Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

364: Shocked, Scared, Scared, The Final Winner, Qi Lin

"In our 14K territory, do you still want to cheat? I think you two are tired of your work."

Huang Lang's face turned ashen.

Although he didn't see the ambush that Jiang Lei mentioned, he has already decided to arrest these two bold outlanders first.

"Go and catch them both!"

Huang Lang ordered to his younger brothers.

"Jiang Lei, is this the surprise you prepared for me? If this is so small, then I'm a little disappointed.

Facing the more than 30 good gang thugs who surrounded him, Qi Lin said with a calm tone and a faint smile.

"Huh!" Jiang Lei sneered: "It's such a time, don't forget to pretend, you can pass this level now and then talk about it."

While speaking, he stepped back again and again, preparing to use Qi Lin as a shield.

Regarding Jiang Lei's self-reported identity, Qi Lin just shook his head and smiled, and ignored him.

"Zero and one, breaking the army."

Qi Lin gave a faint cry.

Needless to say, Zhou Pojun stood by Qi Lin's side, not allowing anyone to get close to the boss.

Ling Lingyi suddenly had a death breath, and walked towards Huang Lang and the others.

Huang Lang has already investigated Jiang Lei's identity.

He was indeed a speculator from the interior.

So Huang Lang didn't believe that Jiang Lei had the ability to eat black people.

This time, he only asked everyone to bring sticks and knives to avoid being targeted by the police.

At first, Huang Lang continued with a sneer, ready to watch a good show.

Seeing that Qi Lin only let Ling Ling and one person come to fight, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Really, this is a movie where one person can defeat a hundred? I want to see how you two bad boys want to be black and black.

However, as soon as Huang Lang finished speaking, the next second, his eyeballs were about to pop out.

It's okay to attack a group of club members with knives and sticks with bare hands.

Is this man made of copper skin and iron bones?

The knife slashed on his back without even blinking his eyes.

The stick hit the head and broke directly, but the eyes were still calm and chilling.

Most importantly, he didn't just stand and get beaten.

Right in the middle of Setsuna where he was stabbed and sticked, more than a dozen members of the club flew upside down, spitting blood, life and death unknown.

It's okay to be ruthless to yourself, but even more ruthless to the enemy. Anyway, Huang Lang has been in the club for so many years, and he has never seen such a fierce person.

If you put it in the club, you won't be directly promoted to Honghua Shuanggun, Xiangjiang's number one thug!

While Huang Lang was in a daze, Ling Lingyi had already returned behind Qi Lin.

Because on Huang Lang's side, apart from himself, there was no one who could stand.

"Damn it, I underestimated the defense force around Qi Lin."

"That Zhou Pojun is perverted enough, where did he get such a perverted thug."

"But it's okay."

"Do you think I've prepared such a little surprise? There are still surprises waiting for you later."

Jiang Lei expected that the guards around Qi Lin might be too strong, and Huang Lang couldn't do anything to him.

So when he retreated behind Qi Lin just now, he had already dialed the alarm number of Xiangjiang General Administration.

"Hello, is this Xiangjiang General Police Department? I want to call the police`.

"That's right, there are people smuggling goods worth more than 50 million yuan at the Kwai Chung pier, and there is also a fight, I hope you will come to support as soon as possible.

A cold light appeared in Jiang Lei's eyes, and he used the ultimate trump card.

50 million smuggled goods, and cheating with the society.

Once Qi Lin is caught by the Xiangjiang police, a 20-year sentence is absolutely indispensable.

Of course, he may also be extradited back to Huaxia.

But Huaxia's laws are stricter, and several crimes are punished together, so Qi Lin can take a shot.

What Jiang Lei hoped most was that after the police arrived, Qi Lin resisted to the end and was finally shot to death by random gunfire.

As long as he dies, the world will really be completely stable.

Although the price is that he will go to jail with Qi Lin, or be shot with Qi Lin.

Regarding this incident, Jiang Lei did not regret it at all.

Just as Qi Lin guessed.

Jiang Lei died, Qi Lin is now extremely powerful, surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, beautiful women like clouds.

But I haven't enjoyed it yet, I'm going to see Hades, presumably his life will be worse than death.

"Didi, scare~"

Because the police had already been called.

As soon as Zero Zero One finished dealing with the I4K thugs, a dozen police cars drove in and surrounded Qi Lin, Huang Lang and others.

"Don't move, everyone hug their heads and squat down!"

The deputy director of the Xiangjiang Police Department personally led the team to handle this special case.

I saw the police coming.

On the contrary, Huang Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

The people on his side are one-sided. Although he is quite capable, he is definitely not the perverted opponent of Ling Lingyi.

If the police don't come again, he will be the next person to be beaten violently.

When Jiang Lei saw the police coming, he immediately showed a happy expression on his face, and waited for Qi Lin to be arrested by the police with a sneer.

The police did start making arrests.

Those lying on the ground, including Huang Lang, who crouched down with his head in his arms, were all handcuffed.

Even Jiang Lei was not spared.

