Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

446: Bathroom Imperial Package, New Female No. 2

Fatty Cong looked blank, he really didn't know why Qi Lin called him here.

Let's talk about fame.

He is not as good as Hong Kong's veteran martial arts stars, Yuan Hua and Yuan Qiu.

As for the level of humor, he can't compare to people like Jiang Bao and Bao Yazhen.

In the end, he is not a peerless beauty, and he is not attractive to the boss at all.

Until now, he still doesn't understand why Qi Lin only asked him to come here.

Seeing Fat Zaicong's bewildered look, Qi Lin smiled and shook his head, not letting him make random guesses: "The company's new TV series is about to start filming, and I've also worked on this TV series, and there happens to be a character in it It suits you, your performance in Kung Fu moved me, so... go back and prepare well, I will find someone to notify you when the audition starts, as for whether you can seize this opportunity, it is up to you."

"Is there... a role for me?"

Fat Zaicong's expression changed from bewildered, to unbelievable, and finally to uncontrollable joy. "six five three"

He did not expect that happiness came so suddenly.

The filming had just finished, and he was still worrying about whether the crew would want him next year, when the opportunity came to him just like that.

You know, Fat Zai Cong is not some handsome boy, nor did he graduate from some well-known film and television school.

He is obese, looks silly, and his acting skills are really narrow.

If Zhou Xingxing hadn't been impressed by his hard-working performance, he might still be crowded in a certain film and television city, fighting for a job with a bunch of extras.

"What? Don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Qi Lin looked at Fat Zaicong in a daze and said nothing, and asked with a smile.

This sentence also made Fat Zaicong wake up like a dream.

"Yes! I am very confident in myself!"

"Thanks to my boss, I will work hard to improve my acting skills when I go back, broaden my acting skills, and never let my boss down.

Fat Zai Cong was afraid that he would lose the chance he had come so hard to get, so he patted his chest to assure him, and also showed a simple and charming smile on his face. Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi couldn't help giggling when he saw it.

"Well... can I ask the boss, what is the name of this TV series?"

For Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi's playful smiles, Fat Boy Eye doesn't mind at all.

On the contrary, the happier they smile, the more pleasing they are.

Little people also have the way of survival of little people.

"The Legend of Sword and Fairy."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Qi Lin's mouth.

The reason why classics are called classics is only because of the right script, meeting the right people, and colliding with colorful sparks.

Some characters Qi Lin can replace her, such as the Taiwan female star, who eats things from the inside out.

But a special actor like Fat Zai Cong, in order to save the team in Fairy Sword, cut meat for food, and finally died tragically, became the key plot of the whole fairy sword sublimation, and harvested the tears of countless people.

Apart from Fei Zai Cong, Qi Lin believes that no one can deduce the heroic spirit that he sacrificed himself to be a friend at that time.

Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Presidential Suite.

In the bathroom.

Qi Lin was wrapped in a bathrobe, leaning in the bathtub, enjoying the massage service of the two canaries with his eyes closed.

"Do you want to buy another villa as a date place? Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to come to the hotel every time you tease the canary."

Qi Lin thought to himself.

Although it is a presidential suite, it was lived in by someone else after all, and it is not my own home.

Whether it is privacy or comfort, it is definitely not as good as your own private mansion.

This time, Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan changed jobs.

Huang Yiyi's two white and tender jade hands were washing Qi Lin's hair. They were full of foam, and they were holding Qi Lin's scalp while massaging her.

Jiang Nannan blushed, and lightly bit the cherries with her white teeth and gave them to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin is thirsty, and will drink some honey flower tea after eating.

Jiang Nannan, on the other hand, put the cherries into the side box after Qi Lin finished eating.

"Boss, did you just say that you are going to cast a new TV series, which seems to be called Legend of Sword and Fairy?"

Huang Yiyi turned her beautiful eyes, looking very strange.

While scratching Qi Lin's head, he asked with a smile.

Qi Lin deliberately pretended not to know: "Did I say that?"

Huang Yiyi pursed her lips: "Jiang Nannan, tell me, did the boss say that?"

Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi had the same idea, she nodded and said: "The boss said this to that fat boy Cong just now."

How could Qi Lin not know what the two women were thinking, he smiled and said: "Okay, just say what you have to say, don't dawdle."

Huang Yiyi's beautiful face once again burst into a smile and said: "Boss, you see that I have performed so well recently, and my acting skills have also improved. Can you let me take a female lead or a female lead in this drama?" role?"

Not to be outdone, Jiang Nannan nodded and said: "Boss, Huang Yiyi took the role of the number one female in 'Kung Fu' this time, and I can't even count as the second female number. There is a new drama to be filmed this time, so how can I say it?" You want to give me the role of the leading actress? Otherwise, she will surpass me in fame and become a first-line actress, and I will still be a low-level star, which is too unfair."

After giving Qi Lin the innocence, Jiang Nannan became more courageous to speak.

Watching the two women fighting openly and secretly, Qi Lin smiled and shook his head..

Although he doesn't want to favor anyone, he has already made up his mind about the leading role of the drama "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

The female number one Liu Feifei and the male number one Hu Ge must not be exchanged. The classics of the two cannot be reproduced. If they are replaced casually, the taste will definitely change. At that time, both influence and income will be greatly reduced.

There is no need to change Lin Yueru's actor, An Yixuan. This woman's pride, self-willedness, stubbornness, and heroic demeanor cannot be performed by the innocent Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi.

As for the actor who plays Anu...

This woman is a big problem.

After the death of An Xiaosan, the dragon king of the Sakura Kingdom who was attacked from behind in later generations.

This woman actually posted on Weibo that we will miss you forever

In short, after Qi Lin sees this woman, he may directly kill her, let alone let her play the role of Anu.

Therefore, the only vacancy in the drama of Immortal Sword may be the identity of the second female lead.


Qi Lin pinched Jiang Nannan's white chin, kissed her moist lips, and then said with a smile: "Nan Nan is right, this time you played the leading role in 'Kung Fu', and you have already taken advantage of it. In this new play, there is only one vacant female character, this time I will give it to Nan Nan, you can wait for the next time."

Strike while the iron is hot.

Qi Lin said so to Huang Yiyi, but he wasn't going to let Huang Yiyi refrigerate for a while.

Huang Yiyi let everyone know her through "Kung Fu".

But what really made her a household name in China was the celestial match broadcast on China TV, which made everyone remember this beautiful and beautiful Xiao Qi deeply in their hearts.

However, Qi Lin didn't tell her about this, but was going to wait until Huang Yiyi came back from the magic city after the Chinese New Year on 2.4, and was giving her a surprise.

PS: I didn’t change it yesterday because I was preparing for eunuchs. It’s because the author didn’t have a detailed outline. At the end of a novel, it’s inevitable that Kawen will appear. You guys look even worse, so the author has to go through the plot behind it and expand it slowly. The detailed outline for the next few days has been written, and the author will slowly update it. Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, the author has a lot of things to do. I have to take my family for a medical check-up, go to various banquets, help my baby with homework, and my friends ask me to help with things, etc., so I will update occasionally one chapter, and occasionally two chapters. Chapter, maybe after the Chinese New Year, it will stabilize again. The author can only sincerely apologize for the bad mood caused to everyone.

PS: Finally, it’s a new month. The author has the cheek to ask for a monthly pass to make the data look a little better. Please give me some rewards. The author promises that this book will definitely be finished

Give a perfect ending. .

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