Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

506: Buzz Is Crazy, See Future Mother-In-Law

"People? Where are people?"

Buzz rushed up to the third floor of the villa, the attic where Bernice lived.

When he violently pushed open the door, ready to humiliate Bernice wantonly, he was stunned to find that the room was already empty.

"Did you hide?"

"Bernese, where are you hiding, come out quickly!"

"You're going to die, right? Qi Lin couldn't have rescued you. What he took away just now was my puppet disguised as yours. He must have been blown to death now."

At this time, Buzz still had a little luck in his heart, thinking that Bernice was afraid of his invasion, and hid in a cabinet or a certain corner.

He said hurtful words, trying to break Bernice's mind, and then ran out by himself.

But the problem is, Bernice has been taken away by Qi Lin long ago, so how could she hear these words.

Buzz searched the entire room, even turned over the bed angrily, but there was no sign of Bernice.



"What the hell is going on here? Can anyone tell me where the bitch Bernice went?"

No matter how Buzz yelled, no one answered him anymore.

However, Qi Lin still left some traces in this room.

Looking at the two shoe prints on the window, Buzz, who managed to hold back his anger, ran over immediately.

In between, a note was pasted on the window at this time.

Qi Lin was proficient in French when he was rewarded by the system, so he could write French.

I saw that this kind of note wrote: "I am very grateful to Mr. Chen Jiawei for helping me lead the charge to attract Mr. Buzz's firepower, and I am also very grateful to Sakura Kunigami Masao Oda for his help. Of course, I am most grateful to Mr. Buzz. Thank you for taking care of Bernice and keeping her innocent until now, your fiancée is very delicious, I will help you take good care of her in the future."

By: "..."

No matter how stupid Buzz is, after reading this note, he will know what is going on.

Feelings have been arguing for a long time, all of which are traps designed by Qi Lin.

Not only was he fooled, but even Chen Jiawei and Oda Masao were fooled, and became Qi Lin's targets to attract his vitality.

In the end, when the three parties beat you to death, Qi Lin took Bernice away from here without anyone noticing.

his fiancée.


Who said that only Chinese people would vomit blood when they are in a hurry.

Buzz is in his prime of life, full of vigor and blood.

During this period of time, because of being annoyed by his father's fall from favor and Qi Lin's teasing, a stagnant anger has been suppressed in his heart, unable to vent.

Now, after finally finding out who owns the 1,000 treasures, it is aimed at a conspiracy against Qi Lin.

But in the end? He was still played by Qi Lin, and he lost completely.

Under the heavy blow, Buzz couldn't bear it anymore, after spitting out the blood stagnated in his heart, his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

"Mr. Buzz! How are you, Mr. Buzz?"

Mr. Buzz has fainted, call a doctor quickly!"

Masao Oda withdrew after Matsushima Kira took away the fake 'Bernese'.

He didn't really work for Chen Jiawei.

The members of the Golden Knights on Buzz's side are not weak, coupled with the strong firepower, he almost confessed here.

Clutching his bloody wound, Masao Oda fled to the wilderness while using ventriloquist to make special bird calls.

This is a secret signal between ninjas, which means that the task has been completed and we will meet at the agreed place.

It was still under the tree where Kirina Matsushima was hiding, and Masao Oda endured the severe pain and sat down against the root of the tree.

He called for a long time, but there was no sign of his junior sister.

But Masao Oda is not without a trace of gains.

On the tree trunk, he saw the special symbols left by his junior sister.

A text that only ninjas can understand: "Don't read, be safe, we will meet after the antidote.

Only then did Masao Oda realize that his junior sister went to find Qi Lin alone for an antidote.

Thinking of this, there was a hint of worry in his eyes: "Will a treacherous and despicable person like Qi Lin really give the antidote to Junior Sister as he promised?"

He really wanted to get up now and go to his junior sister to protect her.

But the problem is that he is not seriously injured now, and now he hastily went to Qi Lin, and he might not even save his life.

Only myself is alive, even if my junior sister is imprisoned by Qi Lin again, there is still a chance to rescue her.

Thinking of this, Masao Oda sighed, covered his bleeding arm, and left in another direction.

at the same time.

On an open ground, Qi Lin slowly landed on the ground with his arms around Bernice.

Seeing this, Zhou Pojun, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward to help Qi Lin unload the flying device, and put it in the trunk of the car.

After finishing all this, he opened the car door respectfully and waited for Qi Lin to get in the car.

During this process, Qi Lin never let Bernice down.

After all, this charming exotic Persian cat has no shoes on.

Qi Lin didn't want her delicate milk-white feet to step on the gravel.

Edible-grade little feet need to be taken care of carefully.

"Dear Lin, where are we going now?" 210

Bernice's fairy-like jade legs rested on Qi Lin's legs, allowing him to play with his white and tender arches with both hands.

After all, this car has a privacy curtain, and Zhou Pojun couldn't see the scene behind him at all.

"Of course I'm going home, don't you want to meet your future mother-in-law?"

Qi Lin blinked.

Now that Bernice's mission with Buzz has been completed, it's time to stamp her identity.

Bernice has been working hard to learn Chinese since she met Qi Lin.

Of course she understands what mother-in-law means, isn't that her future mother?

The French beauty, who has always been enthusiastic and unrestrained, was shy for the first time when she heard that she was going to see her mother-in-law.

Like a Persian cat, she lay on Qi Lin's chest, holding Qi Lin's cuffs with her tender hands: "Dear Lin, I, I am a little nervous. Does your Chinese mother-in-law accept French women? If she doesn't like Me, what should I do if you show my face?"

Seeing Bernice's nervous and worried expression, Qi Lin couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"Haha, it's not a big deal for you to be worried, we Huaxia people are proud of marrying exotic beauties, honoring our ancestors.

"My mother has so many daughters-in-law anyway, so she's not surprised. If he knew that you, a world-class singer, were taken home by me, he would probably not be able to close his mouth when he laughed."

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