Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

436: Don't Want To Write Ious? Forced To Share A Room

Four hours passed in a blink of an eye, when the game was over.

The faces of the three beautiful young women, including Leng Shuang, were a little ugly.

In this short four hours, each of them lost nearly two million.

Let them cooperate and win a hand.

This poker game is simply Qi Lin's personal performance show.

He won almost all the card types he could think of.

Now Leng Shuang and two other young women began to doubt whether it was the right decision for them to leave Qi Lin to play mahjong.

How could this be that the three of them set up a trap to make Qi Lin a cage?

This is clearly Qi Linque's spirit possession, and they abused the three of them by themselves, and they came here to give money to Qi Lin.

Two million is not a small number for three beautiful young women.

Lin Yun lost 60,000 yuan, fearing that Yu Jin would be angry if she went back to "650".

This is not the case with the three beautiful young women like Leng Shuang.

If they go home, the husband will probably be furious if he knows that they have lost more than two million yuan in a game of poker.

"Is the money lost again? It doesn't matter, if you want to borrow money, it's a matter of words."

Qi Lin blinked and said to Leng Shuang and the beautiful young women.

Lengshuang: "...

Borrow money?

If she guessed correctly, she and the other two beautiful young women have each borrowed more than 1.7 million from Qi Lin.

It's not that they wanted to borrow it, it's that they only brought about 300,000 yuan in cash, and they would almost lose in a few games.

At this time in 2002, you need to go to the bank to transfer money, so it is impossible to transfer money to Qi Lin directly from the bank card.

Having been abused by Qi Lin all the time, Leng Shuang has no mood to continue beating her now.

She forced a smile and said: "Little handsome guy, I didn't expect you to be so good at playing mahjong. Aunt Leng, I am willing to bow down to you. Let's call it a day. Let's meet again next time.

After finishing speaking, she picked up the bag beside her and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Leng Shuang was about to leave, the other two beautiful young women dared not stay any longer, so they were also planning to follow her out of here.


"Aunt Leng, you can leave if you want to, but have you forgotten that there is still something to do?"

A smile flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes, and he suddenly stopped in front of Leng Shuang.

"What is it? Why can't I remember?"

Leng Shuang pretended not to know, and asked knowingly.

Qi Lin was amused in his heart, this femme fatale is really cheeky, pretending not to know.

"You seem to have borrowed more than 1.7 million from me just now. You haven't even written an IOU. Where are you going?"

Qi Lin directly tore his face.

The smile on Leng Shuang's pretty face also faded at this moment.

She insisted on bringing bodyguards here, and the power of the family is not ordinary, so she didn't pay attention to Qi Lin at all.

"I said handsome guy, people can't be so greedy, if you want to be good, you will accept it."

"You have won 300,000 each of us, and we haven't asked you to get it back. As for the rest of the game, it's just for playing. Why do you take it seriously?"

The game of cards between the three players was a bit big, and Leng Shuang didn't dare to call the police even if he was determined by Qi Lin, and there was no evidence to prove that the three of them had lent him money, so he was going to renege on his debt.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin suddenly smiled: "Are you guys playing cards or playing house? You even said things like playing games. What if I insist you write IOUs?"

Qi Lin's words carried the meaning of persecution.

The other two young women's pretty faces turned cold, and they said directly: "We don't know how to write IOUs, if you insist on us writing IOUs, then don't blame us for being rude.

"You all come in, first teach this kid a little lesson, and let him know what it means to be insufferable."

Several beautiful young women called the bodyguards at the door one after another.

Within a minute of them calling for the bodyguards, four or five bodyguards entered the room immediately.

"Bang bang bang!"

However, instead of walking in like they imagined, they walked in like dragons and tigers. Instead, they were thrown in as if they had been knocked out.

Every bodyguard has a bruised nose and a swollen face, with blood coming out of the corners of their mouths, obviously they have been repaired.


Seeing this scene, Lengshuang's three beautiful young women were all stunned.

They still know the strength of their bodyguards.

It's not a problem to repair more than a dozen gangsters. How can they be beaten like this in less than a minute?

"Yes, I agree with what you said."

People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. "

"Just now you can leave after writing the IOU, but now you want to play hard with me......"

"It's all right now, not only do you have to write IOUs, but I also have to add some food for you."

There was a hint of evil in the corner of Qi Lin's mouth, and the black air permeated his appearance, which instantly made the three young women, including Leng Shuang, a little terrified.

"You... what do you want to do to us?"

"My husband is the deputy general manager of Fusheng Group."

"My husband is the director of Jiuye Group, you can't mess with me.

Leng Shuang even made a pretty face and said coldly: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little money. My husband is the director of the Education Bureau of Linjiang District, Jianghan City. You dare to move my finger and try!"

Some people.

Always so self righteous.

Seeing Leng Shuang's original haughty face, Qi Lin smiled.

The director of the district education bureau of a provincial capital city is equivalent to being at the right level.

It's also a character.

But compared to Qin Hanliang and Qi Lin's father-in-law Lan Gang, it's a bit far behind. Qi Lin is not worthless at all.

"Xiaolin, let's forget about this matter, after all you have won so much money, let's not take any risks.

Seeing that Qi Lin seemed to be going to attack Leng Shuang and the others, Lin Yun was startled, and hurried over to grab Qi Lin's arm.

It's not that she has softened towards Leng Shuang and the others.

But he was afraid that Qi Lin would get into trouble, and he would encounter some big trouble then.

"Aunt Yun, it's better for women to stay away from men when they are doing things. Don't worry, I will take care of this matter.

Qi Lin asked Lin Yun to go out first.

Seeing Qi Lin's calm expression, Lin Yun sighed inwardly.

Because she knew that although she was Qi Lin's Aunt Yun in name, in fact Yu Jin hadn't married Qi Lin yet, and the two had nothing to do with each other at all, so she couldn't control Qi Lin.

With a trace of worry, she could only exit the room.

Qi Lin winked at Zhou Pojun again.

Zhou Pojun nodded, walked up to the bodyguards lying on the ground crying, threw them all out of the corridor, and then closed the door of the mahjong room.

I am like a door god, guarding outside.

so far.

In this mahjong room, only Qi and the three beautiful young women were left. .

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