Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

501: Stupid White-Skinned Pig, His FiancéE Was Fucked

Oda Masao just asked a few more questions.

Seeing that his junior sister was going to rescue Bernice alone, he panicked.

Qi Lin is not easy to mess with.

Is Buzz easy to mess with?

This person is also surrounded by masters, and the villa he lives in is full of surveillance and defense.

It is not easy to rescue a person from this heavily guarded place.

"Junior Sister, don't worry, I never said I won't help you save people."

"But are you sure what Qi Lin said is true? If you save people, he still won't give you the antidote?"

Oda Masao stopped Matsushima Kirina from asking.

A flash of determination flashed across Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes: "If he doesn't keep his word, then I will die with him even if I try my best.

"Brother, I know what you're going to say, but if I don't save Bernice this time, I really have no chance of leaving Huaxia alive.

Oda Masao also understood what Matsushima Kirina meant.

Of course, he didn't want his junior sister to disappear.

"Junior Sister 05, I will listen to you in everything, when will I do it?"

Oda Masao stated his position.

"Just tonight."

Matsushima Yuna said the time appointed by Qi Lin.

"Maybe Qi Lin will send someone to support me then."

She added another sentence.

Hearing this sentence, Oda Masao couldn't help but sneered: "Are you kidding, he will support Junior Sister? It's fine if he doesn't run out and stab us in the back."

Night fell.

The time came to eight o'clock in the evening.

"Strange, since Oda Masao found his little junior sister, why didn't he go back to the villa first, and why did he come here?"

Outside Baz's villa, two groups of people have gathered to hide in the dark.

The first wave of people is naturally Masao Oda and Kira Matsushima.

The other wave is Chen Jiawei who secretly followed here.

Following Chen Tiansheng's advice, he chose to follow Oda Masao to wait and see what happened, and see if he had a chance to reap the benefits in the end.

The manpower on Oda Masao's side was arranged by Chen Jiawei, so every move of the two of them was under his control.

"Young Master Chen, I have figured out why Masao Oda came here."

"Wuna Matsushima was released on purpose by Qi Lin. It turned out that Bernice had been developed into a lover by Qi Lin. When Buzz found out, he became furious and imprisoned her.

"After knowing this, Qi Lin immediately asked Matsushima Yuna to rescue Bernice, and promised to give her freedom as long as she completes her mission."

"Matsushima Kira felt that she could not save Bernice with her own strength, so she asked her senior brother Masao Oda for help.

At this moment, the people who followed Masao Oda sent back the latest news.

This person was specially inserted by Chen Jiawei, and he is proficient in the Chinese and Sakura languages.

He listened to the conversation between Matsushima Kirina and Buzz verbatim.

After listening to his subordinate's report, Chen Jiawei smiled gloatingly with a grin.

"Buzz is a stupid white-skinned pig. I warned him a long time ago that Qi Lin is not a good guy and will mess with his fiancée."

"He also felt that his fiancée was a noble Frenchman, and he didn't look down on Qi Lin at all.

"Pretending to be your mother? It would be great if Qi Lin's bastard could be treated with common sense."

"Is it alright now? My fiancée was fucked by others."

Although Chen Jiawei's two balls were broken by Qi Lin and Matsushima Wuna.

But his disabled legs were actually given by Buzz.

Knowing that Buzz has also been greened by Qi Lin, can he be unhappy?

"One wants to save his lover, one wants to be free, and the other wants to be a licking dog to save his little junior sister.

"It is indeed as the old man expected. This time is my best chance to fight back."

"As long as Bernice can be captured, Qi Lin can be threatened."

"Killing that stinky woman, Matsushima Yuna, can also pay for my..."

"It would be the best if you can kill Buzz while the chaos is taking place. This white-skinned pig has done more than failed. It's time to go to the underworld to get a box lunch."

Chen Jiawei's eyes were full of viciousness, and he was already planning the next step.

He swore that this time, he would absolutely wipe out all these people.

"Rain God, how are your preparations going?"

He picked up the communicator and asked the killer he had invited.

This is the top three snipers in China. Since the mission, they have never missed a shot.

I don't know how many souls died under his sniper rifle.

"Mommy, can you teach me how to play Douyin...cough cough, I thought it was my mother who called. Don't worry, the boss, I have found the best sniper spot. As soon as the Qi Lin you mentioned appears, I will Definitely blow his head off."

Although the opponent is a sniper, his character is a bit nonsensical.

But Chen Jiawei didn't care about these, nodded and said: "As long as Qi Lin is killed, the 100 million cash will be credited immediately.

the other side.

In the Baz villa.

"Mr. Buzz, according to outside spies and the most advanced infrared thermal imaging monitoring, there are a large number of unknown people gathered outside our villa.

Buzz sat on the sofa shaking the red wine glass, savoring the elegant and profound temperament of the red wine.

However, his two broken fingers gave this elegance a hint of dilapidation.


"Has Qi Lin finally lost his temper?"

Buzz sneered, but the tyranny in his eyes became more and more violent.

Although Qi Lin would fall into his trap as long as he dared to come.

But this also directly shows how far he and his 690 fiancée have developed.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two of them had already made love, how could Qi Lin take such a big risk to save Bernice?

When he thought of his fiancée, who was eaten up by Qi Lin without even touching a finger, a fire of rage surged in his heart.

"Did the family support arrive?"

Buzz asked while holding back his anger.

The subordinate immediately bowed and said: "The RPG rocket launcher is accurately locked, and the night vision combat uniforms are all in place. As long as the gentlemen of the Golden Knights wear these equipments, even if God comes today, he can be beaten into a sieve."

For the 1000 collections, the Baz family is going all out this time.

Thinking of Buzz's villa in the suburbs, the land is sparsely populated.

The family's senior officials simply used all their connections to get a batch of prohibited weapons into Jianghan City and secretly sent them to Baz.

Chen Jiawei has a sniper god over there.

Buzz has heavy firearms here.

Kirina Matsushima and Masao Oda joined forces after a long absence.

Today's game organized by Qi Lin may be far more exciting than everyone expected.

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