"What big dye vat, small dye vat, what are you going to do to our company's employees?"

Just when Lin Yingjun was about to make a move, a lazy voice sounded.

Before Lin Yingjun could hold Lin Yun'er's wrist, little Lolita was pulled over by a figure.

"Qilin Ouba~"

Seeing the person coming, Lin Yuner's pretty face beamed with joy, and then immediately hid behind Qi Lin, looking at Lin Yingjun warily.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yingjun was so angry that he vomited blood.

He is Lin Yun'er's father, why make him look like a bad guy now?

Before Lin Yingjun scolded Lin Yun'er again, he looked up and saw Qi Lin's face.

At this moment, Lin Yingjun was stunned, only shocked in his heart.

The man in front of him was actually the man who fell in love with him, kissed his ex-wife, and took a bath at Yuan Xiuyan's house.

He...how did he appear here? And he has such a close relationship with Yun'er.

"He seemed to say that Yun'er is his employee, so isn't his identity the boss of Sugarman Entertainment?"

Moreover, Lin Ying foolishly guessed Qi Lin's identity.

Thinking of this, Lin Yingjun was going crazy.

Won Soo Yeon said.

She settled here because she signed a contract with a Huaxia company.

There is no need to guess now, the company that signed the contract must belong to Qi Lin.


It turned out that the two had been in collusion for a long time.

The bastard in front of him deliberately approached Yuan Xiuyan, not only wanting the right to adapt her novel and film, but also her!

"Yun'er is my daughter, I have the right to discipline her, I don't want her to work in an entertainment company.

Lin Yingjun clenched his fists and said with restraint.

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes playful.

He didn't talk to Lin Yingjun, but asked Lin Yun'er with a smile: "Yun'er, he said you are her daughter, is there such a thing?"

Lin Yun'er wrinkled her nose, and immediately answered, "I'm not his daughter, my father is already dead, and now I only have my mother."

Hearing this, Qi Lin laughed directly.

He had to give Lin Yun'er a thumbs up.

These words literally reached his heart.

"Did you hear, Yun'er said that she doesn't have a father, besides, I remember Miss Xiuyan said that the court awarded Yun'er to her, you only have visitation rights, not surveillance rights?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.


Lin Yingjun's nose was crooked with anger.

He didn't expect that Yuan Xiuyan even told Qi Lin this kind of privacy.

In this way, he has no reason to discipline Lin's son.

Lin Yingjun is used to being oppressed by dignitaries and bosses in the peninsula.

Subconsciously, he didn't want to offend a big man like Qi Lin.

So he had no choice but to take Lin Yun'er under the knife: "Your mother and I are going to remarry, so you go to Ke Peninsula with me first.

He wanted to get Lin Yun'er and Yuan Xiuyan back to the peninsula first.

As for Qi Lin... Presumably such a big boss cherishes his own reputation very much. When things get serious, the employees of his company know that their boss is provoking married women, and they don't allow other people's daughters to leave. .

Seeing Lin Yingjun's behavior, Qi Lin's eyes showed a trace of teasing: "Even Yun'er is not the father, and still wants to rob someone in front of me. "I think you really don't know where this is."

Without Qi Lin's orders, Zhou Pojun behind him suddenly took a step forward.

Before Lin Yingjun came into contact with Lin Yun'er, Zhou Pojun pinched her around the neck and lifted her up.


Lin Yingjun grasped Zhou Pojun's big hand with both hands, and kicked with his two feet hanging in the air. His eyes were bloodshot due to lack of oxygen, and they were also full of fear of death.

He didn't expect that Qi Lin would be so domineering that he would directly let the bodyguards come up to him.

"Ouba, he, he has no bad intentions, don't kill him!"

Seeing that Lin Yingjun was about to be strangled to death, Lin Yun'er panicked and immediately begged for mercy.

After all, Lin Yingjun is her biological father, and after all, the father and daughter still had a warm childhood. It is impossible for Lin Yun'er to see her father killed by Qi Lin.

Of course, Lin didn't intend to kill anyone.

Murder in the street is so outrageous, it will definitely leave people with clues, he is not so stupid.

What's more, Lin Yingjun is just a small person, and the threat is almost equal to zero.

To kill him, it's better to let him watch him use his wife to warm the kang, let her daughter squeeze his shoulders and beat his back, and enjoy the blessings of everyone.

"Listen clearly, you only have the right to visit Yun'er, not to monitor, this time is just a lesson for you, if you dare to force Yun'er next time, it will not be so simple.

Qi Lin said lightly.

Zhou Pojun let go of his hand after hearing Qi Lin finish speaking, and threw Lin Yingjun to the ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Yingjun, who escaped from death, coughed violently, as if he felt that he had saved his life.

"Thank you Oppa~"

When Lin Yingjun saw that Qi Lin had really given him face, her small face was filled with joy, and she forgot that Lin Yingjun was still in front of her eyes, so she stood on tiptoe and kissed Qi Lin on the cheek.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yingjun, who was clutching his neck, shrank his pupils slightly.

Is this still a boss-employee relationship?

Is it possible...

Damn it! This bastard actually wants to take Xiuyan and Yun'er all in one pot, is this something that humans can do?"

Anger welled up in his heart, Lin Yingjun wanted to rush up and squeeze.

After all, someone is going to cut off his wife and daughter, who can bear this kind of shame?

But in the end, Lin Yingjun really endured it.

Because of the fear of death, because of the anger of the past.

He still hasn't forgotten the strong breath of death when he was strangled by the neck just now.

"A big man like this has many lovers. He must have attacked Xiuyan and Yun'er because of the novelty."

"It's irrational to fight recklessly with him. I'd better find a house in Xiuyan's community and rent it out, and then slowly play the emotional card, and wait until when this Qi Lin (of Li Zhao's) becomes negligent, and then let Wu Stay with Xiuyan on the peninsula."

"I don't believe that he can still chase and snatch people when he reaches the peninsula."

Lin Yingjun made up his mind.

He glanced at Lin Yun'er silently, without saying a last word, got up from the ground, turned and left.

Looking at this scene, Qi Lin shook his head.

"Chinese men are still bloody. Whether it is Wang Cheng, Yu Chen, Chen Jiawei or Hu Bing, they all have the courage to die with me, but Lin Yingjun from Bangzi Kingdom is cowardly like a green turtle from the beginning to the end. I don't know if he is a man from Bangzi Kingdom, he is born with the genes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

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