Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

280: Winter as a driver, can play and kiss

Qi Lin drove the Maybach to Huamei Zixin and waited for the winter.

After a while, Qi Lin saw a beautiful girl running towards him with her little hands behind her back.

Eighteen changes in the female college, the more you change, the better you look.

Lin Dong is sweet and cute, and is the most tender and tender age of 18.

I just didn't know how to dress up before, and it looked a bit rustic.

Now I have been with Yan Yan for a while, learning makeup and dressing..

Supple bangs and eyebrows, black shawl hair tied into a playful single ponytail.

Wearing a light pink undershirt with thin suspenders on his upper body, the little bear started to move slightly. If he wore it like this at home, it would be the most typical white young and thin.

But outside, he definitely couldn't be cheaper than other men, and he put on a small tulle jacket over his underwear.

The lower body is wearing a short denim skirt with lace, and a pair of slender comic legs are somewhat dazzling.

On Bai Nen's little feet, she was wearing a pair of white silk socks and a pair of black princess shoes.

In the end, Lin Dong still listened to Yan Yan's advice, not to dress up too mature.

It is necessary to combine her own cuteness, wear a cute girl, and be a little thinner and younger.


Lin Dong opened the back door, sat up, and whispered hello to Qi Lin.

Through the corner of the eye, when she saw Qi Lin staring at her, a faint pink appeared on her pretty face, but she was secretly happy.

"Did you go to the wrong place? Are you the boss in the back row, or am I the boss?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Dong's pretty face froze, and only then did she realize that she seemed to be sitting in the wrong place.

Asking the boss Qi Lin to drive the car and sit in the back, I'm afraid the big sister, the big rose, would not dare to have such an idea in 797.

"I'm sorry~ I'm sorry, I was too confused.

Lin Dong couldn't help sticking out her little tongue, and quickly got out of the car and changed places with Qi Lin.

"Boss, where are we going now?"

After starting the car, Lin Dong hurriedly asked.

Qi Lin couldn't help laughing when he saw the cute girl who wore it, short white silk, and a thin and young girl as the driver.

If other bosses saw this, they thought he had some bad taste.

But let's not say, it's really nice to dress up like this, and it makes Qi Lin feel like he's playing a certain sound after 20 years.

"Let's go to Tianpeng Group first.""

Qi Lin said lightly.

"Oh, okay, I see.

Lin Dong nodded obediently, then turned around.

However, after just a few seconds, she turned her head again and asked Qi Lin with her beautiful big eyes, "Boss, where is Tianpeng Group?


It's true that Lin Dong learned to drive, but she didn't know any roads in Jianghan City.

Except for the road from Huamei Zixin to Yanyan Villa every day.

The next scene is hilarious.

Qi Lin kept pointing the way to Lin Dong, even in this case, Lin Dong walked through a few forks, like a headless fly scurrying in Jianghan City.

After tossing for an hour, the two finally reached their destination.


"Hey~ Boss, it hurts~"

As soon as Lin Dong stopped the car and walked over to open the door for Qi Lin, Qi Lin rewarded him with a chestnut.

The little girl covered her little head, her beautiful eyes were misty, and she looked at Qi Lin pitifully.

"Driving in a mess, I wasted half a tank of gas, and the wasted gas bill will be deducted from your salary.

Qi Lin glanced at Lin Dong lightly: "Just waiting for me to come back in the car.

After speaking, Qi Lin walked towards the Tianpeng Group headquarters.

Seeing Qi Lin turn around, Lin Dong puffed out his mouth and made a face at Qi Lin's back: "Hmph~ I'm not afraid of you when I deduct my salary. 99

"Binwinter, what are you doing?"

Qi Lin turned around as if he had eyes on the back of his head.

: ".........'

Quickly put down her little hands, Lin Dong said with a cute face: "Boss, I just see that you are unhappy and want to coax you, you won't blame me, right?"

Looking at the quirky appearance of Winter Winter, Qi Lin was a little amused.

Just like when I saw her for the first time in the orphanage.

"I'm sorry, there's an emergency at our boss's house and we can't see you for the time being, why don't you leave a phone number and I'll contact you when our boss comes back? 99

Qi Lin did not meet the CEO of Tianpeng Group this time.

The deputy general manager of the company met Qi Lin, but he said that he had no right to decide how to deal with the villas.

"What's the matter? Let's hear it."

When others hear this answer, they may just leave.

Qi Lin did not take the usual path, and asked lightly after lighting a cigarette.

The deputy general manager had met Qi Lin.

At that auction in Buzz.

Qi Lin and Li Chao enjoyed drinking.

