Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

270: For the heroine, I can give my everything

In the company's project department, Zhang Dan would never be handed over to Zhang Man, otherwise she would have the ability to compete with herself.

"This woman is so powerful that even I can't stand it."

Zhang Dan smiled bitterly in his heart.

"What Mr. Man said also makes sense. In this case, the producer of the 'Kung Fu' movie will be handed over to you. As the company's vice president, Mr. Man must have the right to select talents. As long as it does not affect the normal operation of the project department, Man You can always pick and choose at will.

In the end, Zhang Dan had to take the initiative to give in.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin gave Zhang Man a thumbs up and a thumbs up.

However, this like is clicked under the table.

Zhang Man's overlapping black silk legs couldn't help kicking Qi Lin, and his pretty face was also slightly red.

This bastard is helping him control the company, but this guy only knows how to take advantage of her.

Zhang Dan's idea is very simple, Zhang Man can choose talents at will, but she can also put eyeliner in these talents, and she is not too defeated.

But where does Zhang Dan know that what Zhang Man is best at is to control his subordinates and deal with undercover agents.

Maybe Zhang Dan won't get useful news at that time, and maybe he will have a big somersault on it.

The contract is finalized and the division of labor is clear.

Then it went directly to the stage of film casting.

For some roles, Zhou Xingxing gave him his team in Xiangjiang.

For example, the role of the chartered public servant, the chartered wife, the evil god of fire clouds, and the sauce, he let local actors from Xiangjiang play.

History is always strikingly similar.

Zhou Xingxing and Sugar Man Entertainment jointly held a press conference, announcing the cooperation to start a new movie Kung Fu, and open casting in the Mainland.

The gang leader of the Axe Gang, the familiar characters in Zhou Xingxing's movies, such as Fei Zaicong and Coolie Qiang, all came to recommend themselves, and were finally selected by Zhou Xingxing.

Some things are doomed, even if it were repeated 10,000 times, it would only be these people.

On Qi Lin's side, the process of selecting actors for the "Kung Fu" heroine Fang has also begun.

His request was only three.

The age must be young, no more than twenty years old, otherwise the pure and kindness of the dumb girl will not be able to be interpreted.

There must be aura that makes it hard to forget at a glance.

You can't be in love, otherwise you won't be able to interpret that kind of ignorant love.

"Is it true that I asked you to buy an entertainment company? Otherwise, boss, you wouldn't be able to see so many little beauties at one time, just like the emperor's draft girl.

"Really, if I were a man, these little beauties would definitely leave a mark on each of them, making them mature early, and this memory will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Qi Lin, the big boss, and Zhang Man, the vice president, were sitting in the training hall of Sugar Man Entertainment, and in front of them stood hundreds of young, beautiful and youthful girls.

They are all from all over the world, little beauties studying in Shanghai Opera, Chinese Opera, and Nortel classes, and even some of them are child stars who have participated in some movies and TV series in 790.

Zhou Xingxing's appeal is huge.

The last star girl 'Zhang Zhi' became famous overnight not long ago. Who doesn't want to take this opportunity to fly to the branches and become the phoenix that everyone envy?

"Who said you can't? You are now the vice president of Sugar Man Entertainment. After producing 'Kung Fu', your reputation in entertainment will even surpass that of Zhang Dan. When you do a draft by yourself, you won't be able to attract a large number of young teenagers. Handsome guy, whoever you want to accompany you, choose whoever accompanies you.

Qi Lin said with a faint smile.

Zhang Manmei's eyes turned white with Qi Lin's face: "Boss, stop joking, how can I be so brave, if I really do this, someone won't put me down, anyway, I just want to focus on my career now, When someone has time to attack me, I will wait for him in vain. 99

In terms of provocative kung fu and emotional intelligence, Zhang Man is a must.

Anyway, Qi Lin was quite satisfied after hearing this.

"A little girl will always be a little girl, and it is impossible to have the charm of my family."

"Come on, before the selection starts, let's show a wave of affection."

Before Zhang Man could protest, she was picked up by Qi Lin and sat on his lap.


Zhang Manmei rolled her eyes at Qi Lin, then put her arms around his neck, responding to Qi Lin's enthusiasm.


One of Zhang Man's high heels fell to the ground.

Worried that her black and jade feet would be cold, Qi Lin pinched her delicate and extremely delicate arches to help her keep warm.

five minutes later.

The girl who came in for the interview could never imagine that the mature, beautiful and elegant vice president in front of her had just invited the handsome guy next to her to drink honey tea.

The interview process is actually quite simple.

The mute girl Fang'er has no lines, she always speaks in sign language and expresses her emotions with her eyes.

So these girls need to use body language and changes in their eyes to show their acting skills.

"ZuiZuanZhi, although the overall quality is not as good as Shuyi's, but each of them is seventeen or eighteen years old.