Only when he arrived at Qi Lin's place, the deputy director of the Xiangjiang Police Headquarters came over politely, stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Qi to be so young.

Qi Lin smiled and shook hands with the other party: "You know me?"

The deputy director smiled and shook his head: "I don't know Mr. Qi, but Mr. Li entrusted me to come here, saying that his distinguished guest, Mr. Qi, is in some trouble, and he asked me to help him out."

"Mr. Li is taking you outside the dock right now."

Originally, he was waiting for Qi Lin to be handcuffed like himself.

Seeing that instead of arresting Qi Lin, the deputy director was talking and laughing with him, Jiang looked in disbelief.

It's okay if the first plan fails.

But this second plan is obviously seamless!

He was afraid that Qi Lin's influence in Jianghan City would be too strong, so he chose Xiangjiang on purpose.

Qi Lin has never been here before, and he is not familiar with this place, logically speaking, he would never know any deputy director?

What exactly is going on???

Because he couldn't figure it out, Jiang Lei lost control of his emotions.

"Aren't you blind? He is my boss, the mastermind of this 50 million smuggling case. Since you arrested me, why didn't you arrest him?"

Jiang Lei roared loudly.

The deputy director gave Jiang Lei a strange look, and then Qi Lin asked: "President Qi, who is this?"

Qi Lin cast a glance at Jiang Lei, and smiled faintly: "Oh, this rebellious boy, I can handle it myself, just leave him to me."

The deputy director was a little taken aback.

How could Mr. Li's distinguished guests be smuggled? Maybe he was dug by his own people.

He nodded understandingly and told his men to let go of Jiang Lei.

Qi Lin glanced at Zhou Pojun.

Zhou Pojun nodded, walked over and lifted Jiang Lei up like a chicken, and let him struggle and curse.

When you come to the outside of the pier.

Sure enough, Li Chaoren and Li Kai were waiting there.

Seeing that Qi Lin came out safely, Li Chaoren greeted him with a smile: "Brother Qi Lin, have you solved the problem here? Are you okay?"

Qi Lin glanced at Huang Lang who was in handcuffs, and said with a faint smile: "It's nothing, it's just that there is a rebel under him, which caused a little misunderstanding with this brother.


Li Chaoren looked at Huang Lang suspiciously, not knowing who this person was.

Li Chaoren doesn't know Huang Lang, but Huang Lang knows the famous Li Chaoren!

This is the leader above him, and he has to be polite when they meet.

14K's survival depends entirely on this justice of the peace, one of Xiangjiang's spokespeople.

Huang Lang didn't even expect it.

Qi Lin, who traded with him, turned out to be Li Chaoren's distinguished guest.

To be regarded as a distinguished guest by Li Chaoren, his status is definitely not something that a small hall master like himself can offend.

Thinking of this, cold sweat was already running down his forehead.

Mr. Li, I am Huang Lang, the hall master of 14K, and Ge Xiong, our leader, also had dinner with you. 17

Huang Lang hurriedly reported his family name.

Li Chaoren tried his best to recall, and after a long time, he said calmly: "It turned out to be that guy Ge Xiong. I had dinner with him once, but he didn't teach you, who can be offended, and who can't be offended?"

Speaking of this, Li Chaoren looked Huang Lang up and down and found that he was not injured.

"Today you are able to stand here safe and sound, I should really thank the President Qi in front of you, if it were normal, you might lose your life.

Li Chaoren remembered Zhang Qiang, the thief king of that century.

Ever since Qi Lin captured him alive and picked him up alone, he seemed like a different person.

What worries Li Chaoren the most is that Zhang Qiang's hamstrings and tendons were picked off by him, but now he appears beside Qi Lin safe and sound and becomes his loyal dog.

Li Chaoren couldn't understand Qi Lin's weird methods at all.

Hearing Li Chaoren's words, Huang Lang was even more frightened (Nuo Zhao's).

Hearing Li Chaoren's words, can I survive today, or is this young man in front of me letting him live?

Huang Lang came out to hang out at the age of 11, and he has become a genius long ago.

When to say what to say, how to do it, he knows best.

"Yes yes yes! Thank you, President Qi, for saving my life. Huang Lang will definitely remember it.

"In the future, I, Huang Lang, will definitely be on call for any orders from President Qi."

Huang Lang smiled obsequiously and apologized to Qi Lin.

"You are just being used by others, but to be honest, the business is still going to go on.

"Send over your account, I'll send 50 million, and I'll take that batch."

Qi Lin said lightly.

Huang Lang immediately said with a flattering smile: "Boss Qi, you don't need to pay so much. In fact, the cost price of that batch of goods is only about 15 million. You can just give a cost price."

Huang Lang is only the hall master, and Qi Lin is completely exempted from the bill, and he can't be the master of the lungs.

Qi Lin is now worth tens of billions.

He doesn't even care about that little money.

Taking down this batch of goods was just to torture Jiang Lei in the future.

He smiled lightly and said: "You're quite capable of trouble, Mr. Li, let these policemen release this kid, it's not his fault this time.

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