Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

475: Leng Shuang Also Has A Daughter, The Girl Jiang Guoer

"Where is your room?"

After the kiss was over, Qi Lin pinched Lengshuang's white chin domineeringly with two fingers, and asked evilly.

Leng Shuang finally woke up from the dizziness, and when she saw Qi Lin's evil eyes, a shyness flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Her tone was gentle, and she had completely given up resistance in her mind.

"It's the first room on the left."

She took a few breaths gently to relieve the lack of oxygen due to the kiss just now.

"Are there any cigarettes in the room?"

After putting down Lengshuang, Qi Lin looked around.

At this time, he realized that the decoration here is actually very warm, most of them are in light pink tones, which is very girlish.

I didn't see it, Leng Shuang, this beautiful Aunt, looks mature and glamorous on the surface, but she is actually such a girl in her heart.

"No, there is no "three zero zero", I will not prepare these things at home......"

Lengshuang's pretty face flushed slightly.

If it wasn't for the children, she would have divorced Jiang Dacheng a long time ago.

Jiang Dacheng also spends his days outside making troubles, never thinking of rekindling his old relationship with Leng Shuang.

So Cold Cream wasn't lying.

Qi Lin nodded, ready to look away.

But he suddenly found a vertical photo frame on the shoe table in the room.

In the photo frame, Leng Shuang was wearing a floral dress, a straw sun hat on her loose hair, and a pair of high heels with thin straps on her delicate jade feet.

The tender white toes and the white instep look so charming.

Beside her is a girl who looks about six to seven cents like her, about thirteen or fourteen years old.

The girl has amazing looks, wearing a short skirt and swimsuit, she is already slim at a young age.

She held Leng Shuang's arm tightly, leaning her little head on Leng Shuang's jade shoulder, with a happy and bright smile on her face.

At this moment, Qi Lin seemed to understand something.

After a long time, this is not Lengshuang's room, but her daughter's room.

And her daughter is too pretty, right?

Even if you want to compare with Lin Yun'er, it's not too much.

Once she grows up, she will be a rare beauty in the future.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin's eyes were filled with amusement.

"It's nothing to look at, this, this is a distant relative of mine...

Seeing Qi Lin obediently looking at the photo, Leng Shuang panicked.

Immediately got up, the jade hand covered the photo.

A woman is a mother and she is strong. Now that she has gradually understood Qi Lin's character, she naturally does not want Qi Lin to hurt the person she cares about the most.

"You're right, there really isn't much to look at in pictures.

Qi Lin smiled.

Time passed slowly.

The two people in the room were too bored because they didn't have poker cards, so they could only play idiom Solitaire.

But they didn't realize that someone had already entered the house.


With the sound of the key twisting, the door was pushed open.

A pretty girl wearing roller skates, white silk bottoming socks, a short skirt and a black down jacket walked in.

Sitting on the small stool by the entrance, Jiang Guoer slipped on a pair of roller skates, and then changed into her puppet slippers.

"Huh~ After skating, it's so hot, I'm sweating."

"I didn't want to go today, but school will start after tomorrow, and I don't have time to play by then.

The girl murmured to herself and walked towards her room.

There is a heater in the house, but it is quite warm.

She was going to take a shower first, and then go to the living room to watch TV.

However, just as she walked to the door of her room, she suddenly froze.

Jiang Guoer has grown up.

Although she is still a pure girl, she already understands certain things.

For example, she didn't pick it up from the trash.

Not to mention that it popped out of the belly button after mother and father held hands.

Having studied biology, she basically understands everything she should know.

Jiang Guoer blushed, like a salivating apple.

She thought the person in the room was her father Jiang Dacheng.

Without knowing where it came from, mother Lengshuang moved over from the master bedroom to sleep with her.

Euphemistically urged her study and companionship.

Jiang Dacheng has been busy with school affairs all year round, and has not participated much in Jiang Guoer's life growth.

So Jiang Guoer is naturally closer to her mother......

Although she doesn't understand why her mother doesn't sleep with her father anymore, she definitely likes to sleep with her mother, Lengshuang.

Now hearing that the husband and wife seem to have rekindled their old relationship, the girl sighed in her heart.

It is a good thing for her parents to reconcile, but she will no longer be able to sleep in the same room with her mother in the future.

Jiang Guoer couldn't take the clothes, and Jiang Guoer couldn't take a bath.

She simply sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control, and watched TV.

Time passed by every second, Jiang Guoer was a little girl after all, she quickly forgot what happened just now, and started watching Sailor Moon cartoons.

"Is someone coming back from outside? How can I hear the sound of a TV?"

In the room, Leng Shuang suddenly panicked, Qi Lin asked.

In fact, Qi Lin had already heard the movement outside, but he never told Leng Shuang.

"Then why don't we go out and have a look?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Leng Shuang's pretty face was very complicated at this time, and her heart was in a mess.

But there are some things that cannot be avoided by hiding alone, it is better to face them directly.

She nodded, she could only hope that she had heard wrong, and there was no one outside.


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