Qi Lin admired the performance of these girls with pure eyes.

Zhang Manmei rolled her eyes at Qi Lin: "What kind of beauty is Shuyi? It's not too bad compared to me. If any girl from the film school can have a beauty of this quality, you will treat me and me. Shuyi probably won't be so concerned.

Although Zhang Man's words were direct, they actually made sense, so even though these little beauties were still young, Qi Lin did not use his power to obtain these flowers.

The most immortal flowers have been collected by Qi Lin, at least some of them should be kept for others, right?

"Boss, isn't the Jiang Nannan you personally selected only 20 years old? She is not as good-looking as Shuyi, and also has aura, why don't you choose her directly?

Zhang Man suddenly asked something.

Regarding this matter, Qi Lin just smiled lightly: "There is no free food in this world, the heroine in Zhou Xingxing's movie, but she has to give her most precious things to get it, and Jiang Nannan probably won't be willing to take it out. "

"Of course, if she is willing to take it out, I will not treat her badly. It depends on whether she can figure it out."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhang Man smiled and said: "You, you really don't miss any opportunity to harvest, I think Jiang Nannan should not be able to escape your palm this time. 35

The interview is still going on, and there are already hundreds of girls who have been brushed off by the two.

Looking at these young and beautiful girls at first, it was quite good.

But once the number increases, it's just boring and boring.

"Go and call Jiang Nannan over and let her feel the sense of crisis."

Suddenly, Qi Lin said to Zhang Man.

Zhang Man was stunned for a moment, and then began to mourn for Jiang Nannan in his heart.

The girls who met Qi Lin were filled with holes dug by Qi Lin, and there was no chance to escape.


Jiang Nannan came, first whispered hello to Qi Lin, and then looked worriedly at the girls who came to interview.

When she found out that Zhou Xingxing was coming to the company, Jiang Nannan was excited because she could finally meet her idol and asked him for an autograph.

When she knew that Zhou Xingxing was going to co-produce the movie "Kung Fu" with the company, Jiang Nannan seemed to be hit by a huge pie, and her beautiful eyes were full of surprises.

She has always felt that she is the most important actor in the company, and Qi Lin will put all resources on her, so she made this movie specially for her, and specially invited Zhou Xingxing to play with her.

But when she heard that the company held a press conference and announced that she was going to audition for the heroine of 'Kung Fu', she felt like she was hit by a bolt from the blue, and those wonderful fantasies were broken like bubbles in an instant.

At this time, she realized that her status in Qi Lin's heart was not as high as she imagined, and it could even be said to be insignificant.

Jiang Nannan actually wanted to ask Qi Lin why he didn't give her the heroine of "Kung Fu".

But thinking about it carefully, she thought she was ridiculous.

Qi Lin and her are not relatives and not related, so the relationship between sister and brother is probably also amusing himself.

In a movie with an investment of over 100 million, why do people give her the heroine, a little rookie with immature acting skills who has only entered the industry for less than a month?


Qi Lin asked lightly.


Jiang Nannan looked at Qi Lin uneasy.

At this time, she felt a majesty she had never experienced before from Qi Lin.

"These are the students of the professional film and drama school, you stand here, take a good look at their acting skills, and think about it yourself, it will help you a lot in your future progress.

Qi Lin said lightly.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Jiang Nannan suddenly felt that she could do it again.

"Could it be that the boss specially asked these students to think about acting skills for me? Is the position of the heroine still reserved for me?

Jiang Nannan felt a little bit of joy in his heart.

at the same time.

Among the remaining hundred or so girls, there was a girl named Huang Yiyi, who was looking at Jiang Nannan beside Qi Lin with a solemn face.

For the girls around her who are competing with her for heroines, Huang Yiyi actually has no pressure.

She is a native of the Magic City, and her family is well-off. She is a little princess born with a golden spoon.

Before the age of 16, in fact, did not consider entering the entertainment industry.


Until one time, when she was visiting Xujiahui with her mother, she was discovered by a talent scout and became a small TV host.

This experience also gave Huang Yiyi a huge interest in the profession of an actor.

After that, Huang Yiyi began to plan her own life. She gave up the cultural class and instead specialized in art performance, and vowed to be admitted to the Jingdian College.

The hard work pays off. 17-year-old Huang Yiyi was admitted to the Beijing Electric Power Academy with the first place in the professional course, taking a crucial step towards his dream of becoming an actor.

When I heard that Zhou Xingxing was going to film the drama "Kung Fu" in the Mainland, Huang Yiyi, 19 years old and already a sophomore, felt that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

After she asked for leave from school, she took the train alone for the first time and came to Jianghan City alone.

During the interview, Huang Yiyi was full of confidence.

Because among the hundreds of girls, she has the highest appearance, the best acting skills, and the most aura.

