Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

351: Yu Jin: I Don’T Want Your Money, Let’S Leave Mine To Our Children

Eating popsicles in winter is nothing out of the ordinary.

The heating in the presidential suite is also comfortable, so you won't feel too cold in winter.

The only downside was that the heating caused the popsicles to melt so quickly that water dripped from the corner of her mouth and stained the precious Persian rug.

Huang Yiyi, who had changed into a white suspender dress embellished with light crushed flowers, walked out of the room, and was surprised to see this scene~.

"Boss, why do you only buy it for Lin Dong and not mine?"

Huang Yiyi was a little jealous, leaned up directly, sat on the sofa beside Qi Lin, and said coquettishly.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to take care of my younger brother? Since you are taking care of me, you must give me a treat.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Then what do you want to eat?"

Huang Yiyi blinked her beautiful big eyes, showing a pure smile.

"How about conch sashimi? The one with salt and pepper is sure to be good."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"As long as the boss likes it, I am willing to treat him."

Huang Yiyi's beautiful eyes showed a touch of pink, and she got up slowly.

It may be that I ate too much supper and got up late the next day.

Picking up the phone, he found that Zhou Xingxing had already sent him four or five messages.

It probably meant that the flight was about to arrive, and asked Qi Lin if he had arrived.

Seeing that Qi Lin didn't respond to messages, Zhou Xingxing finally sent a message: "Mr. Qi, I have already refunded the plane ticket. Please let me know when the departure time will be."

This is the charm of power.

Obviously Qi Lin didn't reply to the message, but he didn't dare to blame Qi Lin at all, and he didn't even dare to make a phone call, for fear of affecting Qi Lin's rest.

Seeing the extremely humble Zhou Xingxing, Qi Lin smiled and shook his head, and edited a message: "I rested a little late yesterday and overslept, please rebook the flight for the afternoon and meet at the airport later.

Almost as soon as Qi Lin sent it, Zhou Xingxing replied: "Mr. Qi has worked hard, so let's see you at the airport."

put down the phone.

Qi Lin patted the little girl next to him: "Get up, the sun is drying your ass."

"Well, boss, what time is it?"

Lin Dong rubbed her eyes, sat up in a daze, a suspender of the nightdress had slipped off her shoulders, it was extremely cute.

Because this time going to Xiangjiang, Lin Dong has an important task, Qi Lin didn't do anything to her, but he still helped Lin Dong open up a new world.

"It's already 10 o'clock, let's have dinner and prepare to go to the airport."

While talking, Qi Lin patted on the left, only to find that the quilt was empty.

"Huh? Where did Huang Yiyi go? Could it be that she's already woken up?"

Qi Lin froze for a moment.

"Yiyi, are you in the living room?"

He yelled.

"Boss, I'm here~"

Under the bed on the left, Huang Yiyi's aggrieved voice came from.

When Qi Lin crawled over to look, he found that Huang Yiyi was hugging a pillow and sleeping on the carpet, looking at him pitifully with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin laughed and said: "What did you do? Why did you roll on the ground? Are you so dishonest when you sleep?"

Huang Yiyi immediately said wrongly: "Boss, I have always been a good sleeper. It's not your personal bodyguard, Lin Dong. As long as I get close to you, she kicks me out of bed. In the end, I was too sleepy, so I lay on the carpet. Fell asleep."

Qi Lin: "…………………

Seeing Huang Yiyi's beautiful eyes staring at him, Lin Dong's small face was a little dazed: "Did I kick you? I was asleep at the time, and I didn't know anything."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Qi Lin couldn't help but laughed.

According to his speculation, it may be that Lin Dong has sleepwalking, and this little girl is possessive of herself, so without knowing it, she keeps kicking Huang Yiyi out of the bed who is leaning against her.

I have to say, this sleepwalking is really annoying.

Although there was a big oolong when I woke up in the morning, it didn't affect the relationship between the two girls.

Lin Dong has a simple personality and a little inferiority complex.

She is just Qi Lin's bodyguard, and Huang Yiyi, she regards him as Qi Lin's wife, so she respects Huang Yiyi quite a bit.

After Huang Yiyi knew that Lin Dong was Qi Lin's bodyguard, she also wanted to win over this little sister.

Lin Dong protects Qi Lin personally, and has more chances to meet Qi Lin than her. Just blowing the pillow wind is enough for Huang Yiyi to eat a pot.

Furthermore, after what happened last night, the two girls also knew the basics, and they also drew closer to each other.

That arm in arm, talking and laughing affectionate look, even Qi Lin looked a little strange, thinking to himself that his two canaries would not have a tendency to be lace?

