?

Through the rearview mirror, I saw Qi Lin's sizzling sound.

Rose's pretty face blushed, and she was half-dead with anger.

Qi Lin was definitely the first person to throw dog food in front of her.

"Husband, I can't kiss anymore.

ten minutes later.

Lan Yuxi exhaled the fragrance and pushed Qi Lin away with a flushed face.


Qi Lin asked with a smile.

"Why, what do you say? It's still broad day, not at night. You can talk about it when you get back to the villa."

Lan Yuxi's pretty face blushed, and she sneered.

She is also a newly married little wife, who has kissed for so long.

It is easy to say that it is easy to make a baby.

"Back to the villa? We can't go back to the villa for the time being. I'll take you to a place."

Qi Lin blinked and said to Lan Yuxi.

Midsummer was Qi Lin's bodyguard for Lan Yuxi.

Moreover, Lan Yuxi naturally likes exciting things. It would be a pity not to take Lan Yuxi to see such a big scene of fake artwork.

Twenty minutes later.

Under Lan Yuxi's curious eyes, he was taken to an abandoned factory building by Qi Lin.

When Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes saw fifty or so men with cultural heritage at first glance, holding brushes, brushes, and even making pottery on a centrifuge, she was stunned.

"Husband, what are they doing?

Lan Yuxi couldn't help but ask.

"Artwork is fake, and they have to complete a total of more than 1,000 high-quality imitations of artworks within four days.

"And in four days, these high imitation artworks will become real treasures.

Qi Lin walked towards those master forgers.

Lan Yuxi was stunned for a moment, then immediately followed.

She is also a smart girl, remembering what Qi Lin told her father just now, it seems that in a few days, a foreigner will hold some art auction.

Lan Yuxi was a scholar, and she knew the history of humiliation better than anyone else.

"Husband, I support your plan unconditionally, is there anything I can do for you? I also want to help you.

Lan Yuxi said excitedly with a small face.

Qi Lin smiled and leaned to Lan Yuxi's delicate earlobe and said, "Of course you can help, you just need to make me happy when you get home and keep me happy."

Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes were full of fascination, and she gave Qi Lin a white look: "What kind of task is this, but my husband's order, how could the concubine dare not obey, today's JK skirt is paired with knee-thin black silk, and my husband likes it. ?

"It's alright, but I think it might be more beautiful if I take a closer look when I get home.

There is a deep meaning in Qi Lin's words.

PS: As long as the automatic subscription reaches 500, this book Qi Lin will seriously write the finale.

PS: At present, the automatic subscription is 495, which is 2 more than yesterday, and it will soon reach 500. Brothers, help!

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