Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

340: Kirina Matsushima Was Forced To Listen To The Meowing Of Cats

"I also like the gradual process, don't worry, I won't let you sleep with me for the time being.

Qi Lin smiled lightly.

Then, amidst Matsushima Yuna's surprised expression, Qi Lin threw a set of maid clothes over.

"This is your work suit, you can put it on first."

If the maid skirt worn in early spring is a normal work skirt.

That set of Matsushima Wuna is not serious.

Ultra-short skirt, top with V-neck design.

The white silk is designed with a suspender hook, anyway, ordinary men will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Boss, this dress..."

Matsushima Kirina's pretty face blushed immediately, and she secretly scolded Qi Lin for being abnormal.

She is from the country of Sakura, and she has seen many similar maid skirts.

But I didn't expect that one day, I would wear this thing myself.

"Don't you like it? If you don't like it, you can choose not to take this job."

Qi Lin said lightly.

Matsushima Wuna knew that if she didn't wear this maid dress, she would not be able to gain Qi Lin's trust, so she could only bite her lower lip, and took the dress to the bathroom.

When Kirina Matsushima came out with some wiggling, her eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that there would be such an exaggerated bear hidden under Matsushima Kirina's plain clothes.

A pair of milk-white and delicate long legs make people want to look away.

"Boss, what do I need to do now?"

Matsushima Kirina turned her face away, feeling ashamed and angry.

If it wasn't for the purpose of assassinating the bastard Qi Lin, she would never dress like this.

If she could really assassinate Qi Lin, that bastard, she would already stab the corpse twice to avenge her humiliation.

"Can't your eyes see by themselves? The house is so messy, of course we should clean up the villa first, clean up the upstairs and downstairs, and don't leave any stains."

Qi Lin leaned on the sofa again, ate melon seeds leisurely, and gave Matsushima Yuna a difficult task.

Just now Matsushima Wuna was patronizing to get close to Qi Lin and gain Qi Lin's trust, but 413 didn't pay much attention to the environment in the villa.

Looking carefully now, she was numb all over.

Because of the fight between Qi Lin and Lin Dong, the furniture in the living room fell to the ground and things were scattered all over the place.

The flowerpot fell to the ground and was muddy.

The pots and pans in the kitchen are also scattered all over the floor. Seasonings such as soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and oil consumption are mixed together, so that the original color of the floor can no longer be seen.

In short.

Describe it in one sentence.

The villa where Qi Lin lives now is probably the environment where the laziest lazy man lives, and it is not as exaggerated as here.

Qi Lin messed up the villa in order to make the video screen that Lin Dong showed Chen Tiansheng realistic.

And now, this messy villa is also starting to play its second role.

"Got it, boss!!!"

Almost gritted her teeth, Matsushima Yuna agreed, and then went to find cleaning tools.

It took Kirina Matsushima four hours to clean the living room on the first floor alone.

Looking at the brand-new living room, Matsushima Yuna hammered her lower back that was almost numb, and let out a slight breath.

To be honest, even the cruel ninja training is probably not as tiring as cleaning.

"Boss, the living room on the first floor has been cleaned."

Matsushima Kirina reported the work results to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin glanced at the environment in the living room, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's not bad, the cleaning is quite clean, you are right as a nanny."

Matsushima Wuna thought that her work was done, she said happily: "Boss, can I take a break now?"

Qi Lin looked at Matsushima Wuna wonderingly: "Rest? It's time for dinner now. Are you going to make us hungry if you don't cook for Mrs. Xueyao and me?"

Kirina Matsushima: "..."

The dull cleaning made Matsushima even forget the passage of time.

Glancing at the big pendulum clock in the living room, she realized that it was already 6 o'clock in the evening.

Matsushima Kirina's face was a bit ugly, but she forced a smile: "Well, then, I'll go cook first."

Looking at the graceful back of the listless female ninja, Qi Lin couldn't help but want to laugh.

If this female ninja knew that she failed in the final assassination and served her enemy for two days, I don't know how she would feel.

After entering the kitchen, Kina Matsushima began to have difficulties.

She is from the country of Sakura, and she can only make sushi rice balls and miso soup, but these can't be made for Qi Lin, otherwise it will be exposed?

"Ma Po tofu and tomato scrambled eggs are home-cooked dishes in China, right? If you make these two things, it shouldn't reveal your stuffing?"

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Matsushima Kirina started to cook.

During this process, Matsushima Yuna had the idea of ​​poisoning the food several times.

But in the end, she had to give up this idea.

Not to mention what Qi Lin asked her to do for the first time, the kitchen is open, and her every move is exposed to Qi Lin's eyes, and it is easy to make the previous efforts come to naught.

"Forget it, wait until Qi Lin goes to sleep at night before doing anything."

Matsushima Kirina thought to herself.

After serving the prepared meals to the table, Matsushima Wuna said softly to the Elder Master and Qi Xueyao who was lying in Qi Lin's arms watching the drama: "Boss, Mrs. Xueyao, dinner is ready."

