Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

465: Voiceless And Elegant, Singing Is Hard Work

Compared with the gifts brought by Qi Lin, the gifts brought by Feng Weiti are no different from scrap metal.

"Pojun, bring things in."

After Jiang Nannan helped Qi Lin change his slippers, Qi Lin smiled and gave orders to Zhou Pojun who was standing behind him outside the door.

In Jiang's mother's somewhat flattered eyes.

A box of sealed good Moutai, cans of this year's new Nengjian Longjing, Tibetan Cordyceps sinensis, blood-enriching and beauty-enhancing donkey-hide gelatin, plus ten sticks of Zhonghua cigarettes.

The cost of these gifts alone may be a huge sum of money that ordinary people can only save for more than ten years.

"Mr. Qi, what's wrong with this, these gifts are too expensive, we really can't accept them!"

Mother Jiang was even frightened, she waved her hands again and again, and shied away with a wry smile.

Qi Lin didn't explain anything, but looked at Jiang Nannan, and said lightly: "Nannan, you know my personality, you can persuade auntie yourself.

It is very rare for the boss to take time out of his busy schedule to come to his home to pay New Year's greetings, let alone mentioning so many gifts.

Jiang Nannan knew that Qi Lin was giving her face, telling her mother how much the company valued her.

Jiang Nannan felt a little smug in her heart, after all, Huang Yiyi, who was far away in the magic city, did not have this kind of treatment.

"Mom, Qi always respects you for bringing so many gifts, it's very impolite to refuse other people's gifts during Chinese New Year.

Jiang Nannan cast a reproachful look at her mother.

Seeing her daughter persuading herself to accept it, Mother Jiang felt a little embarrassed, and Qi Lin said: "Then trouble Mr. Qi and spend the money."

"Old Jiang, take these presents to the back room first."

As Mother Jiang accepted the gift, the atmosphere calmed down for a while.

Jiang Nannan didn't pay much attention to Feng Wei at all, took Qi Lin's arm in front of him, and walked in front of him.

"Why don't you have any vision at all? You don't know how to get up and make way for the guests at home?"

Jiang Nannan glared at Feng Wei with her beautiful eyes.

It turned out that Feng Wei was sitting in the middle of the sofa, with the TV set in front of him.

Feng Wei: "........."

He didn't dare to look at Qi Lin's smiling eyes at all. In Jiang's mother's astonished eyes, Feng Wei smiled awkwardly and sat down on the sofa next to him.

And Jiang Nannan helped Qi Lin to sit down, poured tea for him, and peeled oranges for him, her pretty face was full of smiles.

I don't know when.

Jiang Lei also came out of his room.

When he saw Qi Lin sitting on the sofa eating oranges, a look of as expected flashed in his eyes.

Just to put it bluntly, based on his understanding of Qi Lin, he has never had the habit of spitting out what he eats.

As long as someone hits on the woman he cares about, he will appear immediately.

From the looks of it, this Feng Wei is going to be unlucky again.

"Mr. Qi, good."

Jiang Lei has long treated Qi Lin with a normal heart. The two are not enemies now, nor can they be regarded as friends. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use the word mutual use.

Qi Lin just wants his woman and sister, but he just wants to protect his family.

Seeing her son taking the initiative to greet Qi Lin, Mother Jiang froze for a moment.

"Xiao Lei, do you also know Mr. Qi?"

she couldn't help asking.

Jiang Lei nodded: "President Qi invested in the company I founded, and now he is the boss of the company, and I am now his employee.

"Huh? There is such a coincidence? Does this mean that both you and Nannan are employees of Mr. Qi?"

Mother Jiang was so shocked at the moment, she never expected Qi Lin to be so capable, he thought Qi Lin only opened an entertainment company.

Since the sons and daughters are all working under other people's hands, there is no reason for Jiang's mother to treat them poorly.

What will people do when they wear small shoes for their daughters and sons?

In the following time, Jiang's mother, Qi Lin, was so enthusiastic.

No matter how cold or warm you are, as long as you want to eat something, you will hand it over immediately.

Even when Qi Lin went to the toilet, he had to help the big boss himself.

And what about Feng Wei at the side?

It is in stark contrast to Qi Lin. He was the focus of Jiang's mother's attention just now, and now he seems to be completely forgotten, sitting there like a wooden man, chatting with Jiang Nannan and Qi Lin about interesting things At that time, he echoed with a smirk.

"Let's eat~"

"Mr. Qi, this is a new towel. It has been scalded with hot water. Use it to wipe your hands."

