Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

278: Wang Siling was in the atmosphere and raised her brother to be white and fat

It was the third day that Rose and Zhang Man went to the peninsula.

During lunch, Qi Xueyao at the dinner table could no longer hold back the doubts in her heart, and asked Qi Lin curiously, "Husband, where did you send Sister Rose? Why haven't you seen her these days?

"And your bodyguard Zhou Pojun is gone too."

Qi Lin said with a smile: "I asked them to go to the peninsula to help me, and they will be back in a week if they are soon, and half a month if they are later.

"Sister Xueyao, are you addicted to playing mahjong, now that there is one less number of people, you feel not enough?

Qi Xueyao's pretty face blushed, and she really guessed Qi Lin right.

Speaking of which, Qi Xueyao now thinks that Qi Lin is not entirely a bad thing.

For example, she is pregnant now, she can't go anywhere, and she can't get a career, so she can only stay at home.

This guy Qi Lin ran out every day again, if it wasn't for a few little sisters playing mahjong with her, she would be locked up insane.

"Brother, open your mouth."

Wang Siling smiled lightly and fed the tender sweet and sour fish meat with the fish bones picked out into Qi Lin's mouth.

Besides the piano, this little girl's biggest interest now is to study food and make all kinds of delicious food for Qi Lin to eat.

As long as she has time, she cooks by herself, while Aunt Chen 07 is on the sidelines.

Seeing this scene, Qi Xueyao had a sly smile on her pretty face: "I used to think that Si Ling was the most well-behaved girl in the family and had no scheming at all, but now I feel that this idea is very wrong."

"I found that Si Ling wanted to make your husband fat. As long as you get fat into a ball, no one will take care of the girls when you go out to make trouble. Then you can only stay at home honestly and spoil us. The little wife."

"So, in terms of IQ, Lan Yuxi and I are on the fifth floor at most, while Si Ling is different. She is in the atmosphere."

Hearing Qi Xueyao 'slandering' herself at will, Wang Siling suddenly turned red and looked at Qi Lin, for fear that her brother would misunderstand him: "Brother, I am happy to see you eating the food I made, and I am also happy, I didn't think so. more.99

Fortunately, Qi Lin didn't mind at all, and instead said with a smile: "The good-looking skins are the same, and the interesting soul is one in ten thousand. Even if I become a fat ball, I will be a heartthrob.

When Qi Xueyao heard these narcissistic words, she couldn't help laughing and laughing, her beautiful eyes turned white to Qi Lin, and she said, "Virtue.

"Husband, isn't your business taking too big a step? Does the peninsula belong to foreign countries?"

"You have already started investing in foreign industries, how come I don't know at all?

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes were filled with a hint of amazement.

When she first met Qi Lin, she thought that Qi Lin was an ignorant high school senior.

But in just two months, Qi Lin's domestic business has not only grown bigger and bigger, but now it has even involved cross-border trade.

"It's still in the layout stage, and it's not yet a cross-border investment. When my forces on the peninsula are supported, you can also form a group with your little sisters to play there.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes were full of anticipation, and she couldn't help but ask, "Husband, is there anything interesting on the peninsula? Can you introduce me?"

Qi Lin thought about it for a while and said, holding back a smile: "Of course there are specialties, such as breast augmentation, hot and sour kimchi, all kinds of coquettish girl groups, and seafood specialties, but seafood can be eaten in China."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Xueyao's pretty face suddenly flashed with disgust.

"Artificial beauties are the most disgusting, and those girl groups who bow their heads and pose on TV, aren't they afraid that their parents and relatives at home will see it?"

"Finally, what kind of spicy cabbage, why don't you eat good fresh vegetables? Why do you make it like that? It is also regarded as a gourmet feature. Could it be that their place is too small to grow other ingredients?

Qi Xueyao is really a full man who doesn't know that a hungry man is hungry. She is a pure natural beauty, but there are many ordinary people who are born with horrible facial features!

People only have this lifetime, so it's normal to go to the whole room to make yourself more beautiful, right?

As for the second sentence Qi Xueyao said, Qi Lin agreed.

A narrow country will create a distorted and perverted character.

The peninsula is like this, and so is the cherry blossom country.

In this way, the people of the peninsula regard sour kimchi as a treasure, and it even makes sense to apply for the World Heritage.

Seeing that Qi Xueyao had given up the idea of ​​traveling to the peninsula, Qi Lin asked Wang Siling again: "Siling, how is your piano learning recently? Are you qualified to participate in the World Competition? If you get a good place, my brother promises you a condition. , you can do whatever you want.""

Wang Siling's face showed a hint of shyness: "Fortunately, the No. 1 Middle School attached to China Normal University does not have to study in the evening, and it is also off on weekends, so I have a lot of free time. 35

"I also want the teacher to teach me a little more knowledge, but the teacher told me to teach me a maximum of 2 hours a day. What I learn is the artistic conception of the piano and her insights. As for the skills, I don't need to be too persistent, it's just something that practice makes perfect. , is also the easiest to obtain.

"The teacher said that I can now participate in some international piano competitions. She is very respected all over the world. As long as there is a youth piano competition, she will sign up for me.

The education of famous people is different, Qi Lin thinks it makes sense.

Another point is the influence of famous people in the industry.

Children from ordinary families may not be able to directly participate in the top piano competitions, let alone those who have practiced the piano for a few months, even if they have practiced the piano for more than ten years.

But Wang Siwei's teacher is the world's number one female pianist, and she has the qualification to open a small kitchen for Wang Siling.

The family was chatting happily.

The door of the villa was suddenly pushed open.

Qi Lin turned his head and saw that his mother Fang Yuanyuan and his father Qi Feng had returned.

"Zizuzou, it's better to catch up early than to catch up. This lunch with all the colors and flavors is made by my baby Si Ling."

Looking at the table full of good dishes, Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng, who had not eaten lunch, sat down directly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Siling's face was full of surprise: "Dad! Mom! You haven't eaten yet? I'll go get you bowls and chopsticks right now.""793

After speaking, Wang Siling went to the kitchen.

Qi Lin pouted at the scene of his father and mother eating rice, "Every day you know that you come to my house to eat rice, and you've exhausted my family Si Ling, do you pay?

Of course he was joking.

Fang Yuanyuan laughed and scolded: "How do you talk like this kid? Even if your father and I don't come, will your Siling cook one less dish?

"Besides, when did this villa become yours? My dad and I didn't even find the place to live, so you stinky brat is in such a hurry to chase people away?

Qi Lin asked with a smile: "Mom, didn't you say that you and Dad would buy the villa next to our house? It's been so long, haven't you done it yet?

Speaking of this matter, Fang Yuanyuan didn't get angry.

"Also, your father and I put aside the company's affairs in order to buy a villa yesterday."

"We went to Tianpeng Group, the developer of these villas, and expressed interest in buying one more villa.

"Guess what the other party said? Our company has no intention to sell these villas recently, I'm sorry, miss."

"The money has been delivered to the door, and there is still no need for it, there are still such ridiculous things in the world.

"I don't want to buy it because the money is not enough. I told the person in charge of the other party that I could increase the price to buy it, but the other party still refused to let go.

"If it wasn't for your dad pulling me, I would have drenched them in blood!"

Fang Yuanyuan's temper is still quite sturdy, Qi Lin can imagine that scene.

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