Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

414: The Blossom Marriage Series, Matsushima Wuna Is Miserable

"Kuna, you look so beautiful in your wedding dress......

Gradually, the picture in Oda Masao's eyes changed.

The appearance of Baz in front of him was blurred for a while, but when it became clear again, it turned into the appearance of Matsushima Kuna.

As Matsushima Yuna said earlier, this hallucinogenic drug will mistake the first person you see for the person you like the most, and apply to have a relationship with him without confidence.

In short, Buzz is dangerous now.

Oda Masao took a step forward, and his broad palm was already caressing Buzz's face.

Seeing Masao Oda's sudden change in painting style, Buzz couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body.

"Bastard! What the hell are you doing?"

It was clearly an angry yell, but in Oda Masao's ears, it turned into Matsushima Kirina saying to him: "Senior brother~ can you stop looking at me like this?"

This sentence was like a catalyst, directly stimulating Masao Oda.


He jumped straight at Buzz, becoming a slave to the hallucinogens.

Buzz already sensed that something was wrong.

Masao Oda in front of him seemed to be controlled by someone, and his behavior became very strange.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Baz, whose hands were bound, cursed angrily and backed away again and again.

But his struggles were all in vain.

After a few minutes.


With a scream.

In Baz's heart, he lost the eighteen generations of Masao Oda's ancestors.

He has always been the only one who tortured others, but now he is being treated like this for the first time.

If he had known that this kind of thing would happen, he swore that he would never bring anyone to intercept Matsushima Yuna today, and just send his subordinates down.

Yanyan Villa.

On the second floor, Matsushima Kirina was resting in the ward.

Seeing Qi Lin coming in, Xiaomei left immediately and closed the door behind her.

"I let you meet your senior brother too, should you fulfill your promise now?"

Qi Lin pinched Matsushima Kirina's fair chin and said with a smile.


With a trace of shame and anger in Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes, she opened Qi Lin's hand: "You bastard is too despicable and shameless, why do you want someone to pretend to be me and deceive my brother?"

Regarding Matsushima Yuna's reprimand, Qi Lin's attitude was casual and casual: "I don't dare to take the words despicable and shameless. This sentence should be given to you, right?"

"You were the one who poisoned my tea first. Could it be that you are only allowed to set fire to the state officials, and I, a commoner, are not allowed to light lamps?"

Kirina Matsushima: "......"

She didn't expect Qi Lin to find out what she did so covertly.

Matsushima Wuna blushed slightly: "You bastard is too hateful, you know that the tea is poisonous, and you tricked my brother into drinking it."

"You still sent your maid to follow my brother, aren't you afraid that she will be in danger?"

Of course, Qi Lin has a lot of things arranged.

I'm afraid it's not Xiao Zhu who is in danger now, but Buzz.

Thinking of the two men fencing, Buzz's frightened and desperate expression was a little funny.

The only pity is that this scene could not be photographed, otherwise it would be a good idea for Bernice to appreciate it.

"These things are not something you should worry about now, and now your poison is useless, what else do you have to prevent me from tasting you, the female ninja of Sakura Kingdom?"

Qi Lin pinched Matsushima Kirina's fair chin for the second time, and asked with a smile.

This time, Matsushima Wuna did not dodge any more, Meimou and Qi Lin looked at each other: "You don't want to get my innocence, as long as you dare to force me, whether you hit the wall or bite your tongue, I will die in front of you. You can only get a corpse."

This female ninja has a strong personality, Qi Lin can tell that she is telling the truth.

But to deal with this female ninja, all her own coups.

"That Masao Oda is his lover, right? Now he is taking effect of the medicine, and he is completely defenseless. What do you think if I let Zhou Pojun kill him?"

"I forgot to tell you, in order to ensure Xiaozhu's safety, I have sent Zhou Pojun to pick her up."

Listening to Qi Lin's words, Matsushima Murona's pretty face paled for a while.

Wuna Matsushima has experienced the strength of the bodyguard next to Qi Lin.

Absolutely above yourself.

When Oda Masao was unconscious, it was a breeze to kill him.

Facing the life threat of her childhood sweetheart, she was obviously the most ruthless female ninja, but she burst into tears instantly, feeling hopeless in her heart.

"I'll give you one last chance to say your choice."

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth turned up slightly, and black air overflowed his whole body.

Matsushima Kirina bit her lower lip, her beautiful eyes were foggy: "As long as you don't hurt my senior brother, I will do as you wish.

What a wise man's choice......Xiaomei, bring my stuff in. "

Qi Lin snapped his fingers.

After a while, the door of the room was pushed open.

Xiaomei walked in holding a beautiful dress.

々I heard that your Sakura Kingdom's flower wedding series is beautiful, on the day of other people's wives' wedding, you force each other...

"Put on this pure white wedding dress, I want to see how beautiful the 19-year-old Sakura Country girl can be.

I have to say that Qi Lin is too good at playing.

When you see this set of pure white tulle wedding dress, and the matching long tube of white silk, starry sky steamed silver high-heeled shoes.

The always indifferent Sakura country girl ninja, her pretty face is also flushed.

Is this bastard really trying to play her badly?

The current Matsushima Kirina is a little lamb at the mercy of others.

At Qi Lin's request, she had to wear the first wedding dress in her life.

Looking at the beautiful face in front of her, she was wearing a fluffy tulle wedding dress, a dazzling princess crown on her head, and white silk gloves on her slender jade hands.

The long tube of white silk under the tulle wedding dress is faintly visible.

A pair of white silk jade feet, stepping on dreamy star silver high heels.

Qi Lin can only say that this cosplayer is simply amazing. (Wang Zhao Zhao)

Appreciate the explosion.

"Miss Matsushima Kiruna, your husband is drunk at some place, and it is too much to leave such a beautiful bride here alone.

"As Zhengxiong's best friend, I must reprimand him."

Qi Lin put one hand on the shoulder of Matsushima Kirina who was wearing a wedding dress, and said with a smile.

At this moment, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes could not help but shed a line of tears.

"Brother, I had to do this to save you..."


A girl full of longing for love, once again the world destroyed by Qi Lin collapsed.

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