Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

485: Yan Yan's Call, Your Female Ninja Is Pregnant!

"Immediately send me all the information about a person named Sun Fuqiang, as well as his relationship network, you can't pull down at all.

Qi Lin ordered lightly.

When Chen Yanmeng heard that the boss's tone was not right, he knew something big had happened.

He didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and said in a deep voice: "Understood the boss, I will ask someone to investigate... By the way, should we arrest him first? Or punish his family?"


Infer other things from one instance and think more for the boss, this is what a qualified junior should do.

Qi Lin shook his head: "Don't startle the snake for the time being, first investigate his relationship network.'

"Why are you unhappy? Is there any troublesome thing?"

After Qi Xueyao took a few photos of pregnant women, she felt bored.

Only then did she understand that doing anything without the person she loves by her side is actually meaningless at all.

The female photographer had already left with a sense of interest, and she had already taken the photos in a fine "lu" tone.

"Bernice was caught by Buzz. Logically speaking, Buzz would not do such a rash thing. I suspect that something happened inside that I don't know."

Qi Xueyao had already returned to her heart, so there was nothing she couldn't tell her about these things.

When the photographer was not around, Mi Xueyao became more courageous.

Sitting beside Qi Lin, she put a pair of white silk jade feet in Qi Lin's arms, and said softly: "My sisters, there is no reason to be bullied by outsiders, husband, I believe in your ability, and you will be able to rescue Bernice. "

Regarding what happened to Bernice, Qi Xueyao didn't have the slightest idea of ​​gloating, and she also thought so in her heart.

There are so many women around Qi Lin that she has become numb, and her mind has already been sublimated now.

The Qi family is not a warm and small family, but has gradually developed into a big family.

Only when everyone is prosperous and united to the outside world can Qi Lin concentrate on running his business and provide everyone with a stable environment.

As the hostess of the villa, who aspires to become Qi Lin's harem master, Xueyao must consider everything on Qi Lin's side.

Qi Lin was very satisfied with Qi Xueyao's attitude. He played with his wife's delicate feet and kissed his cousin's moist lips: "If Bernice knows that her sister cares about her so much, maybe when the time comes Give you free tickets to the Lifetime concert."

Qi Xueyao stopped pestering Qi Lin and went back to the villa in the family car.

Qi Lin asked Kunkun to continue to monitor the situation of Baz's villa and report to him at any time. If Baz had any dissatisfaction with Bernice, Kunkun must immediately rescue him.

After finishing all this, Qi Lin is going to go to Chen Shimeng to learn about Sun Fuqiang's information as soon as possible, and also to see his younger brother's recent development.

"Jingle Bell…"

However, just as Qi Lin got into the Maybach and told Zhou Pojun the destination, his cell phone rang again.

Qi Lin took a look and found that it was from his wife Yan Yan.

"Honey, come to the villa, I have something to see you."

Yan Yan's soft, young woman's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Some people have soft and melodious voices, even though they have never met, they can be inferred from their voices that they are rare beauties.

Yan Yan is this kind of woman.

Qi Lin frowned: "We must go to the villa now, can't we talk on the phone?"

The matter of Bernice has not been clarified yet, Qi Lin has no time now.

Yan Yan said softly: "You can decide for yourself whether to come or not, but my opinion is that it's better for you to go there yourself.

Qi Lin knew that with Yan Yan's personality, he would not be self-willed and forced to accompany her by himself, maybe what she said was really important.

"Let's go to Mrs. Yan Yan's villa first."

Qi Lin said to Zhou Pojun who was waiting for the itinerary order.

half an hour later.

Qi Lin walked into the villa.

There is plenty of heating inside.

Seeing his lover coming, Yan Yanqiao walked up to take off Qi Lin's coat with a gentle smile on his face.

She was five months pregnant, and her belly began to be obvious.

But the swollen white and tender belly not only did not reduce her charm, but made Yan Yan's temperament of a young woman more gentle and virtuous.

At this time, Mrs. Yan Yan was wearing a loose suspender dress, with delicate white collarbone, and a slender jade arm holding Qi Lin's arm.

A pair of flawless white jade long legs are extremely eye-catching under the light.

The delicate jade feet did not wear socks to keep warm, but just stepped on a pair of slippers, but it gave people a feeling of cleanness and fragrance.

"If you wear so little, you won't be afraid of catching a cold anymore. You are going to be a mother now, don't you know how to take good care of yourself?"

Seeing that Yan Yan was dressed so coolly, Qi Lin said something funny.

Yan Yanmei rolled Qi Lin's eyes, but she was too gentle, as if she was coquettish with Qi Lin: "Will you talk about how many times have you visited me since I was pregnant? Have you lived here for more than one time?" ?”


Qi Lin is indeed at a loss for companionship.

He touched his nose and changed the subject: "Didn't you say you have something important to ask me? Why don't you say it quickly?"

The two were already sitting on the sofa, and Qi Lin's thugs were placed on Yan Yanbai's tender belly very naturally, feeling the fetal movement of the future baby...

Yan Yan's pretty face was slightly red, and the white and tender jade feet were taken out of the puppet slippers, and she placed them next to Qi Lin's thigh in a ladylike sitting posture.

"Don't touch it randomly, it's not serious or serious, it's not good if you move your tires when the time comes.

"The baby is growing up recently, and I'm gaining weight very fast, and my feet are a little sore when I walk, please help me massage."

In order to make Qi Lin more honest, Yan Yan also broke his heart.

Qi Lin chuckled, then withdrew his hand and played with Mrs. Eyan's delicate and white arches.

"The family doctor recently gave your female ninja a physical examination, and she has some physical problems."

Yan Yan said suddenly.

Qi Lin was taken aback.

The first thing he thought of was that the training of the female ninja was cruel and perverted, whether it was because Matsushima Yuna hurt her body when she was a child, had internal injuries, or could no longer get pregnant or something.

"What's the situation? It can't be terminally ill, right?"

Qi Lin asked with a frown.


Mrs. Yan Yan was amused by her cute little husband.

She also stopped teasing Qi Lin and told the truth: "Can't you think in a better way? In fact, it was the family doctor who found out that your female ninja is pregnant.

"I'm really convinced. You little villain has too strong genes. Whoever you are with will get pregnant."

"I can tell that that female ninja hates you so much, now that you've made her stomach bigger at 0.9, I'll see how you end up."


Qi Lin, who was tasting the coffee, couldn't help it when he heard the shocking news, and spit out the coffee he just drank without leaving a single drop.

If Qi Lin was an ordinary person, Yan Yan would definitely say something coquettishly about Qi Lin.

My wife is pregnant and she spills coffee on the floor, do you think my wife is not working hard enough?

Fortunately, Qi Lin is not an ordinary person, and Yan Yan is also a little rich woman worth more than one billion.

Seeing the movement here, a maid came over immediately and carefully cleaned up the coffee on the floor.

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