Although 'Kung Fu' hasn't been released yet, the publicity has been overwhelming.

Since Huaxia was the last stop, the news channels they obtained could only be overseas promotional videos or word of mouth.

So everyone is looking forward to this promotional conference.

Basically, well-known newspapers in China, or reporters from the entertainment industry, all came, and filled the hundreds of seats at the press conference.

There is a huge screen at the press conference.

The interviews with the participating stars are put behind. The first program is to let these reporters enjoy the promotional clips of "Kung Fu".

"Charter, what's the matter?"

"You bastard, do you think the water bill doesn't cost money?"


The picture of the renter throwing a slipper on Jiang Bao's face made the reporters laugh out loud.

Although Zhou Xingxing's movie has not been shown in China.

But at the beginning of the millennium, there are already overwhelming pirated DVDs appearing in China. If you haven't watched Zhou Xingxing's movie and can't speak the two lines in it, it means that you are really LOW.

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses come to meet each other." 1


"Who threw the cannon?"

"Brother, I'm also a member of the Axe Gang. It was thrown by those thugs who said they would fight against our Axe Gang. You should go and teach them a lesson."

"Pfft, the stars this week are really funny, every scene is really laughable, this time'Kung Fu' is still the same, people look forward to it."

Watching the movie, the hat of the second-in-command of the ax gang with a cigar in his mouth was blown into a big hole by the firecracker thrown by Zhou Xingxing, the audience couldn't help laughing again.

"Have you never seen a set of palm techniques that fell from the sky?"

" this the Tathagata palm that has long been lost in the legend?"

Zhou Xingxing stepped on a passing bird, then rolled over and slowly raised his palm.

The magnificent special effects that reporters had never seen before directly shocked their hearts, and made these reporters forget to close their mouths.

Of course, this is just a promotional video.

In the end, the BOSS and the main line of love between Zhou Xingxing and A Fang were not revealed.

After Zhou Xingxing fell from the sky, the promotional video ended.

The feeling of not being able to get up or down made these reporters gnash their teeth.

"Nimma, who made this promotional video? It's so fucking annoying."

"Understand, if there is no suspense left, no one will watch it."

"But to be honest, Zhou Xingxing's new film this time surpasses the original works in terms of plot and visuals. I think this time I will be willing to pay to go to the cinema to watch it.

The reporters chirped and discussed their thoughts.

"Be quiet, everyone. Now that the promotional video has been watched, the press conference for the 'Kung Fu' promotional video will officially begin."

"The following invites the actors who participated in this kung fu."

Smiled, then took a step.

Then, Huang Yiyi, Jiang Nannan, Cong Bao, Fat Zai Cong, Ax Gang, Huoyun Cthulhu, Condor Heroes and other performers came on stage one after another.


Zhou Xingxing did not come during the Huaxia promotion.

He still has his own affairs to deal with in Xiangjiang.

And if he comes, then all the reporters' pictures and topics will be aimed at him, so there will be no such thing as Huang Yiyi, Jiang Nannan, or even other actors.

He was also giving Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan more exposure opportunities.

The stunningly talented beauty, no matter where she goes, is the most eye-catching under the spotlight.

Therefore, these reporters first pointed the topic at Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi.

"Miss Jiang Nannan, Miss Huang Yiyi, there are rumors outside that you have been taken care of by the boss of Sugarman Entertainment Company and have become canaries in his captivity. That's why you were able to get this role at such a young age. I want to ask Is this the truth?"

In the past two years, domestic entertainment reporters have also learned badly from Hong Kong and Taiwan reporters, and began to ask celebrities some tricky questions in order to create topics.

Hearing this harsh question, Jiang Nannan frowned slightly, wanting to scold the other party.

But Huang Yiyi took the first step, and said with a humorous tone: "The boss of our Sugar Man Entertainment is a beautiful man with a handsome temperament. I have always admired him, but it is a pity that our boss's vision is too high. There are many girls in the company who are prettier than me, and he doesn't like me at all.

"So for this rumor, I really hope it is true. Can you give me some tips on how to attract the boss's attention in the workplace?"

Jiang Nannan couldn't help but rolled her eyes, thinking that this little vixen can really talk nonsense.

Compared with Huang Yiyi's language style, Jiang Nannan is much more serious: "I'm here to solemnly declare that the boss of our company is married, and he and his wife are very affectionate, and they already have their own baby, so these are If there are any rumors, Sugarman Entertainment reserves the right to pursue the legal responsibility of those who spread the rumors.”

"As for Huang Yiyi and I's acting skills, when Kung Fu is released, everyone will be able to see it with their own eyes. Whether it is a character with real talent or learned through the back door, everyone will know at a glance.

"Mr. Zhou Xingxing's character, I think everyone knows that the female stars who work with him are all very good, and they have never disappointed everyone. If there is a vase actress on the crew, the first one who is not satisfied will definitely be Zhou. Mister Star."

The two women have been tempered by many publicity conferences during this period, and they are already very familiar with the questions from the reporters.

It is also watertight to deal with.

Those reporters heard it, but they couldn't find anything wrong with it.

After all, it is the promotional conference of the movie 'Kung Fu', so it's fine to jump occasionally.

If you really want to keep embarrassing these actors, it is very likely that they will be kicked out.

The topic returned to the movie 'Kung Fu' again.

Some of the questions asked were probably, the tidbits that happened during the filming, how long did the filming take, and whether there were any difficulties.

The actors' expectations for this movie, how much box office they expect to have, which star to work with, and whether they have any thoughts on these issues.

After all the actors have finished interviewing.

Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan looked at each other with beautiful eyes, and at the same time, Su Baiyu covered the delicate collarbone with her hand, as if she was covering up something.

After all, it's not Xia Tian, ​​and neither of the two girls (Qian Nuohao) wants to be taken advantage of by others, so they took revealing photos.

At most, they would wear the kind of dress that reveals a touch of whiteness, the kind of dress with low neckline, exposed V, or simply bare-breasted dress, they would not consider it at all.

But people's eyesight is so strange.

Even though the two girls were wearing pure and non-revealing dresses, they couldn't help but fix their eyes on the white collarbones of the two girls, thinking that they were gone.

The result was disappointing for these reporters.

Where did Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan leave? Their dresses are all in good shape.

The only thing that surprised them was that the necklaces on the necks of these two beauties were so unique, completely different from the ones they usually see.

Absolutely unique.

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