While eating lunch, Qi Lin called Zhou Pojun again: "Pojun, you don't need to secretly protect Yu Jin anymore, you come with me to Xiangjiang."

"Yes, boss."

Zhou Pojun nodded, hung up the phone, and left from under the Chu Provincial TV Station.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin dialed Yu Jin's phone: "Jin'er, you take Aunt Yun to Shuyi's house for a few days after get off work, although Chen Tiansheng is being burned by Matsushima Wu Nai now, but I can't be sure about him. Will they send killers to target you? You are with Shuyi, and Jin Qiu can protect you together."

"Don't you have any extra bodyguards? It's okay for me to go to find Shuyi alone. It's inconvenient to bring my mother with me, right?"

Yu Jin, who was working at the TV station, hesitated for a while and said.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "Original enough, but I'm planning to go to Xiangjiang to do something these few days, and I want to bring a few people there... Shuyi has a very gentle personality, you don't know it, besides, Yun My aunt is also her own, she won't mind."

Aunt Yun is her own person, only Qi Lin understands what it means.

Yu Jin thought Qi Lin said that she and Chen Shuyi were little sisters, so she didn't think much about it.

She said in a helpless tone: "That's fine... It would be great if you had more drama review manuscripts, I just want to buy a better house for my mother now, so I don't have to live in this kind of nowhere again." day."

Qi Lin smiled and said: "That's simple, the 9 villas in my community are all mine, you can choose one at random, and I will give it to you and Aunt Yun.

Yu Jin said coquettishly, "I don't want it. Although I admit that you are my husband, I don't want to be a vase to be taken care of by you. I want to live a good life with my own ability."

Qi Lin suppressed a smile and said, "Would it be too much of a loss for you to be so principled? I played with your sisters, at least you can get the company, hundreds of millions of stocks or something. If you want to buy a house by yourself, you have nothing."

...asking for flowers...

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes showed a trace of embarrassment: "You bastard can't spit out ivory. What do you mean I was played by you? If I didn't like you, the devil would be willing to be your wife, or you just treat me as a plaything, yes Don't I have a shred of emotion?"

Qi Lin chuckled and said, "That said, my love for sister Jin'er is like the endless stream of the Yangtze River, and like the flood of the Yellow River, it's out of control..."

"Okay, okay, I'm so sick of listening!"

"Speaking of business, I actually didn't think of breaking up with you so much. If you really want to be nice to me, when we have...have a child in the future, you can just give my share to our child."

Yu Jin bit her lower lip lightly, her beautiful eyes were filled with interest.

"I like to hear what you say, but it's not too late for this matter. I only have so much property, but women have a lot. If our child comes late, she may not have her share."

Qi Lin held back a smile.

Yu Jin immediately stared at her beautiful eyes, and said angrily, "How dare you! If you bastard dare not leave property to our children, I will divorce you!"


Qi Lin's black eyes were full of jokes: "So, this time I come back from Xiangjiang, let's start making babies?"

"Aren't you the best at coaxing people? Prepare me a surprise that can make my heart beat, and I promise you~"

Before Qi Lin could say anything more, the shy Yu Jin left this sentence and hung up the phone.

Putting away the phone, Qi Lin shook his head and smiled, "Those who say women only want attitude, not money, must be idiots. Those who want to make women fall in love with romance, who doesn't spend money, seem to come back from Xiangjiang, and their wallets are empty." It's going to be bloodletting."

Of course, what Qi Lin said was just a joke.

Yu Jin is the head of China TV station in the future, with her temperament and alluring beauty, I don't know how many men are willing to give up their family property, just to smile for her.

Even Chen Jiawei, a rich son with a net worth of tens of billions, once became Yu Jin's licking dog.

The little wife is romantic, and taking away her innocence is also an affirmation of her beauty.

Ask for monthly tickets! Evaluation tickets! Rewards! Reminders! Flowers! Please give Qi Lin more motivation to update!

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PS: Some people say that this book was ghost-written, that is impossible! Since the author promised to finish the book, he will keep writing it. There is no ghost-writing. There are also many branches. How can the ghostwriter be able to sort out so many relationships, remember so many emotional lines of the heroine, and then write them out? If there is such an awesome ghostwriter, please be sure to give the author a dozen.

After a book is written to the end, it is boring and boring, and there will definitely be problems of gradual decline in quality, powerlessness, and homogeneity of the plot. The author can also guarantee that he will finish writing the book. This is my confidence to speak out. Anyway, it is just a sentence. As long as there are people reading this book, the author will continue to write and live up to the readers who trust me.

And brothers who left because they were tired of watching the plot, don’t lose confidence in Qi Lin. When Qi Lin writes a new book, he will definitely be able to bring readers more good-looking works.

Sincerely, Qi Lin. .

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