Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

457: There Is A Girl Next Door Who Has Just Grown Up, And She Is Charming With Every Frown And Smile

Li Ziqi pursed his lips, still angry that the big brother tricked him into coming in just now, but he didn't give him any presents.

Now seeing Qi Lin asking if she had any presents she wanted, her pretty face instantly showed a hint of joy.

A little girl at the age of cardamom is easy to coax.

Anger comes and goes quickly.

Without even thinking about it, she said bluntly: "Lin big brother, I want a farming tractor of my own, and a big farm of my own, can you give it to me now?"

"My parents said that your family is rich, and you have made a lot of money recently. Let alone buying a farm, it is no problem to buy our Huayuan Town."

*IE: "......"

: "........."

Li Hui

Hearing the daughter's words, the couple's noses were crooked.

This crazy girl didn't talk about the door at all, as if the two of them were the kind of people who followed suit.

And can this girl be thicker-skinned?

Although Qi Lin is Qi Ziqi's cousin, but when he opened his mouth, it was a tractor and a farm, so he thought too much about 08. ,

"Xiaolin, Ziqi speaks like a child, don't take it to heart, if you really want to give it away, just give it a doll or something."

Li Hui said with a wry smile.

Qi Lin waved his hand, looking indifferent.

Then, he made a move that surprised the whole family.

"Breaking the military.

Qi Lin shouted towards the villa door.

After a while, a big man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters came in and bowed to Qi Lin: "Boss."

The powerful aura emanating from Zhou Pojun made Qi Zheng, Li Hui, Qi Gang, Chen Ying and his wife a little uncomfortable.

What made them even more uncomfortable was that, in their eyes, Qi Lin was still a brat, but he was respectfully called the boss, which felt like an unreal dream.

"Go get me a new tillage tractor, I want it now.

Qi Lin said lightly.

Zhou Pojun nodded: "Understood the boss."

Then he went out amidst the bewildered eyes of everyone in the room.

This... is this serious?

Qi Lin actually helped Li Ziqi get a tractor?

However, what shocked everyone even more was yet to come.

Qi Lin suddenly took out a stack of checkbooks from his pocket, then wrote one million on it, and signed his signature.

After finishing all this, Qi Lin handed the check to the second uncle.

"Second uncle, here is a check for one million, you can cash it at any time, this is the money I gave Ziqi to buy the farm.

Qi Lin said with a smile.


Hearing Qi Lin's words, the fisherman who was drinking tea at the side sprayed out all the tea.

"This... this check?"

Qi Zheng had never seen a real check, and Qi Lin was a child, so he wasn't sure if Qi Lin was joking with him.

So he looked at his elder brother Qi Feng.

Qi Feng smiled helplessly and nodded: "This check is real, don't look at this brat with the same eyes as before, he is doing a big business now, there should be billions, it is better than me as a father And money."


Hearing Qi Feng's words.

Qi Lin's second uncle and aunt gasped in unison.

The last time they saw Qi Lin, the three brothers had a reunion dinner on Mid-Autumn Festival.

At that time, Qi Lin was in a period of rebellion, and he was indifferent to anyone who spoke, and he looked like he was a second-generation rich man.

How come in just a few months, this kid has changed so much, and his worth is several billion?

What is the concept of being worth billions?

This wealth has properly entered the top ten of the Chu Province wealth list, and the top 100 of the Huaxia wealth list.

And the nephew in front of him is only eighteen years old! How outrageous is this?

A few people didn't know, because Qi Feng didn't know his son in detail enough, and thought that Qi Lin was worth several billion now.

If a few people know that Qi Lin's worth has exceeded tens of billions, they don't know if he will faint from sales.

Qi Lin ignored the shocked and complicated gazes of the Uncle aunts, continued to smile and said to Qi Ziqi: "Qiqi, I can give you this farmland tractor big brother first, but I will put the farm first. In the hands of the second uncle, when you are admitted to Huazhong Agricultural University one day, the big brother will ask your father to hand over this farm to you in person.

"But if you don't meet the big brother's requirements and fail to get into Huazhong Agricultural University, then don't blame the big brother for ignoring you in the future, because you don't have a degree, and the gap with the big brother will only widen and widen, and in the end No longer from the same world."

Hearing what Qi Lin said earlier, Zizi was very unhappy.

But after hearing what Qi Lin said later, saying that she couldn't be admitted to Huazhong Agricultural University, she was left alone, and the distance between the two would only get farther and farther, Qi Ziqi didn't feel panic in his heart

The three siblings of the Qi family have been very close since childhood.

In Qi Ziqi's heart, Qi Lin is her big brother, someone she can depend on for the rest of her life.

Thinking of Qi Lin's indifference to her and ignoring her because she didn't get into a good university in the future, she felt an urge to cry.

Breaking free from his mother Li Hui's hand, Qi Ziqi, with beautiful eyes and red eyes, threw himself into Qi Lin's arms, her white and delicate wrists tightly wrapped around Qi Lin's neck, almost strangling his elder brother to death on the spot.

"Lin big brother, don't ignore me. I won't be playful in the future. I will study hard when I go back and get admitted to Huazhong Agricultural University. Then I will plant a lot of fruit trees in the farm you gave me, so that I You can never run out of fruit."

The younger sister's sweet words coaxed Qi Lin into a smile.

"You little girl, don't lie to me, after you go back, Big Brother will often call your second uncle and aunt to see how you are doing.

Qi Lin patted Qi Ziqi's little butt.

"Hmph, Lin big brother, don't underestimate me. I'm not born stupid, I'm just too lazy to study. As long as it's something I, Qi Ziqi, want to do, it's not a piece of cake."

There was a hint of arrogance on Qi Ziqi's beautiful little face.

Speaking of this, Qi Ziqi suddenly took another sip on Qi Lin's face, and then said with a smile: "Lin big brother, thank you for your gift."

He hugged his neck again, and kissed him on the face again, smelling the sweet fragrance of the girl, Qi Lin couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

There is a girl next door who has just grown up, with a frown and a smile that is alluring.

I don't know which brat will be cheaper in the future.

The two brothers and sisters have a good relationship, which is naturally what Qi Zheng and Qi Feng are happy to see.

But the problem is, Qi Zheng, Li Hui and his wife racked their brains and exhausted their methods, but the problematic girl who couldn't read the book was so easily solved by Qi Lin?

Isn't this too easy?

Qi Zheng said with emotion: "It's still useful for your brother to talk. Your mother and I are chatting at home, but you can't listen to a word. I think it's better to leave you here."

Hearing Qi Zheng's words, Qi Ziqi's beautiful eyes lit up, he patted his white and tender little hands and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I just want to follow Lin big brother, my mother said, Lin big brother is up every day If I don't go to school, I can just follow him and not go to school."

Qi Lin: "…………………

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