Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

366: Jiang Lei Self-Switched To Take His Sister Ping An, Male Lead -1

Jiang Lei's fingers were simply bandaged by the personal doctor at Li Chaoren's villa.

His severed finger was also temporarily stored in the freezer.

When Jiang Lei woke up leisurely again, he found that only Qi Lin and his bodyguard were left in the living room, but Jiang Nannan was nowhere to be seen.

The severe pain and coma made Jiang Lei blur the passage of time.

Thinking of Jiang Nannan saying that he would give Qi Lin his innocence, he yelled at Qi Lin like crazy: "Where's my sister? Where did you hide him, you bastard?"

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and said with a faint smile: "Where else can I hide, of course I just finished having a good time, I guess I have already collapsed.

Hearing what Qi Lin said like a beast, Jiang Lei immediately went mad: "Ah! Ah! Ah! You bastard, you give me your life!"

The struggle of the ants is so ridiculous in the eyes of the strong.

Jiang Lei was kicked down by Zhou Pojun again, and stepped on the head by Zhou Pojun, unable to move.

"Kill me! Kill me immediately! As long as I live, I will die with you!"

Jiang Lei roared while struggling.

Qi Lin flicked the cigarette ash and said with a faint smile: "Of course I will kill you, and after I kill you, I will kill your parents again, and when I get tired of playing with your sister, I will kill your sister together .”

Jiang Lei thought that his death would dissipate the grievances between the two of them.

Now I heard that Qi Lin wanted to kill his parents, and even his sister.

Jiang Lei's face became paler and paler.

"You are not human, you are not human at all!"

"Nan Nan gave you her innocence, and she obviously likes you, can't you see it? Why don't you let her go.

What Jiang Lei said was the truth.

After eating with Jiang Nannan that day.

Back at his residence, Jiang Lei thought about it carefully, and found that Jiang Nannan was defending Qi Lin between the lines.

The proud younger sister, if she hadn't really fallen in love with a man, how could she behave like this.

"Yo? Now you know what to say? I thought that not only are you not afraid of death, but there is no one you like in this world.

There was a hint of sarcasm in Qi Lin's words.

"But it's useless for you to tell me these things now."

"It can be seen that Jiang Nannan has a deep relationship with you. If I kill her big brother, she will definitely hate me because of love."

"As my bedside person, one day I fall asleep, what should I do if she stabs me with a knife? So it's better to kill her.

Qi Lin's words are very reasonable.

Jiang Lei suddenly felt powerless at this moment.

In the past, he thought that revenge was his own business, and the big deal was that he would die.

But he forgot that Qi Lin is a big villain with an unscrupulous style of doing things.

His death is a trivial matter, but what about his parents and sister?

"It's over, it's over, as long as you let Nannan go, let me go and my parents, I won't seek revenge from you from now on.

Jiang Lei's voice was hoarse, and his body was exhausted like never before.

Qi Lin looked at the current Jiang Lei with a little interest, and asked: "Not taking revenge is just talking? Do you think it's just playing tricks? I snatched away your sweetheart and occupied your sister. Don't you have any feelings?" anger?"

Jiang Lei seemed to be stimulated by Qi Lin, and his heart was empty. He said lightly: "It is also a selfish act to take revenge on the family. It is her own choice for Xueyao to follow you."

I just want my sister and my parents to be safe..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Lei looked at Qi Lin: "How do you want me to prove that I will not seek revenge from you, just say so.

Qi Lin looked at Jiang Lei in surprise, then smiled and said, "Yo, I suddenly became smarter. Since you asked, I'll tell you directly."

"Cut yourself, the ancient emperor has told me the best way to get rid of future troubles forever."

"As long as you cut yourself, I guarantee that your family will be safe and sound, provided you don't get overwhelmed by yourself.

If Jiang Lei cut himself off and became neither male nor female, then his luck as a leading actor would be completely wiped out.

Same effect as kill.

In this way, there is no need to worry about Jiang Nannan hating her because of love.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Jiang Lei was stunned.

But after a few seconds, he laughed again, and Qi Lin gave a thumbs up: "You are so ruthless! No wonder you can laugh at the end, if I had learned this from you earlier, maybe I wouldn't have ended up where I am now step field."

After saying this, Jiang Lei's eyes gradually became dull.

"Give me the dagger."

Said to Zhou Pojun beside him.

Zhou Pojun didn't have a dagger, but he did have a military stab.

He put it directly into Jiang Jia's hands.

