Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

410: Hallucinogenic Potion, The First Person You See Will Dedicate Yourself

Oda Masao can survive in the Matsushima family, and become the top ninja that even Chio Matsushima fears, how could he be a fool.

Obviously, this Chen Jiawei was using him and wanted to use his strength to deal with Qi Lin.

You know, Chen Jiawei and Matsushima Wuna are only in an employment relationship.

He gave the money, and Matsushima Wuna took the money. Even if something happened to Matsushima Wuna, it had nothing to do with him. The only thing to blame was his own lack of strength.

How could he try his best to rescue her?

As for his leg injury, it might be because he was defeated in the fight with that Qi Lin and stayed.

In addition, from Chen Jiawei's fear of the name Qi Lin, Oda Masao also deduced that this Qi Lin is an extremely difficult person to deal with.

The guard force of the Chen Family Manor is second to none even in the Cherry Blossom Country.

Masao Oda wanted to kill Chen Jiawei in layers of protection, but it was as difficult as climbing

It's such a person that even the children of the chaebol can't deal with, how could he provoke him casually.

Now that he already knows the target of Matsushima Yuna's assassination, Oda Masao has no reason to stay here.

"I just want to bring my junior sister back to Sakura Country. As for cooperation or something, Mr. Chen Jiawei should find someone else.

After leaving these words, Masao Oda threw out a black smoke bomb.

When the smoke dissipated again, his figure had already disappeared in the villa.

Looking at this scene, Chen Jiawei turned his mouth slightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate. With Qi Lin's character like a dog, he will definitely not let Shimamona relax and leave. In this way, why don't you fight him to the death? When you all lose, I will be able to reap the benefits."

After a few days of cultivation, Matsushima Yuna's injury has basically healed, and her strength has almost recovered.

At this time, she was lying bored and helpless in the luxurious ward on the second floor, looking at the ceiling.

But her expression was a little strange.

Sometimes distressed, sometimes shy, and sometimes gnashing teeth.

After the quarrel with Qi Lin, she rinsed her mouth a hundred times, but the smell didn't go away.

Cooking dumplings for Qi Lin caused her to look like a rolling pin in her dreams.

Fortunately, she was beaten internally, and Qi Lin did not force her down.

"At least he kept his innocence, and it's not a complete loss."

"But it can't go on like this, the injury is about to heal, if you don't want to leave here, you will really be punished by Qi Lin, that bastard.

Thinking of this, Matsushima Kirina got up and walked into the bathroom of the luxurious ward.

Because only here, there is no surveillance camera installed.

She groped around on her body, and then took out a small transparent bottle.

In the small bottle, there are some pure white powder beds.

A ninja not only needs to practice martial arts and be proficient in various fighting and killing techniques, but also needs to be an excellent pharmacist who can dispense all kinds of poisons.

The bottle of powder that Matsushima Yuna took out now is a unique secret recipe that she has never told anyone, and it is also the bottom of the box to guard against the beast father Matsushima Chio.

This is a hallucinogenic drug, which is colorless and odorless when dissolved in water.

But once people drink it, they will gradually have hallucinations. After knowing the effect of the medicine, they will regard the first person they see as their most beloved person, and reveal their hearts, wanting to give themselves to the other party. Or make a positive result with the other party.

Because the ingredients in it are extremely precious, Soshima Kirina has been reluctant to use them, and wants to save them to deal with Matsushima Chio in the future.

But now she is forced to do nothing by Qi Lin, so she can only use this medicine to deal with Qi Lin first.

Hiding the potion in her cuff, Matsushima Yuna came out of the bathroom.

As soon as she lay down on the hospital bed, the door was pushed open.

Matsushima Kira's pretty face panicked, and she immediately pretended to be a little weak and pale.

As long as her injury has not healed, she can spend a little more time with Qi Lin.

"How's your recovery going?"

The person who came in was indeed Qi Lin.

He sat down in front of the hospital bed, smiled and played with Matsushima Kirina's white and tender feet.

"The Golden Knight brought by Buzz last time was too aggressive, causing the gunshot wound to recur. If you want to recover (cdff), it should take half a month... No, it should be a week."

He was afraid that Qi Lin would get impatient if he spoke for too long.

Hearing Matsushima Kirina's words, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing: "Aren't you female ninjas the most cunning? Why can't you even tell a lie? There are so many doctors checking you every day. Are you in good condition? Well, can I not know?"

"Today is the deadline I give you. Either serve me at night, or I will hand you over to Buzz, and you will make your own decision at that time."

"Okay, get up now and go downstairs for me. The wound is healing now. You need to move around more to promote the healing of the wound. Don't lie on the bed all the time."

Hearing that Qi Lin saw through his pretending to be sick, Matsushima Kuna blushed a little.

She thought to herself: It seems that it is right to take out that bottle of medicine. This bastard still can't help but want to attack me. Let's find a chance to put it in his teacup later. Upstairs room, until he became a beast, I then took advantage of the chaos to escape.

The plan is perfect, but I don't know if it will be implemented so smoothly.

"I want to come down, can you let go of my feet first?"

Matsushima Kirina bit her lower lip and said helplessly.

She didn't expect at all that this big devil was actually a foot controler.

But it also has something to do with how delicate and cute her little feet are.

White tender pink, beautiful arches, whether wearing high heels or small leather shoes with white silk above the knee, they are all very beautiful.

What man would not like it.

At Qi Lin's request, Matsushima Kirina put on a pair of white silk knee socks, and then changed into a black and white sailor suit.

Kirina Matsushima is a sophomore and a native of Sakura Country. This is a 100% restoration of the beautiful girl in a certain movie.

If you insist on using a star to describe it, it is similar to Hashimoto Naicai, but the appearance is far better than Hashimoto Naicai.

He took Matsushima Yuna to the living room sofa on the first floor and sat down.

Qi Lin casually played with Matsushima Yuna's little white silk feet.

"Xiaomei, go and get two cups of tea."

Qi Lin gave orders to Xiaomei.

"Okay, boss~"

Xiaomei nodded, and then went to make two cups of oolong tea for Qi Lin and Matsushima Wuna, and put them on the tea table in front of Matsushima Yuna.

Although the soles of the pink and white silk's feet were a little itchy from being scratched by Qi Lin, Matsushima Yuna didn't care about it.

She stared at Double Tea vaguely with her beautiful eyes, and said in her heart: "God help me, isn't it the best time to prescribe medicine to Qi Lin?"

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