Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

398: Xia Sha Delivers Meals In Person, Qi Lin's Molestation

The choice made by Yu Chen made Qi Lin's black eyes reveal a hint of deep meaning.

"Wow woof!"

When Yu Chen turned around, he lowered his head and knelt down on the spot under the astonished eyes of everyone, and then tried to get under Qi Lin's crotch while learning how to bark like a dog.

But how could Qi Lin let him drill, isn't this an insult to himself?

"After all, we are alumni, I'm just joking with you, why did you really get into it, let your favorite Siling see it, how embarrassing.

"Okay, let's go, it's none of your business here."

Qi Lin smiled and waved his hands, indicating that Yu Chen could go.

In front of his sweetheart, he was so humiliated.

Yu Chen didn't even dare to raise his head.

He really got up, didn't say a word, and disappeared silently before everyone's eyes.

"Xiaolin, why do I feel that you are becoming more and more like the villain in the TV series now? Is it really okay for you to bully a young man like this?"

This was the first time Fang Yuanyuan had seen her son's hostile side, so she was unavoidably surprised.

Qi Lin smiled and said in his heart: In the previous life, it was because your son was too kind-hearted and always trusted his friends too easily, so he suffered a big loss and made you jump off the building in the end to end the ten sounds.

If you live a new life, if you don't learn from 23, isn't this the same as the second idiot?

And he didn't just want to humiliate Yu Chen.

Seeing that this kid can bend and stretch, he definitely has a bad move in his heart.

It just so happened that Qi Lin lacked system points.

The next male lead to be killed will start with Yu Chen.

"Big brother, you've been busy outside all day, you must be hungry, right? I'll go home and make your favorite dish for you, okay?"

Wang Siling took the initiative to hold Qi Lin's arm, and said with a sweet smile.

No matter how dazzling Wang Siling looks on the outside, in her heart, this will always be the most important position.

Qi Lin was about to say something.

Suddenly, several little girls surrounded him chattering.

Xiaolian excitedly held the paper and pen, asking Wang Siling to sign for herself.

Miss Wang, we are all your fans, and we are also learning piano.

"The song you talked about to Ellie just now is really good, that is the love experience I imagined."

"Can you sign us, please?"

When someone takes the initiative to ask you for an autograph, it means that you are really a star.

Girls who are also fifteen or sixteen years old, although they haven't been in love yet, they have already begun to look forward to the sweet love in "Siya's masterpiece To Alice".

It was also the first time for Wang Siling to encounter this kind of battle, so he felt very embarrassed.

She shyly signed autographs for a few little fans, and chatted with them a few words before sending them away.

"Did you see? My little sister, Si Ling, has already been asked for her autograph. What does that mean? It means that she is already a star."

"The hand of a star playing the piano, plus she is the protagonist of today, how can we let the protagonist of our family cook.

Qi Lin smiled and took Wang Siling's delicate and smooth little hand, playing with it carefully.

Fang Yuanyuan said unhappily: "If you don't let your sister Si Ling cook, let your mother cook, right? You really have a wife and forget your mother.

Qi Lin had a hint of helplessness on his face: "When did I tell you to cook..."

As if thinking of something, Qi Lin suddenly smiled and said: "No one needs to cook today. Shrimp Emperor just launched a set meal of spicy crab, dry pot bullfrog, and dry pot rabbit meat in winter. Yuxi, call your aunt , Ask her to prepare more dishes and have them delivered to the villa, and we will have a family dinner today."

"Come out and help, I can't carry so many things by myself."

Qi Lin was watching a few girls playing mahjong. From time to time, this card would be fueled, and the girl who harassed her let out a coquettish sound, enjoying it.

But at this moment, Feng Sha received a call.

Qi Lin couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, Shrimp King's business should be the best. She, the deputy general manager, doesn't stay in the head office, why does she deliver the food herself?

But since Xia Sha came, Qi Lin must be very happy.

Lan Yuxi, the effervescently beautiful little aunt, has been on his mind for a long time.

The two haven't seen each other for a while.

The reason is that Qi Lin has encountered a lot of things recently and is a bit busy.

On the other hand, Xia Sha deliberately avoided Qi Lin, so that the two of them didn't even make a phone call.

"Boss, let me go with you."

When Chuchun saw that Qi Lin was about to go out, he immediately stepped forward and said in a gentle tone.

"I'm here to help too."

Zhong Xia put down the teacup in his hand and also stood up.

However, when she saw Qi Lin glance at her black silk K uniform short skirt, her pretty face blushed slightly and immediately hit the ground.

Lan Yuxi always made her wear some strange clothes.

Especially the K black silk uniform skirt, which has been shortened, isn't it clearly tempting the boss?

When they left the villa, they saw Xia Sha standing beside a BMW outside the small courtyard, waving to Qi Lin.

"Haven't you been hiding recently? Did you bring it here yourself today?"

When Qi Lin saw Xia Sha for the first time, he asked in a teasing tone.

Xia Sha's pretty face flushed slightly, and she glared at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes: "Can't you call someone? Thanks to our Yuxi being your girlfriend."

Qi Lin blinked his eyes: "Auntie, I haven't seen you for a few days, why did you have a pimple on your face, did you become younger again?"

Xia Sha panicked when she heard Qi Lin's words: "I have acne? Where is it? It's over, it's over, it must be because I stayed up late writing marketing copy recently, which ruined my skin.

She hurriedly took out the small mirror and took photos on her beautiful face, but she didn't see anything in the end.

Then she realized that she had been cheated by that bastard Qi Lin.

"You little bastard, if you don't tease me for a moment, you will feel uncomfortable, right?"

Annoyed, Xia Sha took out her powder fist and hit Qi Lin in the chest.

How could Qi Lin let it go when he sent it to Xiaonen.

Before Xia Sha called, Qi Lin held it in his hand and played with it wantonly.

Feeling the itch of Dao Qilin scratching her palm, Xia Sha felt like getting an electric shock, and quickly pulled her little hand back.

097 "I'm just here to deliver food today, and your parents are here too, save me some face, or I'll quit in the future, and who wants to take over your dilapidated store? Go sleep and take over."

Xia Sha pursed her mouth, Qi Lin said.

Qi Lin also knew that there was Lan Yuxi lying between him and Xia Sha, and there was still a long way to go if he really wanted to embrace the beauty.

Every time she flirts with her once or twice, it's fine if she's too oily, it's really too much, this girl will definitely turn her face.

"Zhong Xia, Chun'er, say hello to our lady boss of Shrimp Emperor, and come over to pick up your things.

Qi Lin opened the trunk and saw the steaming hot and packaged food.

There are also pots of alcohol, drinks beer, and even a big pot of rice cooked with good basmati rice.

It seems that Xia Sha prepared very carefully, probably because she knew that Qi Lin's parents were also there.

"Hello boss."

Chuchun and Zhongxia greeted Xia Sha with a smile, and then went to the trunk to pick up their things.

Xia Sha glared at Qi Lin with beautiful eyes, but she was helpless when he took advantage of her words.

Qi Lin thought that Xia Sha would leave after delivering these things.

But he didn't expect that she would follow behind him and enter the villa together.

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