The time is approaching the evening, and dinner is ready, a very sumptuous table, all kinds of delicacies, seafood delicacies are available.

Today is different. After all, the son has become a successful person, and the daughter has become a star and earned a lot of money. This table can be regarded as a celebration for the two children.

"Mom, you go and get some food for the boss, and just hand over the towels to me."

Jiang Nannan took the towel very naturally.

Jiang's mother, on the other hand, gave her daughter a strange look before going to the kitchen.

Turning around, Jiang Nannan picked up a towel, ready to wipe Qi Lin's hands.

But when her beautiful eyes met Qi Lin's half-smiling eyes, a hint of shyness appeared in an instant.

Jiang Lei glanced casually at Feng Wei beside him.

Although the kid pretended not to see it on the surface, he was twitching at the spoon, and his fists on the table were also twitching.

As someone who has experienced it, Jiang Lei is all too familiar with this feeling.

A rival in love who is too strong to be human, under the pressure of incomparable despair, can only be incompetent and furious.

But fortunately, he is now a birdless person, and he has already been freed.

Seeing Feng Wei being humiliated by Qi Lin, he even enjoyed the thrill of being a villain.

Not to mention when eating.

Jiang Nannan ignored Feng Wei from the beginning to the end, holding Qi Lin's food with a pair of chopsticks.

If it wasn't for her parents watching, she would even feed Qi Lin with her own chopsticks, and then use another little white boy to follow.

Even so, Mother Jiang found something was wrong from these clues.

My daughter doesn't seem to like her boyfriend very much, and instead cheated on her boss.


Mother Jiang was taken aback by her terrible thought.

Their family can be regarded as a scholarly family. They have taught their daughter to respect and love herself since she was a child, and to treat her feelings with one heart and one mind. This kind of affair is absolutely unacceptable!

with this thought.

After dinner, when Jiang Nannan wanted to go to the sofa to accompany Qi Lin, she was dragged into the kitchen by Jiang's mother.

"Nan Nan, help mommy."

Close the kitchen door for some soundproofing.

Only then did Jiang's mother say to Jiang Nannan earnestly: "Nannan, mother knows that Mr. Qi is very good and looks very talented, but after all, you have a boyfriend now, so you can't do anything out of line."

"If you don't love yourself, even if you end up with the person you like, others won't cherish you, you know?"

What Mother Jiang said made sense.

But also look at who this person is.

Qi Lin is a scumbag, but his personality is that, even if the meat in his mouth is tasteless, he will never spit it out.

What's more, Jiang Nannan is already addicted to Qi Lin, the great demon king, unable to extricate himself from the monstrous flames, and is willing to serve him.

With this kind of infatuation that can't be extricated, mother Jiang can persuade her with just a few words.

"Mom, I've grown up now and have my own ideas, so don't worry about it."

"Let me tell you the truth, our boss and I are not only in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, but also in the relationship of male best friends. The kind who talk about everything, you can treat us as good brothers or good sisters, don't think about it What did you cheat on?"

"Look, if I really moved on, Feng Wei must be the first to complain. He already knew about my relationship with our boss, so he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end."

Jiang Nannan didn't want her mother to know about her abnormal relationship with Qi Lin and Feng Wei.

Could it be that she told her mother that I am still Feng Wei's girlfriend, but I have fallen in love with our boss.

Our boss wanted to humiliate Feng Wei by not letting me break up with my boyfriend in order to have more exciting fun?


Hearing this avant-garde word, Mother Jiang was astonished.

But immediately, she also began to doubt her own judgment.

That's right, Feng Wei also noticed Nan Nan's intimate behavior with her boss.

If Nan Nan really cheated, wouldn't the tenth one be angry?

Maybe it's really like what Nan Nan said, she and their boss are just boyfriends.

Mother Jiang rubbed her sore forehead.

This relationship was a bit messy, and she suddenly didn't want to care much about it.

"It's better that Feng Wei couldn't understand the relationship between Nan Nan and Mr. Qi's boyfriend, and broke up angrily. Otherwise, what would Nan Nan look like sandwiched between two men like this!

After washing the dishes, Jiang Nannan and Jiang Mu came out of the kitchen.

She couldn't help looking at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes.

Coincidentally, Qi Lin was also looking at him at the moment, and even blinked his black eyes, as if he was saying: What about visiting the room and playing poker?

Jiang Nannan blushed pretty, knowing that what should come will always come.

Resisting the shyness in her heart, Jiang Nannan suddenly said to Jiang Mu: "Mom, I'll show our boss around my room, please entertain Feng Wei first.

