Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

504: God Descends, Blond Hair And Blue Eyes Big Waves

In Baz Villa.

Having dealt with all the uninvited guests who broke in, Buzz was just taking the towel handed over by the butler, and calmly wiped the blood on his hands.

"Mr. Buzz, the bomb installed on the puppet suddenly exploded prematurely!"

Suddenly, another subordinate came to report to him.

Buzz stopped wiping, and frowned instantly: "What's going on? Isn't this a time bomb? Why did it explode early?"

The subordinate immediately explained: "Mr. Buzz, this bomb is indeed a good time bomb, but encountering external stimuli, breaking the balance, or someone trying to dismantle the bomb may cause it to explode early."

Buzz was a little stunned, and then laughed: "Hehe, that dog Qi Lin must have found the bomb on the puppet and wanted to dismantle it by force [and it exploded directly."

"Go, go search outside the villa immediately, you want to see Qi Lin's body, and you want to see his people.


The subordinate took the order and prepared to take people out to search for Qi Lin's body.


"Bang bang bang!"

A series of dense bullet sounds - came.

In the villa that had just calmed down, there were bursts of gunfire again.

Buzz's subordinates who just ran out of the villa were suppressed by the extraordinarily powerful firepower and came back in a panic.

"Mr. Buzz, a second wave of powerful firepower suddenly came from outside. The opponent not only has a pistol, but also has a micro charge. I can't break through at all.

Hearing his subordinate's report, Buzz sneered: "Qi Lin must be dead, and his subordinates are angry and want to avenge him.

"Since this is the case, we will stop hiding and send out all the Golden Knights to wipe out all these little bastards."

Hearing Buzz's order, all the Golden Knights hiding in the dark of the villa were dispatched.

Wearing special night-vision combat uniforms and holding automatic tracking RPG rocket launchers, the Golden Knights finally made their move.

Because they can see the night environment, the members of these Golden Knights seem to be standing in the perspective of God.

Facing the enemy breaking through from a distance, they grinned grimly, picked up the RPG, and aimed at the distance.

"call out!"

With a terrifying sound of piercing through the air, a blazing light came towards Chen Jiawei's subordinates.


next second.

The deafening sound resounded throughout the suburb, and those subordinates of Chen Jiawei were blown to pieces by the RPG rockets before they could even scream.

Not far away, Chen Jiawei, who had already been bandaged by his subordinates, endured the severe pain in his arm, and watched the situation here with his night vision binoculars.

When he saw that the other party actually had an RPG, and instantly blew up his subordinates to pieces, his pupils couldn't help constricting violently.

"Grass mud horse! Buzz, the white-skinned pig, is he crazy? He even got the rockets here."

"With such a terrifying weapon, how can we fight him?"


Chen Jiawei was not without the slightest ability to fight back.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and directly ordered the sniper "Rain God": "Help me get rid of the person with the rocket launcher, one million. "

It's easy to do things if you have money, "Rain God" said with a smile: "No problem, just a few young people, leave it to me."

"call out!"

A sonic boom sounded, and a golden knight carrying rockets on his shoulders was blown off his head, his white brains scattered, and finally fell down slowly.

Seeing this scene, Buzz's pupils also contracted violently: "Sniper! Damn, Qi Lin actually brought a sniper!"

"Conceal, all members of the Golden Knights immediately conceal."

He immediately gave orders to his subordinates.

There are RPG rockets on one side, and the sniper "Rain God" on the other, and a balance is wonderfully maintained on both sides.

In a stalemate, no one can take anyone down.

In an attic next to the puppet girl's room.

Bernice in a long skirt was sitting on the bed with a pretty face and helplessness.

Holding her knees, she was surprised and delighted to hear the fierce firefight outside the window.

She has been imprisoned here by Buzz for two days.

Although it was only a short 48 hours, every minute and every second seemed like years to Bernice.

She resented Buzz's bastard for imprisoning her again.

Similarly, Bernice wondered wildly whether Qi Lin already knew that she was imprisoned.

If he knew, would he take the risk to save himself?

For this, Bernice is not very confident.

After all, Qi Lin has so many women, and all of them are not inferior to her.

0………seeking flowers…………

To put it in a word, one more is not more, and one is not less.

The difficult 48 hours are over.

Listening to the sound of fierce firefights and shouts of killing, the panic in Bernice's heart disappeared immediately, and she was very pleasantly surprised.

Because she understood that Qi Lin hadn't abandoned her yet, and this Chinese man who had cheated her of her heart by all means had actually come to save her.

Qi Lin didn't come, Bernice was worried about gains and losses, did he abandon herself.

When Qi Lin came, Bernice was worried that Qi Lin would fall into Buzz's trap and take his life in vain.

I'm afraid only Bernice herself knows what it's like to feel this kind of entanglement.

Under the night.

Nobody found out.


A figure as black as ink, galloping like the wind in the night sky, came towards the attic on the third floor of Baz Villa.

This person is naturally Qi Lin himself who directed this great chaos.

He knew Buzz's treacherous character, and he would definitely not put Bernice in a safe place directly.

Either use her as a bait, put her by his side, and wait for Qi Lin to appear.

Either hide her, pretend to be someone else, let Qi Lin snatch the fake Bernice, and finally be assassinated to death, or die together.

That's why Qi Lin deliberately let Matsushima Yuna go, but also used it as a smoke bomb to attract Buzz's attention.

Of course, Qi Lin didn't just let Matsushima Yuna go to die.

As mentioned earlier, he deliberately let Yan Yan not clean up the eyeliner, which came in handy at this time, and told Oda Masao that Matsushima Yuna had left the villa.

Oda Masao is also a licking dog, once he knows that his little junior sister is going to take risks alone, he will definitely not sit idly by and help.

With Oda Masao on the side to protect him, Qi Lin believed that with Matsushima Yuna's strength, he would definitely be able to escape unscathed.

And all the arrangements developed according to Qi Lin's expectation.

Buzz and Chen Jiawei outside were really inseparable, and all the firepower in the villa was absorbed by Chen Jiawei.

The fake 'Bernese' was also taken away by Chen Jiawei.

At this time, isn't it the best time for him to descend from the sky and pick up his blond, blue-eyed, wavy, beautiful lover?

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