Even her Jingdian teacher praised her as being agile and pure, like the seven fairies above the nine heavens.

However, when it was her turn for an interview, she walked into the training hall and saw the girl next to Qi Lin who was as good-looking as her and full of aura, and she immediately felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

"This girl doesn't need an interview, she appears next to the boss of the company. Either she is a contracted actor of the company, or she has a special relationship with the boss."

"However, since the boss still held the audition ceremony as scheduled, it means that her position as the heroine is not necessarily secure."

Thinking of this, Huang Yiyi raised his spirits and decided to show his most perfect side to the two interviewers.

Of course, it would be best if she could succeed all at once, but if she failed, Huang Yiyi was not afraid, because she still had one last hole card that she had yet to use.

Seeing Huang Yiyi's first face, Qi Lin was stunned.

It's not that he never thought that the heroine of "Kung Fu" in the previous life would come to participate in the audition, but when he really saw Huang Yiyi, he couldn't help but be amazed.

She really deserves to be the most beautiful girl among the star girls.

And now Huang Yiyi is only 19 years old.

At such a young age, Qi Lin even had the urge to take a bite.

"What's your name?

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

"Examiner, my name is Huang Yiyi~"

The sound is also nice, as crisp and sweet as wind chimes.

"Well, classmate Huang Yiyi, then you can start performing according to Mr. Man's instructions. 35

Qi Lin nodded with a smile and asked Zhang Man to test her.

It's not that Qi Lin wants to open the back door.

Huang Yiyi's interpretation of the dumb girl Fang'er is too good.

When the boy who was a hero who saved the beauty in his childhood saw goodbye, he did not realize his grievances and frustrations.

The boy who has always been regarded as a hero becomes distressed and sad when he becomes an idle gangster.

He was robbed of all the change he earned, but he just wanted to give the lollipop to the hero, but he was heartbroken when he was ruthlessly smashed by the hero.

Huang Yiyi performed very well.

Even Jiang Nannan, who was standing and watching, had to admire the girl's acting skills, and a flash of worry flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Clap clap clap!

At the end of the performance, Qi Lin clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Very good, you are the one in this group of girls who can best perform the dumb girl Fang'er."

Huang Yiyi smiled confidently, because she was also satisfied with her performance.

If it weren't for the sense of crisis that Jiang Nannan brought, I'm afraid she wouldn't have performed so well.

Now that the boss praises her so much, does it mean that her female No. 1 is stunning and stable?

"Can you play a supporting role who was doused with gasoline but tightly protected his sister?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Huang Yiyi's face was stunned, and then she said decisively: "I just want to play the female lead. I think I have the strength to grasp this role."

Qi Lin smiled, he likes this kind of girl the most, a girl who can sacrifice everything for her dream.

Compared with Jiang Nannan, this kind of girl is much easier to capture.

"Female No. 1 not only needs acting skills, but also needs some shining points, do you understand what I mean?"

Qi Lin looked Huang Yiyi up and down and said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Huang Yiyi trembled slightly and understood what Qi Lin meant.

After all, the entertainment industry is still that dark place. People said it very clearly. Even if she has acting skills, she can't get this role if she doesn't give anything.

"Huang Yiyi, haven't you made your decision long ago? By participating in this movie, you can become an instant hit, and you will no longer have to climb up from the bottom like those senior sisters, or even become dirty. unbearable."

"The boss in front of me is handsome and handsome, and I don't know how much better than those big belly. After becoming a first-line actress, and he takes care of me, I can concentrate on filming, not afraid of being harassed, and I don't need to accompany the wine. Such a good opportunity, What are you still hesitating about? Those girls out there don't even want this chance.""

Thinking of this, Huang Yiyi took a deep breath and made her own decision.

Her beautiful eyes flashed shyly: "As long as the boss needs me to do, I promise the boss everything, as long as the boss gives me this role."

"Come here. 95

Qi Lin smiled with satisfaction and waved towards Huang Yiyi.

Huang Yiyi bit her lower lip lightly, walked around the table, and walked to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin pinched Huang Yiyi's fair jaw and looked at her.

"Are you still innocent?"

Qi Lin asked.

Huang Yiyi's voice is almost trembling, no matter how she chases her dreams, she is a 19-year-old flower girl after all: "I, I am, I have never talked about a boyfriend. 35

Qi Lin smiled again and asked, "The first kiss is there too?

Huang Yiyi's beautiful eyes flashed with a light pink mist: "Yes, boss.

"Then prove it and let me see if you are lying to me.

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly upturned, and the evil spirit was wanton.

Huang Yiyi has completely sunk under the power created by Qi Lin, she closed her beautiful eyes shyly, gently tiptoed, and kissed Qi Lin's mouth with her moist lips.


The blank, shy and nervous look told Qi Lin that this was indeed the first kiss of the beautiful girl in front of her.

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