Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

362: Jiang Lei Calls, Jiang Nannan Is Forced To Speak Out

"What did your brother talk to you just now?"

When Jiang Nannan came out of the hotel, she found Qi Lin waiting for her.

After sitting in the nanny car sent by Zhou Xingxing, Qi Lin asked Jiang Nannan with a smile.

How dare Jiang Nannan tell him what Jiang Lei said about Qi Lin.

She said with a guilty conscience: "It's nothing, I just chatted about some homework."

Even though he guessed that Jiang Lei would not speak well of him, and even cursed himself in front of Jiang Nannan, Qi Lin pretended not to know, and nodded with a smile.

"Today I won't be staying with Superman Li, I'll go back to the hotel with you guys, and find Nan Nan to fulfill my promise."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Jiang Nannan's pretty face turned red, dripping with blood.

Eat popsicles or something.

If Jiang Lei found out that the younger sister who had just warned him actually had this kind of interaction with Qi Lin, he would probably be so angry that he spurted blood and died on the spot.

"What? Doesn't it look like you don't want to?"

"Li Lizhen in Xiangjiang back then, didn't she devote herself to movies for the sake of art, but now Nan Nan can't even pass my hurdle, how can she make better movies?"

Qi Lin's smile disappeared, and he said so.

Jiang Nannan's pretty face panicked: "I, I am willing..."

Then, she lowered her head again, biting her wet lower lip and said aggrievedly: "But, but I really don't want to make that kind of movie, boss, you said "730" [kissing scene and hand-drawing scene] They don't let me have any contact with male actors."

Qi Lin smiled and said: "Aren't there many handsome actors? You don't want to try what it's like to kiss them.

Almost without hesitation, Jiang Nannan said: "I, I don't want to do that, only the boss can kiss me, I don't want to practice my acting skills, since the boss has given me resources, I don't need to make that kind of sacrifice.

Yo, it turns out that Jiang Nannan stopped deceiving himself and others a long time ago.

Knowing that Qi Lin is greedy for her body.

But it seems that Jiang Nannan has lost her temper after being trained by Qi Lin.

He has already acquiesced that he is Qi Lin's captive canary, and he is also in love with his master.

"Yes, I really like what you said, and I will keep it in the future."

Qi Lin smiled and pinched Jiang Nannan's fair and tender face.

After several people returned to the rented hotel.

Qi Lin directly laid Ge You on the sofa.

The sensible Huang Yiyi directly brought nuts and fruits and put them in front of Qi Lin.

Without Qi Lin doing anything, Jiang Nannan peeled the pistachios and prepared to feed them to Qi Lin.

"It doesn't taste very delicious, I like to feed it with my mouth."

Qi Lin glanced at the pistachio nuts in Jiang Nannan's hand, not very interested.

Jiang Nannan blushed pretty, and sat in Feng's arms a little shyly.

A pair of white and tender cartoon legs rested on Qi Lin's legs.

Delicate and delicate cute little feet, let Qi Lin play with them.

Then, she gently parted her tender lips, opened her white teeth, and bit off the pistachio nuts, then licked the pistachio nuts, closed her beautiful eyes shyly and fed them.


Every time, the pistachios are a bit too dry.

And a sip of honey flower tea.

Being bullied by Qi Lin, Jiang Nannan's heart was in a mess.

There is also an immoral sense of shame.

Obviously big brother's sweetheart, his future sister-in-law Qi Xueyao has become Qi Lin's woman.

She still leaned forward and let Qi Lin be frivolous.

Is she a little too shameless?

"Brother, I'm sorry! Even if there is a chance to terminate the contract with Sugarman Entertainment, I don't want to do it."

"I don't want to lose to Huang Yiyi, and I don't want to leave the boss. I like the feeling of being bullied by him. As long as I think that I will never see him again, I feel so lost. I don't know what happened to me."

What's wrong?

Of course, those who were trained by Qi Lin have already become attached to him.

Qilin, the big devil, loves and fears at the same time. He is deeply trapped in Stockholm Syndrome and cannot extricate himself.

Although Feng Wei is still her boyfriend now.

But Huang Yiyi wanted to cheat with all her heart, so that the top of Feng Wei's boyfriend's head would be more green.

"jingle bell ~"

Just as Qi Lin was living the life of King Zhou, the cell phone rang.

He randomly picked it up and looked at it.

yo ho.

It was actually the call from the rightful owner, Jiang Lei.

Without hesitation, Qi Lin pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone.

"President Qi, is it convenient to talk now?"

Jiang Lei asked with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Lei's voice, Jiang Nannan's soft body suddenly stiffened.

Her pretty face was even pale.

He was afraid that he would find out that he was lying in the arms of his big brother enemy.

"It's a little inconvenient, I'm enjoying it now, but your status is different, you are Qi Xueyao's friend and Nan Nan's big brother, I still have to give this little face.

Qi Lin is simply murderous and heart-wrenching, which pot is not open and which pot to carry.

What made Jiang Nannan collapse even more.

Qi Lin suddenly twisted her white and tender thigh.

The sudden severe pain made her unable to help exclaiming: "Ah~"

Obviously it was pinched, but to Jiang Lei's ears, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"This, is this Nan Nan's voice?"

"Didn't I tell her to stay away from Qi Lin?"

"What is that bastard Qi Lin doing to her now?"