Such a rich man who can joke with the richest man in Asia must not be treated casually.

"This... Originally, this matter cannot be said at will, since President Qi asked, then I will tell the truth.

"My boss's child seems to have an accident, he is so anxious now that he is going crazy, so even if Mr. Qi is waiting in the company, he will not be able to see him.

The deputy general manager said with a wry smile.

"Is something wrong with the child?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Qi Lin's black eyes.

His ability is different from that of ordinary people. The CEO of Tianpeng Group cares so much about his children, so can he foreshadow this?

Qi Lin left the company without much entanglement with the deputy general manager.

"Boss, how are things going? I'm afraid you're thirsty, so I bought you a bottle of water, can you not deduct my salary?"

When Qi Lin came back, he saw a lovely (ahdg) scene.

Lin Dong held a bottle of mineral water in both hands and handed it to him, with a hint of flattery in her beautiful eyes.

The girls who came out of the orphanage all inherited the property of rose greed for money, not that they wanted to keep the money, but wanted to send it back to the sisters in the orphanage to improve their lives.

Just like when Rose was reluctant to buy a decent piece of jewelry for herself, and left all the money to Winter and the others.

This is a spiritual inheritance.

"If you kiss me, I can consider not deducting your salary."

Qi Lin's black eyes showed a hint of slyness.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Lin Dong's pretty face turned red.

She recalled the picture of the handsome boss bullying her the first time she met Qi Lin.

That charming scene often appeared in her dreams.

When he woke up, the desert had also turned into a swamp.

"Boss, Miss Rose is not allowed to bully me. She will definitely be angry when she knows this."

Lin Dong bit her moist lower lip and said.

"She only said that I can't bully you, but she didn't say that you're not allowed to bully me. Anyway, whether you kiss or not, I also gave you this chance because of how cute you are today. After this village, there will be no such shop. ."

Qi Lin said with a faint smile.

In the end, Lin Dong shyly came over.

Not only because she didn't want to be deducted from her salary, but also because she wanted to taste the kiss again, did she feel an electric shock like the first time.


Lin Dong took the initiative to tiptoe, put her small hand behind her back, and kissed Qi Lin's mouth.

Maybe because the white silk is too slippery, the heel of the princess shoes flicked, and the pale pink white silk heel met the air naughty.

"Boss, is it alright?"

Lin Dong said shyly.

At the same time, she was also muttering to herself: "It's amazing, I can't help but blush when I see the boss, I don't have any reaction at all when I see other men, and when I kiss him, I don't even know how to breathe. , and got goosebumps.

"Hee hee, it's still sister Yan Yan who understands a man's heart. The boss didn't react at all when he saw me, but now that he sees me dressed so beautifully, he even takes the initiative to kiss me, and dress up more in the future, the boss will make me one day sooner or later. His little wife."9

Lin Dong's mind is quite simple.

Qi Lin was the first to take away her first kiss, and she didn't want to be separated from Sister Rose and the rest of the sisters.

Being the concubine of the boss you like and staying by his side is Lin Dong's only wish.

"For the sake of you being well-behaved, you won't be deducted from your salary, and in the future, you will also dress up more beautifully, and the boss will be delightful to see you.

Qi Lin rubbed Lin Dong's little head and said with a smile.

Qi Lin is going to investigate what happened to the CEO of Tianpeng Group.

The phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was actually his mother-in-law, Zhou Lina.

"Mom, what's the matter with me?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Zhou Lina said angrily: "You stinky boy kidnapped my Yuxi and won't recognize anyone, right? How long has it been since you came to eat at home?

Qi Lin:

It seemed that he and Lan Yuxi had not been to Lan Gang's house since they achieved a positive result.

"Mom, aren't I too busy with business? You are in my heart, I am my own mother, and no one can forget you."

Qi Lin said sweetly.

Lan Yuxi's personality is actually quite similar to Zhou Lina's.

They are all arrogant women, and it is difficult for ordinary men to gain their favor and approval.

But once you let them recognize you.

No matter it is Lan Yuxi or Zhou Lina, they will reap their full love.

Of course, Zhou Lina's share is mother's love.

"Stop talking about you, come to the house for dinner at night, if you dare not come, don't want Yuxi to live with you on weekends in the future.

Zhou Lina groaned and hung up the phone.

"It's really been a bit too busy at work recently, and you should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest. Since both mother-in-law and mother-in-law have called in person, let's go and have a meal. 35

Qi Lin stretched his back and said to Lin Dong with a smile, "Ling Dong, drive to your sister Yuxi's house."

"Boss, where is Sister Yuxi's house?

Winter asked dumbly.

Qi Lin:

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