Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

275: Become the largest club in Bow before you are qualified to meet the boss

"Di Di Di Di! Woo~"

Just when the three of them wanted to count the cash and make a big profit before slipping away, there was a rush of sirens outside.

"Damn, how did these notes come so fast?"

Zhang Qian's face changed drastically.

Zhang Qian is not the kind of rude who only has force and no brains.

Compared with life and money, which is more important, he knows it all too well.

"Catch two hands at random, and leave the secret passage!"

After shouting to the two brothers, he grabbed a handful of hundred-yuan bills and rushed out first.

Fortunately, the police came a little late and did not form a siege.

In the end, all three brothers escaped and met in a dark alley.

"It's not the time to catch your breath, with so many lives in the casino, we're going to eat bullets if we get caught.

"The amount of money in our hands is simply not enough to buy a ticket to go abroad. Let's run towards the no-man's land first and see if we can go to Maoxiong Country, and then find a way to smuggle to Southeast Asia.

Zhang Qian said to the two brothers.

Yang Tai and Wei Cheng nodded: "We all listen to Big Brother."

"Do it now."

After Zhang Qian finished speaking, he turned around directly.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, his expression froze.

I don't know when, behind them, a strong and strong man wearing camouflage short-sleeved pants appeared.

At this moment, the 790 man was looking at the three of them lightly.

"Go somewhere with me."

This person is of course Zhou Pojun, who was sent by Qi Lin to find Zhang Qian.

He just passed the news and found the underground casino that the three Zhang Qian brothers frequented.

But before he could go down to take a look, he saw the alarm bell ringing, and the casino was directly surrounded by the police.

Realizing that something might be wrong, he judged the terrain and blocked the only way to escape the casino.

Sure enough, I met these three brothers.

"Who the hell are you, if you don't want to die, just get out of the way, don't get in my way.

Zhang Qian didn't speak, but Yang Tai was clamoring to let Zhou Pojun go.

"What if I don't get out?"

Zhou Pojun's eyes flashed cold.

He is a retired soldier himself, and what he hates most in his life is such a social scum. If Qi Lin didn't want the three of them to be useful, he would have slapped Yang Tai's head like a watermelon long ago.

"If you don't get out, I will kill you!

The police were about to chase after him. Where did Yang Tai want to talk nonsense with Zhou Pojun, his eyes were cruel, and he rushed up with a dagger.


However, when Yang Tai rushed in front of Zhou Pojun, the sure-kill (ahdg) stab was easily dodged by Zhou Pojun.

When he wanted to organize an attack again, Zhou Pojun's huge palm appeared strangely around his neck.

There was no room for resistance, he was already strangled by Zhou Pojun and left the ground, his face turned purple.

"Grass! Release Yang Tai to Lao Tzu! 39

Seeing that Zhou Pojun is fast, Yang Tai strangled to death, Zhang Qian and Wei Cheng could no longer bear it.

Although the pressure on Zhou Pojun was extremely terrifying, they still charged forward with daggers.

It's just that the strength of the battle is not equal, after all, there is a huge disparity.



The two who rushed up didn't even touch the corner of Zhou Po's uniform, and flew out in the next second, hitting the walls on both sides of the dark alley.



And at the same time spit out a mouthful of blood.

To tell the truth, if Zhou Pojun went to the peninsula alone, he could swept the local underworld society if he only depended on his strength.

But the problem is that the way Zhou Pojun manages the barracks is not suitable for managing clubs.

With his character, he doesn't like to do these bullying things.

In addition, Zhou Pojun is also Qi Lin's bodyguard, and it is not appropriate to let him stay in the peninsula to control the forces if he wants to help Qi Lin clean up the trash at any time.

That's why Qi Lin thought of asking him to find Zhang Qian and the three of them.

"The boss left me with only one sentence, either you three surrender to him, or I will kill you now, you can choose.

Throwing Yang Tai, who was almost strangled to death, at his feet, Zhou Pojun looked down at the three gold-medal thugs with illustrious names.

At this time, Zhang Qian had already thoroughly felt Zhou Pojun's terrifying strength and murderous aura!

If he is a desperate desperado, he is a gold medal fighter who is proficient in street fighting.

That Zhou Pojun was a super-killer that had been systematically trained.

The two were not at the same level at all, as long as Zhou Pojun wanted to kill him, it was just a matter of moving his fingers slightly.

The point is, what level of bosses will control him behind a bodyguard that is so terrifying that even the fourth master is not qualified to recruit?

Zhang Qian didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"I-I'm willing to surrender, brother, can you tell me the name of my boss?

Zhang Qian is very smart. After the fourth master falls, he is like duckweed without roots, and he may die on the street at any time.

If a boss can protect him, maybe he can get out of the current predicament.

Zhou Pojun looked indifferent: "Now you are not qualified to know, and when the boss is willing to see you, you will naturally know."

Hearing Zhou Pojun's words, Zhang Qian suddenly smiled bitterly.

This is the big boss behind him. He thinks that his role is too small to know his name, right?

I don't know who is more powerful than the mysterious boss.


The fourth master is not qualified to compare with this mysterious big boss. If he is really qualified, he will not be taken by the police, and he will be caught and eaten by the bullets.

"This brother, can you tell me what the boss has ordered for our three brothers? So that we can have a bottom line.

Zhang Qian asked cautiously.

This point, Zhou Pojun did not hide: "The boss is going to lay out the peninsula, he appreciates the three of you, and let you as a bridgehead, go to meet the local gangs in the peninsula for a while."

"He hopes that the next time he goes to the peninsula, he will have a decent welcome.35

After listening to Zhou Pojun's words, Zhang Qian and the two brothers looked at each other.

Originally, they thought that this mysterious big boss recruited them to make them thugs.

But at this moment, they found that their pattern seemed to be a little smaller.

"Damn, how can this fourth master be qualified to compare with others, the fourth master has worked hard for decades, and in the end he is only the leader of the local community in Harbin City.

"This mysterious big boss actually asked the three of our brothers to be the leaders of the community on the peninsula for his use."

Zhang Qian's heart was already moving.

Who wants to be a thug for a lifetime?

Who doesn't want to be the faucet to eat and drink spicy food?

And now, there is such a mysterious boss who gave him this opportunity.

"Brother, let me ask you the last question, what is the big scene our boss thinks? How far will he be satisfied when we do it?"

Zhang Qian asked again.

"Become the largest underworld society in Bow, the kind that even the local police can't do anything about.""

Zhou Pojun said slowly.

Zhang Qian:

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