Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

248: The long tube of white silk under the classical long skirt

Buzz knows nothing about antiques, let alone Chinese antiques.

In addition, so many masters of counterfeiting worked together, and Qi Lin, a master of SSS-level counterfeiting, personally pointed out.

Unless it is a top antique connoisseur, the responsible person will not be able to find the clue.

Seeing that the more than 1,000 collections were still quietly placed in the glass showcase, Buzz was relieved.

"Mr. Buzz, those staff members are missing, should we postpone the auction tonight?"

The person in charge asked Buzz.

Hearing the words of the person in charge, Buzz frowned slightly: "It's just that a few people are missing, what's the fuss about, maybe they are negligent in their duties, and where are they going to be happy.

"The invitations have already been sent out, do you think it's worth it to delay the auction for the sake of a few negligent staff members and offend those distinguished guests?

Buzz turned and walked out of the exhibition hall, without looking back: "The auction will be held as scheduled, and this batch of artworks must be closely watched during this time, and there can be no mistakes. 39

"Bastard, you can't think of a pregnant woman to cut your toenails for you.

"If Mom sees it, she will definitely scold you to death.

Qi Lin was lying on the sofa and put his feet on Qi Xueyao's white and tender thighs.

Qi Xueyao help him cut his toenails helplessly.

"Don't be reluctant, how about I take you to a fun place later?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Are you going to take me out to play? 35

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Xueyao's eyes lit up.

By virtue of her status as a pregnant woman, mother and child are expensive.

But also because of this heavy identity, he was confined to his home every day, and he was almost suffocated to death.

“It’s fair to say that Christie’s will be holding a grand collection sale today.”5

"These collections are the ones that were looted from Yuanmingyuan more than 100 years ago.

"Any piece is priceless, and it has attracted many famous collectors or top rich people. It should be very interesting."

Qi Lin said in a lazy tone.

Going to such an occasion, it is definitely not possible without a female companion.

But the problem was that Lan Yuxi was in school and Qiu Yuelin was in class.

07Chen Shuyi is busy in the company.

After thinking about it, the only person who can bring it is Qi Xueyao.

"It's really abominable. They robbed our country's treasures, and now they blatantly put them up for auction. How can these foreign devils be so abhorrent."

Qi Xueyao was quite nationalistic, and when she heard Qi Lin's words, she immediately cursed with her silver teeth gritted.

"Qi Lin, let's help take some pictures and bring them back, which can be considered as a contribution to the return of the national treasure to China. 39

Qi Xueyao looked at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes.

"It's fine for me to auction a few pieces, but how do you auction them?"

"A random piece of art there costs millions. Do you have any money?"

Qi Lin asked while holding back a smile.

Qi Xueyao's original intention was that if the two are one husband and wife, your money is mine.

I'm auctioning off one or two works of art, is it right for my husband to help pay?

But she didn't expect that Qi Lin didn't count her.

"Stingy bastard, if I knew you were like this, I wouldn't have...

Qi Xueyao's pretty face turned red with anger, she threw her nails off, and stopped cutting Qi Lin's nails.

"Don't be angry, don't you still have 67% of Tianlin Paper, you sell 27% to me, how about I give you 2 million in cash?

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Perhaps it was because the two had too deep a relationship in the previous life. In this life, Qi Lin likes to tease Qi Xueyao the most.

It seems that if you don't mess with her, if you don't bully her, you feel uncomfortable.

As long as he saw Qi Xueyao gritting his silver teeth, or being mad, or aggrieved, or the pitiful appearance of pear blossoms with rain, he wanted to laugh.

"2 million is 2 million, you give the money first."

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes turned, and her tender white hand stretched out in front of Qi Lin.

Tianlin Paper is still in a state of being unable to enter. If Qi Lin becomes a shareholder, he will be able to find a way to find a way for Tianlin Paper.

As for the money or not, Qi Xueyao doesn't care at all.

She knew that as long as she had a place in Qi Lin's heart, Qi Lin would not treat her badly.

"You wait for the auction of what you want, and then I'll pay you for it.

"Concubine Ai, you just cut your nails halfway and then you're on strike. This is incompetent."5

Qi Lin stretched out his foot in front of Qi Xueyao.

"You bastard, don't touch my face, I won't cut it for you, whoever makes you bully me, I will stink you too. 99

Qi Xueyao's tender white feet directly hit Qi Lin's face.

The two were laughing, and this warm atmosphere made Chuchun's beautiful eyes flash with envy.

Four thirty in the afternoon.

Qi Xueyao put on a snow-white gauze ancient dress.

This girl's temperament has always been a bit of a cold goddess.

When I first came to Qi Lin's house, I always ignored Qi Lin.

In the face of a man you don't know, it's even more arrogant, and you don't even look at it.

That is, after being deceived by Qi Lin and pregnant with his baby, Qi Xueyao gradually opened up and laughed intimately with Qi Lin.

Therefore, Qi Xueyao's dressing style is more suitable for pure white, which further sets off her cool goddess style.

"Where did you buy your white classic dress, how come I've never seen you wear it?"

