Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

384: Dare To Bite Me? I'll Do It For You Now

Matsushima Kirina's ID card and passport had long been lost in the battle.

With her original appearance, she would definitely not be able to board the plane.

But it didn't bother her either.

Although her disguise technique can't be restored 100% like Qi Lin's, but it's no problem to fool the airport security check.

She directly stunned a lady who was going to the bathroom with a secret drug, and then disguised herself into her appearance.

Then from the other party's bag, he took away the other party's ID card, air ticket and passport.

With these air tickets and passports, Matsushima Kirina finally boarded a plane to Sakura Country.

When she got on the plane, she was relieved to see that Qi Lin hadn't chased after her.

Sitting next to Matsushima Kirina was a man.

He took the initiative to greet Matsushima Kirina: "Miss, are you from the Sakura country or the Huaxia country?"

Matsushima Kira has no interest in talking to strangers, but when the other party asked, she still said perfunctorily: "Sakura countryman."

The man's eyes flashed with amusement: "No way? How did I remember that your name is milk delivery, and you are from Bashu.

Matsushima Kirina, who was still calm at first, changed her expression instantly when she heard Qi Lin's words.

She immediately looked at the other party vigilantly and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

At this time, the corner of the man's mouth was slightly raised and he said: "Milk delivery lady, we kissed yesterday, why did you not recognize me after only one night?"


Hearing this, Matsushima Murona's pretty face turned pale.

If she still doesn't understand who the man in front of her is at this time, then she is almost a fool.

Dear passengers and friends, flight Z3657 from Jianghan City to Daban is about to take off. Passengers please fasten your seat belts, turn off your mobile phones, and cooperate with the flight attendants. Thank you. "

At this moment, the radio was already broadcasting the news of the plane taking off.

Matsushima Yuna took two deep breaths, and began to ignore Qi Lin.

As long as the plane took off and arrived in Sakura Country, she would have a way to contact her family members.

At that time, she will also be able to escape from Qi Lin's clutches.

"Do you think the plane can escape my clutches by taking off?"

Qi Lin suddenly took out a ticket with a smile on his face.

Then, under Matsushima Kirina's puzzled eyes, the ticket disappeared in Qi Lin's hands like magic.

Of course he took the ticket back to the system space.

Then, under the confused expression of Matsushima Yuna, Qi Lin shouted to the flight attendant: "I don't have a plane ticket, can I take this plane to Osaka...?"

Qi Lin's words frightened the flight attendants.

People who don't have air tickets get on the plane, and if they are found out after takeoff, they will all be held responsible.

Immediately a flight attendant came over to check.

They really didn't find the plane ticket on Qi Lin.

"Sir, if you don't have a plane ticket, please cooperate with us to get off the plane immediately, and then go to the police station for investigation.

The flight attendant said with a serious face.

"That won't work, what will happen to my wife after I leave? She has a concubine in Sakura Country, what if she cheats on me behind my back?"

Flight attendant: "..."

Qi Lin refused to leave, and the reason he gave made the flight attendant speechless.

And more and more passengers noticed the movement here, with expressions of watching the excitement.

"Excuse me, sir, what evidence do you have to prove that this lady is your wife?"

asked the flight attendant helplessly.

The plane is about to take off, it's fine that the man didn't buy a ticket, and now another lady is involved, what's the matter?

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I have nothing to do with him."

Seeing that Qi Lin was trying to drag her into the water, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes showed a trace of anger, and she immediately separated herself from Qi Lin.

"Daughter-in-law, it doesn't matter what you said. This is our marriage certificate. It can't be faked, right?"

Qi Lin smiled and handed a marriage certificate to the flight attendant.

The flight attendant curiously opened the marriage certificate, and from the perspective of Matsushima Kirina, he could also see the content on the marriage certificate.

I saw Matsushima Wuna's disguised woman and Qi Lin's disguised man standing together with sweet smiles, and there was a seal of the Huaxia Civil Affairs Bureau stamped on it, which could not be faked at all.