Jiang Lei tightly clenched his fists, allowing his nails to sink into the flesh, piercing his palm, and blood dripped out, suppressing the endless anger.

"Be patient! If you bear it again, I can send Qi Lin to hell."

Jiang Lei's voice trembled a little: "Yes, that's how it is, after all, the company belongs to all of us, and I found another big business for Mr. Qi in Xiangjiang.

"The scale is around 50 million."

"However, you and Xueyao are both shareholders of the company, so this decision requires the consent of both of you."

Jiang Nannan covered her mouth with tearful eyes in pain, and looked at Qi Lin aggrievedly, not understanding why he made her look bad in front of his big brother.

It's enough to make a small joke, and if you continue to play [Jiang Nannan will really be played badly.

Huang Yiyi, who had already come out of the shower, couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene.

Now she feels a little sympathetic to Jiang Nannan.

He obviously likes the boss, but he has a boyfriend. The big brother is still the boss's mortal enemy.

Her life will not be so easy in the future.

"What business? Let's talk about the details first."

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Seeing that Qi Lin was playing tricks, Jiang Lei's voice finally returned to normal, and he sped up his speech: "It's the smuggling learning machine."

"Xiangjiang's learning machines sell well overseas, and now as most families in China become rich, they begin to pay attention to their children's learning and education, but they are busy with work and have no time to accompany their children, so they began to consider buying one that can A tool for children to learn and progress."

"At present, China's learning machine market is in short supply, but the domestic manufacturer industry chain is still too small and too single."

"Import it from abroad, and the price is too expensive, which will discourage some parents from buying.

"Boss Qi also knows that Snowman Education was founded on the first profit I earned from smuggling from Xiangjiang."

"I'm still in touch with that smuggling group. This time I directly made an appointment for a large order of 50 million. The problem I'm encountering now is that the funds are still quite short. I want to ask Mr. Qi if he is willing to participate.. . . . "

"President Qi doesn't have to worry about the profit, he can definitely make a lot of money, one to two hundred million is not a problem at all."

"The profits obtained at that time will be distributed according to our shareholding ratio in the company.

Jiang Lei has already said what needs to be said.

Whether Qi Lin will take the bait now depends on whether he is greedy or not.

"One to two hundred million profit..."

Qi Lin said something to himself, and there seemed to be interest in his tone.

"I'll take a share in this list, but this matter is important, and I happen to be in Xiangjiang, why don't I go with you?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Jiang Lei was ecstatic and clenched his fists tightly.

If it wasn't for the thought that he hadn't hung up the phone yet, he couldn't help jumping up on the spot.

Jiang Lei's purpose is to lure Qi Lin to make a deal with him on the spot.

At that time, he was using the method of self-destruct, and La Qilin went into the water together.

This dog is too vigilant, if Jiang Lei doesn't sacrifice himself, he won't fall for it at all.

He was still thinking about what reason he would use to persuade Qi Lin to go with him later, but Qi Lin himself said it first.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid that you are not greedy. Since you dare to come, even the Tathagata Buddha will not be able to save you this time."

Jiang Lei sneered.

He prepared two ultimate moves for Qi Lin, any one of which could kill Qi Lin.

It can be seen how long Jiang Lei has been planning for this layout.

"I agreed with them to pay the money and deliver the goods. Since Mr. Qi wants to participate in the shares, I will notify you as soon as the goods are ready."

Jiang Lei said with a smile.

"Okay, that's it, I have to do business, so I'll hang up first."

Qi Lin smiled faintly and hung up the phone.

Jiang Lei has black lines on his face.


Do his sister?

"Bastard! You bastard! You won't be chattering for two days."

Jiang Lei scolded angrily.

After hanging up Jiang Lei's phone call, Qi Lin did not choose to bully Jiang Nannan, but called Li Chaoren immediately.

Jiang Lei chose to blew himself up, and Qi Lin had expected it a long time ago.

Since he wanted to play tricks on Jiang Lei and use this opportunity to let Jiang Nannan take the initiative to sacrifice himself, Ken Kai had to break the game ahead of time.

"Mr. Li, you should have some contacts in the Xiangjiang police system, right?"

Qi Lin smiled and asked straight to the point. 3.8

Li Chaoren didn't hide it, and nodded with a smile: "I still have a bit of face there, and the chief of the police department often eats together... What's the matter? Qi Lin|||| What are you looking for them for?"

Qi Lin smiled and said: "That's not true, it's just that someone has tried to harm me in the past two days, and I want to ask Li Chaoren for help tomorrow.

"Is the problem serious?"

Li Chaoren explored first.

Qi Lin thought for a while: "50 million smuggled items, shouldn't it be embarrassing for Mr. Li?"

Li Chaoren smiled immediately: "Hey, what am I supposed to do? There is no smuggled goods of more than one billion yuan in the Customs Department, and it is not considered a major case. Don't worry, I will report to the Director of the Police Department in advance. Make a phone call, and I will go there again tomorrow to ensure that you will not encounter any trouble, and at the same time, you can take away the goods smoothly, so you should be satisfied, right?"


Qi Lin was simply too satisfied.

So, this is the benefit of saving Li Chaoren's family.

Over the years of operation, Li Chaoren's contacts in Xiangjiang are deeply rooted.

Not to mention covering the sky with one hand, but with a cough, Xiangjiang also knows three subjects.

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