Qi Lin looked at Qi Xueyao from top to bottom, and had the urge to hug Qi Xueyao upstairs again.

The waterfall-like black hair is tied in a classic bun, which is held in place with only a wooden hairpin.

The snow-white gauze ancient skirt hangs vertically to the ground, making a pair of plain white flower shoes looming.

Qi Xueyao saw Qi Lin's eyes staring at her, and her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of shame: "When I was visiting Jianghan Road, I saw a shop specializing in Hanfu, so I went in and tried it. I didn't expect that I would still look good in Hanfu. of."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement: "It's not a little good-looking, but sinking fish and geese, closing the moon and embarrassing flowers, like a fairy walking out of a painting, if you can carry this fairy back to the room to tell a story, it will be even more wonderful. 35

"I don't know what you're thinking about every day in your head, apart from telling stories, you can't watch them with pure eyes?

Qi Xueyao also obeyed Qi Lin, and Mei Mu gave him a helpless look.

Seemingly thinking of something, Qi Xueyao blushed, bit her lower lip, and slightly lifted the skirt with her two slender hands.


When Qi Lin saw the milky white on Qi Xueyao's slender ankles, he took a deep breath.

Classic long skirt with white silk stockings.

Qi Aifei can play.

"Cough! When you go home after attending the auction, you are not allowed to change your clothes, do you hear?

Qi Lin coughed lightly and said to Qi Xueyao.

"I can change my own clothes if I want, unless... unless you sponsor me another million.""

Under Qi Lin's fixated expression, Qi Xueyao loosened the corners of her skirt, and a sly look flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Well, you concubine Qi Ai, you actually dare to threaten me, do you really think I'm a jerk?"

Taking advantage of Qi Xueyao's pride, Qi Lin hugged the fairy wearing a classic long dress.

Not to mention, this tulle classic long dress, hugging fluffy and fluffy, is quite chic.


Under Qi Xueyao's charming eyes, Qi Lin kissed.


In the end, Qi Lin agreed to Qi Xueyao's conditions and sponsored her 1 million more.

When she found out that she could gain Qi Lin's favor with a little Tips, Qi Xueyao was overjoyed for her wit, and she couldn't help but fall in love with this little act of pleasing Qi Lin.

But I don't know, all this can't escape Qi Lin's eyes.

These heroines take the initiative to please him, pay more attention to dressing up, and cater to Qi Lin's hobbies, and what Qi Lin needs to pay may only be a little gift, some unquestionable money, a little compliment, and a little pet.

Such a win-win little game, why not do it.

The two of them did not eat dinner at home.

Because Buzz has prepared a dinner party for all the guests.

In the grand ballroom of the Asia Hotel.

Qi Lin also met a few acquaintances.

"Brother Qi Lin, stay safe."

With a big belly, Boss Ou took the initiative to greet Qi Lin with a red wine glass.

Last time, Chen Jiawei wanted to do something to Qi Lin's car, but Qi Lin came to help, and finally Chen Jiawei offended Boss Ou and suffered a big loss.

Speaking of this boss Ou, he is also a big man.

Since the smuggling of TV sets in the 1980s, he has become the leading nouveau riche in Chaoshan.

Later, he caught up with the golden age of ocean-going trade. He bought several 10,000-ton freighters, and did import and export business with European and American Lao Maozi. He made a lot of money and became the richest man in Guangdong Province.

"Boss Ou has come from a long way this time for the sake of national justice?"

Qi Lin blinked and touched glasses with Boss Ou.

"Who's not? I've already said hello to the Guangdong Provincial Museum. This time I'm going to take a few pieces of art to donate to the country. It can be considered that we businessmen are doing our little bit for the country."

Boss Ou said with a smile, not hiding the purpose of his trip at all.

"Yo, is this the girlfriend of Qi Lin's little brother? She looks really beautiful. To use our ancient Chinese saying, what kind of fish are sinking and what wild goose are falling?"

Boss Ou didn't read much, and he was born with a talent for business, so he couldn't say that sentence for a long time.

"Sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon and embarrassing flowers.

Qi Xueyao saw that Qi Lin and Boss Ou had a good chat, and knowing that this might be her husband's friend, she continued with a smile.

"Yes, yes, you girl looks like a high-achieving student who has read books, and is a good match for Qi Lin's little brother."

"I originally wanted to introduce my daughter to little brother Qi Lin, but now I don't seem to have a chance."

"For the first time, I don't have any gifts to give you, so I'll give you a red envelope. 99

Boss Ou was cheerful, but he was quite at ease. After writing a number on the check, he stuffed it into a red envelope and handed it to Qi Xueyao.

How could Qi Xueyao dare to accept other people's red envelopes indiscriminately, Mei Mu immediately looked at her husband.

Last time Chen Jiawei lost 20 million to Boss Ou, and he was also a beneficiary of Qi Lin.

"Take it.

Qi Lin nodded with a smile.

Qi Xueyao was a little embarrassed to end up with a red envelope, and then smiled lightly: "Thank you, Uncle Ou."

Everyone said that the daughter is about the same size as Qi Lin, so it's okay to be called an uncle.