Finally, feeling the existence of the little brother as a souvenir, Jiang Lei closed his eyes: "The beloved is gone, what's the use of it? It's better to trade it for the peace of the family.

With a smirk, he turned everything horizontally.


Blood splattered three feet instantly!


Jiang Lei's face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was shaking.

"Remember your promise, if you dare to harm my family and my sister, even if I become a ghost, I will come back to you.

It has to be said that Jiang Lei is the most individual among Qi Lin's enemies.

Wang Cheng threw himself into Qi Lin's arms because of Wang Siling, and finally even wanted to kill his sister.

But Jiang Lei would rather become a eunuch himself in order to protect his sister.

From the moment Jiang Lei became a eunuch, he no longer threatened himself.

"Uncle, we will be one family from now on, and I will pamper Nan Nan well."

There was a hint of a smile in Qi Lin's black eyes.

Although Jiang Lei's face was pale, his eyes were calm: "I hope to be on your side, and my end will not be too miserable."

After saying this sentence, Jiang Lei couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

"Go and treat him, remember to connect your fingers."

Qi Lin asked a private doctor to come over.

The private doctor glanced at Qi Lin in horror: "Is it only fingers? This..."

"Throw this out and feed the dogs."

Qi Lin glanced at him with black eyes.

"Yes, yes, I'm going right now."

At this glance, the private doctor was scared to death.

He didn't dare to ask any more questions, and beckoned to his assistant to drag Jiang Lei away.

Jiang Nannan came back after finishing her makeup.

The beautiful pretty face has returned to its original beauty, although the beautiful eyes are still a little red and swollen.

...asking for flowers...

"Boss, me, where is my brother?"

Talking and twitching cutely.

"Is it necessary to pick up a broken finger? I have asked Li Chao's family's personal doctor to treat him."

Qi Lin rubbed Jiang Nannan's little head.

It is also a good thing that this little girl has a strong affection for Jiang Lei.

If he is willing to give everything for his big brother, he must also be willing to sacrifice his life for the man he loves.

Although Qi Lin would not let Jiang Nannan do this.

"Boss, thank you~"

Jiang Nannan suddenly lowered her head and said softly.

Jiang Lei sets up a dead end for Qi Lin.

With Qi Lin's character, Jiang Lei should surely die.

But Qi Lin finally let Jiang Lei go because of her face.

"There is no need to say thank you to me, after all, you have also given your most precious thing."

Qi Lin's tone was light.

Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes suddenly looked at Qi Lin with a hint of sadness: "Boss, do you have no affection for me, just like my beauty?"

Otherwise, why do you say that the relationship between the two is just a transaction?

"It's up to you. Huang Yiyi came later than you, and her identity is just a canary I kept in captivity. Instead of losing her temper, she tried her best to please me, so I like her very much now. In the future, maybe we can upgrade her to a lover status, or a more intimate status, such as girlfriend, concubine or something."

With a hint of amusement in Qi Lin's dark eyes, he began to brainwash Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan's heart was very complicated.

Ultimately, she is better off sharing a man with another woman.

Although a little unwilling, but with Qi Lin's domineering character, she has no choice, and it will be a matter of time.

Rather than being unwilling to feel sorry for yourself, it is better to go all out and flatter Qi Lin like Huang Yiyi unreservedly, so as to gain more weight in his heart.

"I'm going to become the boss's woman soon. With this relationship in the future, the grievances between big brother and the boss will dissipate, right?"

Jiang Nannan suddenly had a glimmer of hope for the future.

"This time in Xiangjiang, did I buy you a ballet dance skirt?"

Qi Lin suddenly asked with a smile.

Jiang Nannan's pretty face flushed slightly, and she nodded her head lightly: "Yes, Nannan knows that the boss likes that tutu skirt, and she will often want to see it."

"But I left it at the hotel."

Qi Lin got up and stretched out his big hand.

Jiang Nannan is much more well-behaved now, and quickly put her little hand into Qi Lin's, and the two of them clasped their fingers together, letting the boss feel his delicate and white palm.

"Let's go, go back to the hotel first, today I want to make Sister Nan Nan grow from a girl to a real woman.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

The title also changed from Nan Nan to Nan Nan.

Just like when the two first met.

This guy is too good at capturing women's hearts.

Sensing the change in Qi Lin's attitude towards him, Jiang Nannan's heart was slightly sweet, and she nodded with a hint of shame on her pretty face: "Yeah~"

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