Shasha printed hundreds of thousands of leaflets.

Thanks to the hard work of the entire Shrimp King staff, everyone who dined out in the entire Jianghan City soon knew that the Shrimp King had a new service.

Shrimp King already has a certain reputation in Jianghan City, and now it has launched an activity to treat guests like treasures, which quickly attracted everyone's attention.

In this era when eating is only about serving food, and the service attitude is not improved.

These customers have never seen that they can open a shop like this.

Doing manicures and shoe shines for customers, bringing babies to customers, and celebrating birthdays for customers, it’s almost like serving customers like parents and mothers.

Some curious guests couldn't help but go to find out.

Everyone had such thoughts, which caused the branches of Shrimp King to be full quickly, and there was a long queue outside the door.

But in the face of queuing, which makes customers very impatient, Shrimp King Shrimp King has really made the guests not bored at all.

The female clerk in the store quickly took out the gadgets and began to make manicures and shine shoes for the customers in need.

This scene amazed both the guests in line and the passers-by.

In the main store.

"Sister Sasha, according to the method you said, the traffic has really returned?"

"And according to this trend, the number of customers in our store will skyrocket, and may even exceed the peak period of Shrimp King."

Xiaotao saw the increasing number of customers in the store and the long line outside the store, and reported to Xia Shahui in surprise.

A smile flashed across Xia Sha's beautiful eyes. She had a hunch that Qi Lin's method would work, but she didn't expect the effect to be so great.

This little bastard is really talented in business.

Didn't see him working hard to learn business knowledge? Why is it better to use his brain casually than to study hard every day?

Thinking of this, Xia Sha couldn't help pouting.

"This is not the method I came up with, didn't I tell you? This is your boss Qi Lin's idea."

Xia Sha couldn't help laughing.

"In addition, we must now remember to guard against arrogance and impetuosity. It is because we did not care about the rise of Haidilao at the beginning and suppressed Qin Han, which led to the subsequent breeding of tigers."

"Doing service is a long-term thing. You must strengthen the quality education and service training of the store managers and clerks in each branch. If anyone dares to neglect the customers, he will be fired directly. There is no need to say anything."

Xia Sha gave Xiaotao instructions.


Xiaotao immediately looked serious, nodded, and went down to get busy.

Xiasha's Shrimp Emperor is doing well, but Qin Han's Haidilao is not doing so well.

Completely inherited Qi Lin's shameless offensive method.

Xia Sha asked the clerk to distribute leaflets, and they were all delivered to the door of Haidilao store.

All the stores of the two are basically next to each other, looking at the long queue at the entrance of Shrimp King.

Seeing the content of the flyer sent to him by the clerk of Shrimp King, several guests who were going to eat at Haidilao began to hesitate.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, the guests finally turned around and prepared to go to the Shrimp Emperor Restaurant for dinner.

The store manager of Haidilao has long discovered that the customer flow in the store is not right during the peak meal time tonight.

The passenger flow can no longer be described as a decline, it is more appropriate to describe it as a burst.

When he walked out of Haidilao and wanted to check the situation, he found that several guests turned and walked towards the scene of King Shrimp.

"Hey, what happened to the customers? Is this something you don't like about our Haidilao? Our Haidilao is known for its first-class service. It absolutely treats customers like God, which is not comparable to other stores. "

The store manager hurriedly stopped several customers, trying to save them.

“Excellent service attitude?”

"You could still say that in the past, but not now..."

"Can you do manicures and shoeshine for customers while queuing? Can you help customers coax their children? Can you pack free snacks and fruits for customers after the meal? Can you send them to customers on their birthdays?" Cakes and all the staff wishing guests well? Seems like you don’t have any of those.”

"It's not that Haidilao is bad for you, it's just that we have better choices now, so I'm sorry."

The few customers were quite qualified. They smiled at the manager of Haidilao, then walked around him and walked into the Shrimp King shop.

The store manager: "...

During this period of time, Haidilao has been beating King Shrimp, and the store manager of Haidilao has a very good feeling about King Shrimp...

But this sudden change in the situation made the store manager feel that something was wrong in an instant.

He didn't dare to delay, and immediately went to the general manager's office of Haidilao Catering Company to find Qin Han and report.

"Boss Qin, something is wrong, Shrimp King seems to have made some big moves, and they have also paid attention to service, and now our guests have been snatched away by them.

The store manager said to Qin Han sweating profusely.

Qin Han's face was a bit dignified, because this store manager was not the first person to report to him.

Sitting in the office, it is impossible to understand the front-line situation in detail.

"I see, you can go back to the store first, I will take care of this matter."

Qin Han said to the store manager.

Seeing that the general manager seemed to have an idea, the store manager who was in charge nodded and went back.

After the store manager left, Qin Han couldn't sit still anymore.

He decided to go to Shrimp King to find out what Xia Sha did when he visited Haidilao.

As soon as he walked to the door of a branch of Shrimp Emperor, Qin Han saw an extremely exaggerated scene.

At the door full of long queues, the female salesperson of Shrimp King is holding a toolbox to shine shoes for male customers and make Misato for female customers.

Of course, this manicure is not as complicated as in the later generations, which involves applying nail polish, applying a protective layer, and finally decals on the surface.

Otherwise, with so many guests, it would be a monkey face.

Shrimp King uses the imitation 1.9 nail stickers bought, allowing customers to choose their favorite styles and then stick them on.

Although it is not the kind of manicure as imagined, but a restaurant provides such a service, which still makes the guests who come to dine very happy.

Everyone is extremely satisfied with the high-quality service of Prawn King.

"Xia Sha was suppressed by me a while ago and has always been frowning, and judging from the mess she opened in the restaurant before, she has no business talent at all."

"These methods are definitely beyond what Xia Sha can think of. Someone must teach her later."

Qin Han's thoughts were quick, and he quickly thought of the key to the matter.

Without stopping any longer, Qin Han walked directly towards the Shrimp Emperor shop.

"My guest, do you have a meal reservation?"

But he was immediately stopped by the staff of Shrimp King. .

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