"I and your boyfriend are good friends, so don't be so polite. 39

Boss O smiled and waved his hand.

Afterwards, he took Qi Lin's arm again and said enthusiastically, "Let's go, my brother will take you to meet someone."

Li Chao.

The head of the four major families in Xiangjiang, the patriarch of the wealthy Li family.

He is also the richest man in Asia.

He and Boss Ou are from the same hometown. The two are the richest man in Guangdong Province and the richest man in Hong Kong. They became friends of a faction.

"Mr. Li, this is the outstanding young man I told you, if it wasn't for his reminder last time, he might have died in a car accident.

Boss O said with a sigh.

Li Chao looked Qi Lin up and down, his expression suddenly condensed.

On the other side of the Xiangjiang River, they believe in Fengshui, and Li Chao once learned the art of face management in the hands of a master.

When he saw Qi Lin for the first time, he matched Qi Lin's face to the stars, and he actually faintly saw a black dragon surrounded by pitch-black evil spirits flying through the clouds in the thunder and lightning, as if it was about to devour the entire world.

The golden dragon is noble, and the person with the second face will surely rule the world.

The birth of the black dragon, this world will usher in a new catastrophe.

"As this young man grows up a little, I am afraid that the pattern of the whole world will usher in new changes.

"Different from Jinlong's arrogance and righteousness, this young man is so arrogant that anyone who offends him, or blocks his street lights, will probably not end well.

The ignorant are fearless.

The more knowledge you have, the more in awe of the world.

Just in Boss Ou's shocked eyes, Li Chao, who was always flat and didn't like to deal with strangers, actually bowed slightly, handed Qi Lin a business card, and said in a kind tone: "Little brother must come to Xiangjiang if you have a chance, okay. Let me do my best as a landlord.

Seeing Li Chao with a surprisingly good attitude, Qi Lin was also quite puzzled.

He is just a little-known businessman now, and Li Chao is the richest man in Asia, what does he do with such a good attitude towards himself?

"Remember that Li Chao's eldest son is going to be kidnapped soon? If this old man is a real person, he can be reminded. 35

Qi Lin smiled lightly and took the business card.

This collection auction is full of bigwigs.

Except for Boss Ou and Li Chao, the southern business tycoons.

Chen Jiawei, the eldest son of Shanhe Group, also came.

After a period of self-cultivation, although Chen Jiawei has become a one-egg man, his injury has recovered and he can be discharged from the hospital for activities.

He and Buzz have the same odor, and they are embarrassed.

Now that Buzz is opening a collection auction, of course he will come to join in.

"Boss Ou, the richest man in Guangdong Province, Li Chao, the richest man in Hong Kong, has arrived, do you want me to introduce you?

Buzz and Chen Jiawei touched their glasses and asked with a smile.

To be honest, Chen Jiawei had a holiday with Boss Ou and didn't want to deal with him very much.

But businessmen, thick-skinned is the most basic, look up and not look down, stab a knife in the back, but on the surface still have to be peaceful.

In addition, Chen Tiansheng recently wanted to catch up with Li Chao, and the two created a new real estate brand to invest in the mainland.

As the spokesperson of Chen Tiansheng, Chen Jiawei is willing to take the initiative to visit Li Chao, a senior in real estate, and a business boss.

"Then trouble Mr. Buzz."5

Chen Jiawei smiled and agreed.


When Buzz brought Chen Jiawei to Li Chao's side, the whole person went straight to Sparta.

In his eyes, Li Chao, a business tycoon who is several times stronger than his father, is chatting with Qi Lin with a smile.

Seeing that there was no more tea in the cup in front of Qi Lin, he took the initiative to add some more.

Southerners like to drink tea, and the banquet hall naturally prepares tea-making tools.

Who is Li Chao?

Asia's richest man!

He had always been given tea and water by others, but now he is pouring tea for a Chen Jiawei who thinks it is far inferior to his mortal enemy, and his three views almost collapsed.

He had only stayed in the hospital for half a month, and he didn't know what was going on in the outside world.

"Boss Ou, Uncle Li, my father Chen Tiantian asked the younger Chen Jiawei to say hello to the two elders."

Although they were shocked by what they saw, everyone walked up to Li Chao, can they not greet him?


Boss Ou didn't like Chen Jiawei from the beginning, not to mention that Chen Jiawei sent someone to do something to his car.

He snorted coldly and turned a blind eye to Chen Jiawei's visit.

"You also say hello to your father on my behalf."

After all, Chen Tiansheng is also a famous person, Li Chao smiled lightly, which is considered to give Chen Jiawei face.

"Uncle Li, my father invites you to visit our manor tomorrow, what do you think? 35

Chen Jiawei hit the snake and climbed down the pole, and immediately asked with a smile.

"Okay, tomorrow's trip just happens to be a free time...

Li Chao also has the idea of ​​entering the mainland real estate. Chen Tiansheng is a construction giant in central China, and the two do have prospects for cooperation.

However, Chen Jiawei is Qi Lin's nemesis.

Now the nemesis is in front of his own interview business, don't destroy it, right to call him the villain?

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