Hearing Jiang Nannan's words, Feng Wei's forehead was instantly covered with black lines.

Why didn't you think of me just now?

…ask for flowers………

Now you're going to fool around with your lover, so just throw me out, right?

Based on his understanding of Qi Lin, what good things can the two of them do in Jiang Nannan's room now?

Glancing at Jiang Nannan, who was bubbling in beauty, wearing a long sweater and white silk pantyhose, he was already mad with jealousy.

Can you believe it?

It was because Jiang Nannan was too traditional, and because he didn't meet her parents at the beginning, Jiang Nannan said that he couldn't touch her without his parents' approval.

The results of it?

Qi Lin was born out of nowhere, he didn't even touch a hair of his girlfriend, but he was rescued by Zhao Zilong... Seven

"You guys go, I'll go to Duan Duan to order some fruits and nuts, I won't treat your boyfriend badly.

Jiang's mother had already hinted that Jiang Nannan and Qi are always male best friends, so she didn't think too much about it.

On the side, Jiang Lei, who was roasting oranges on the stove, had a meaningful flash in his eyes.

After Jiang Nannan brought Qi Lin into the house, he suddenly stood up and said to Jiang's mother, "Mom, I'm going out to do some shopping and I'll be right back."

"Okay, it's freezing outside, and the road is slippery, so be careful."

Mother Jiang should arrive.

In Jiang Nannan's boudoir.

As soon as he entered the room, Jiang Nannan was laid on the couch filled with fragrance.

The two looked at each other, and Jiang Nannan's beautiful big eyes were full of mist, full of unconcealable shyness.

"Lin, Brother Lin~"

This time, she wasn't calling the boss.

Once upon a time, when the two first met, Qi Lin still fooled Jiang Nannan, saying that the two were sisters and brothers.

That was also the most innocent and nostalgic time for Jiang Nannan.

She likes Qi Lin's humor, Qi Lin's gentleman, Qi Lin's luxury, and all the shining places of Qi Lin, which attract her, who obviously has a boyfriend, to walk into the abyss step by step.

Jiang Nannan is also a normal girl, and she doesn't like to share her beloved boy with other girls.

In the dream she wove for herself, Qi Lin was her Prince Charming and her loving brother.

"Are you satisfied with the treatment given to you today?"

Qi Lin caressed the blue hair beside Jiang Nannan's delicate jade cheeks, and asked with a smile.

Jiang Nannan nodded softly with beautiful eyes: "I, I'm very satisfied, but I didn't expect Feng Wei's shit-stirring stick to come. In fact, I want to say in front of my mother that you are my boyfriend and you are me. Jiang Nannan's man."

"Come here, don't you think it's more fun this way? For example, let's play a game of Fighting the Landlords now, and Feng Wei can only make up his mind in pain outside, otherwise we can punish him for coming uninvited ?"

A smirk flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes.

The thoughts of men and women are never on the same channel.

Jiang Nannan talked about Qi Lin's friendship, but Qi Lin thought about how to give him all he had, and it was really evil.

But Jiang Nannan likes this kind of big devil.

Crazy request, her brain got hot, and she said coquettishly and coquettishly: "Anything is fine."

Fighting the Landlord is a game suitable for all ages.

But why is the name of the two playing cards so weird?

"A perfect fit!"

Qi Lin said the first idiom with a smile.


Jiang Nannan said the second idiom shyly.

have to.

A good fight against the landlord was played by two people into an idiom Solitaire.

A woman can only love one man so much.

Only then will I sing the voiceless and quiet rhyme continuously.

Qi Lin felt that the singing at night was not good and would disturb the rest of the neighbors, so he handed Jiang Nannan a pillow.

Jiang Nannan gave Qi Lin a loving look with her beautiful eyes, and immediately covered the pillow with E.

Time flies, and an hour has passed.

Jiang Nannan's room was too big, and it was exquisitely furnished, which required too much energy for the couple to visit slowly.

So when he came out, he found that Feng Wei had already left.

When Qi Lin carefully observed the sofa Feng Wei was sitting on, he found five deep fingerprints on the armrest. One can imagine his mood at that time.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm not very capable, but my temper is not good.

Jiang Nannan sang for an hour, already exhausted, and fell asleep with a hint of happiness on her beautiful face with her hair stuck together.

After Qi Lin paid New Year's greetings to the canary he kept in captivity, he had completed the task, so he took Zhou Pojun and left here directly.

PS: Two-in-one chapters, 4000-word chapters, no less brothers.

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