The anti-radiation gown that Qi Lin bought from abroad has arrived. Putting on this gown, this Xueyao will not be afraid of radiation affecting her baby's development when she watches TV.

"Why are there only two dishes?"

Looking at the tomato scrambled eggs and mapo tofu on the table, Qi Lin held back a smile and said.

Mapo tofu is one of the favorite Chinese dishes of the people of Sakura.

As a native of Sakura Country, Matsushima Wuna is pretty good at making this dish, but Qi Lin still made things difficult for her on purpose.

"Boss, I'm afraid that what I cook won't taste good, so I don't dare to waste too much ingredients. Anyway, it's enough for two people to eat, right?"

Matsushima Kira told the reason she had already gotten along with each other. (cded)

"You're right. It should be enough for two people, so go find some snacks by yourself."

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth curled up slightly.

Let the female ninja do high-intensity work all the time, and don't give her food, and don't know if she will have the strength to assassinate herself in the end.

VASTA: "..."

At this time, the female ninja really wanted to kill Qi Lin, that bastard.

After working hard all afternoon, she cooked the dinner, but in the end she was not given any food.

Zhou Papi was not so cruel.

But the point is that these dishes are only enough for two people, Matsushima Yuna said.

In desperation, she could only force a smile, walked to the coffee table, took a few biscuits from the top and gnawed.

Qi Xueyao, who was beside Qi Lin, was holding back her laughter.

This bastard is really too bad, if she didn't know that Matsushima Yuna came to assassinate Qi Lin, she couldn't bear the girl being bullied by Qi Lin like this.

Matsushima Wuna's cooking skills are quite good.

The cherry blossom version of tomato scrambled eggs and mapo tofu has a special flavor, and Qi Lin and Qi Xueyao ate them all.

"Wu Fang, Mrs. Xueyao and I went for a walk. After you washed the dishes, go clean the second floor immediately. We still need to sleep when we come back.

Qi Lin took Qi Xueyao to go for a walk out of the villa, and he didn't forget to tell Matsushima Wuna.

"Understood, boss."

Seeing that Qi Lin was about to go out, Matsushima Wuna was overjoyed.

If there is only one person in the family, she can freshen up the layout of Qi Lin's house, so that it is convenient to start at night.

First clean up the dishes on the table, and then wash them clean.

After finishing all this, Matsushima Kirina went directly to the second floor.

When she opened a bedroom casually.


Matsushima Yuna collapsed directly, and burst into another mouthful of national abuse.

The second floor was even messier than the first floor.

The closet was left open casually.

There was a mess of dresses and shoes all over the floor.

The pillow core was broken, and the room was full of floating cotton wool.

"Has this bastard already discovered my identity? Otherwise, why is there such a mess at home?"

Matsushima Kirina gritted her teeth, her beautiful eyes were full of doubts.

But immediately, she overturned her own idea.

"This guy is a rich second generation, and there is no nanny at home. Her wife is also pregnant, so she can't clean up. It's normal to be messy."

After finally cleaning the master bedroom, Qi Lin and Qi Xueyao came back from their walk.


Wearing a maid skirt, Matsushima Kirina wiped the sweat from her forehead and hurriedly greeted Qi.

Not to mention, the delicate appearance of the hair sticking to the wet snow-white forehead is quite pampered.

"The house has not been lived in for a long time, the rooms are quite dirty, and the other rooms are also troublesome to you."

Qi Lin smiled faintly, and after saying this, he closed the door.

Kirina Matsushima: "...

Song Dao Sosuo had to wait for Qi Lin and Qi Xueyao to fall asleep before he could find a chance to go down.

Before that, Matsushima Kirina had to continue cleaning the room on the second floor.

The time passes by one second.

Four hours later, at ten o'clock in the evening, Kirina Matsushima finally saw that all the rooms had been tidied up.

Dragging her exhausted body, she walked to the rest room designated by Qi Lin for her.

This room happened to be next to Qi Lin's master bedroom.


As soon as she lay down on the bed, Matsushima Yuna heard the creaking and shaking of the wood, and the kitten's spring-like cry, which made people feel itchy.

Kirina Matsushima: "......"


Little Baga Matsushima Wuna's pretty face flushed, and she secretly scolded Qi Lin, a bastard, for why she arranged her resting room next to him.

"Why don't we assassinate Qi Lin now? The moment when a man is venting is also the moment when his vigilance is weakest."

Matsushima Yuna's heart was about to move again.

"No, no, no, Qi Lin is different from ordinary people. If he accidentally makes a noise, all the previous efforts will be for naught."

Kirina Matsushima shook her head again and again, dispelling this idea.

"Taking advantage of this time, let's take a rest and recover our energy.

After a day of high-intensity work, Kirina Matsushima was really exhausted.

She slowly closed her beautiful eyes, and actually leaned against the head of the bed and fell asleep.

Falling asleep in the home of the assassination target is absolutely unbelievable for a Jonin. .

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