Kirina Matsushima: "......"

Qi Lin laughed and said, "See? So if my wife doesn't get off the plane, I won't get off the plane either.

Matsushima Wuna didn't expect things to happen to this point, she said anxiously: "Don't listen to this lunatic, drive him out quickly!"

The conflict between husband and wife is a trivial matter, but if it affects the normal take-off of the plane, it is a major event.

When the passengers saw that the incident was getting serious and it was about to affect the take-off of the plane, they all chattered in displeasure.

"You husband and wife have conflicts and go back to your own home to resolve them. Don't affect others!"

"Your man didn't buy a ticket, so you just get off the plane and buy another flight with him. Is it difficult?"

"Could it be that you really have a concubine in Sakura Country? Your man has chased you here, so go down with him! It's not good for others to see jokes!"

Passengers accused Matsushima Yuna one after another, asking her to get off the plane with Qi Lin, so as not to delay the plane's take-off.

Cheng also said seriously: "Now we treat you well, if the police come later, the consequences will be serious."

"Qi Lin! You despicable and shameless fellow!"

Kirin Matsushima's nose was crooked, and Qi Lin cursed.

In this situation, she couldn't fly back to Sakura Country at all.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Qi Lin, on the other hand, grinned very brightly.

In the end, the two were taken off the plane, and they were severely criticized by the police on duty in the police office before letting them go.

Zhou Pojun was already waiting outside the airport.

Seeing that Qi Lin came back with Matsushima Wuna, he hurried over to open the car door and let the boss throw it up.

Sitting in the comfortable Maybach, Qi Lin tore off the disguise on his face.

The same is true for Matsushima Kirina.

Matsushima Kirina, who had returned to her original appearance, was full of doubts at this time.

"Where did you get your marriage certificate?"

She gritted her teeth and asked.

Qi Lin smiled faintly: "Unfortunately, the woman you fainted got married, and her husband went to the bathroom in the men's bathroom, so I knocked him out, and then took away his air ticket and passport."

A poor couple who really wanted to go to the country with cherry blossoms for a honeymoon, but they were cheated by Qilin Matsushima and Wu Nai.

"How did you know I was here?"

Kirina Matsushima asked the second question.

"Secret, I want to tell you someday."

Kunkun has been following Matsushima Yuna, and it can see through Matsushima Yuna's recluse.

These are all Qi Lin's sharp weapons for Matsushima Wuna.

Qi Lin would definitely not say anything until he had played enough with Matsushima Wuna, or to see if he could subdue her.

"Let me see that Li Zhou is a trap set by you, right? You are really despicable and shameless, and you took advantage of all of us.

A sense of powerlessness flashed across Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "How can it be called exploiting? You are originally from my side. Now you have made great contributions to me. I will reward you after you go back. When your injury is better, I will let you experience it." How about the majestic temperament of a Huazhong man?"

Matsushima Wuna's pretty face was flushed with anger, and she gritted her silver teeth and scolded: "Whoever is on your side, you have to wait until I recover from my injury and let me go, and our grievances (of Li Zhao) will be written off. If you If you dare to mess with me, we will die endlessly.

"Threatening me? I like threats from others the most."

A contemptuous smile appeared in Qi Lin's black eyes, he pinched Matsushima Kuna's fair chin, and kissed Yi directly.

A flash of shame and anger flashed in Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes, and she wanted to kill Qi Lin.

"Think it over before making a decision. If you dare to bite me, I will deal with you right away, and then throw you to a group of beggars, and let them serve you well."

Qi Lin's threat was simply too shameless.

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were full of fear, and she really didn't dare to bite Qi Lin.

In the endless humiliation, Matsushima Murona could only kiss with her.

But I don't know why, kissing and kissing, the 19-year-old ninja's heart gradually slammed, her beautiful eyes blurred, and a pair of slender manga legs were also brought together.

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