Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

519: Go All Out And Force Matsushima Kirina To Come Back

Chio Matsushima sneered and said, "It can't be fake. Matsushima Kira, a rebellious woman, knew that I had plans for her and has been guarding against me. Masao Oda is even more uneducated and independent."

"Matsushima Wuna escaped from Qi Lin this time, if he stays in Huaxia, he will face Qi Lin's endless hunting pressure.

"Faced with such a situation, she has only one day to go, and that is to return to the country of cherry blossoms, kill her father and seize the throne, and integrate the power of the Songdao family to be able to compete with Qi Lin."

"Oda Masao has always liked Matsushima Yuna, it is impossible for him not to support - Matsushima Yuna's plan."

"In addition, it is also reasonable for Qi Lin to send someone to hand over this video screen to me."

"He is worried that there will be endless troubles after Kira Matsushima fled back to Sakura Country, and he has no power in Sakura Country, so he can only use my ability to get rid of these two people."

"I have to say that this young man is still very intelligent."

"Didn't his bodyguard leave a message just now? I hope we won't accept the task of assassinating him again in the future."

Hearing this, the military adviser couldn't help but asked: "Patriarch, this time we have accepted his favor, are we really not going to accept the task of assassinating him in the future?"

Chio Matsushima smiled and shook his head: "After all, the people we sent to assassinate him, can he let go of this hatred?"

"He may just be waiting for his strength to grow, and finally find an opportunity to take revenge. Remember, as long as there is a chance in the future, we must get rid of this Qi Lin, so as not to let him grow up."

Chio Matsushima's thinking coincided with that of the military adviser, he nodded with a smile, the Patriarch Xindao is becoming more and more heroic.

"Always pay attention to the news of Matsushima Kirina and Oda Masao's return to China. I will prepare a net for them, so that they will come and never come back.

Chio Matsushima said the most important thing, and he ordered the military division with a gloomy face.

The military adviser immediately said seriously: "Patriarch, I will immediately send 7 upper ninjas, 36 middle ninjas, and 200 lower ninjas. As long as they get off the plane, they will face endless pursuit and will never let them return to the Matsushima family alive." .”

Matsushima Chio nodded with a smile: "Of course I don't worry about military divisions, go ahead, remember, you must not be soft-hearted, and you must kill them immediately.

"Junior Sister, aren't we going back to the family? Why do we still use fake identities and disguise ourselves?"

On the plane flying from Jianghan City to Sakura Country, Masao Oda, who had already turned into a completely unfamiliar face, asked Matsushima Murona suspiciously.

"Brother, when my mission failed and I was in a desperate situation, my father didn't even send anyone to rescue me. Do you think he will welcome me back with joy?"

"You have always been loose and unrestrained, obsessed with cultivation, but you have no idea what kind of hero Matsushima Chio is."

"If we really return to the family this time, we will face the fate of being imprisoned because of the probability.

"Listen to my advice, hide your name and change to another place to live, don't go back to the purgatory of the Songdao family.

After all, they are brothers who grew up together since childhood, although after returning to Sakura, the two will part ways.

But Matsushima Yuna still didn't want to watch him being imprisoned and controlled by his father, or brutally killed, so he reminded him.

Masao Oda was silent for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Do you think I don't know this? Actually, I have long been displeased with the Patriarch's behavior style, and I have been staying in the Matsushima family

It's also for you, Junior Sister. "

"Junior Sister, do you mean that you are leaving the family too?"

"As long as you say a word, the brother will follow you to the cape of Tianya, and will never leave you a step.

Hearing Oda Masao's confession, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were full of helplessness.

It is impossible for her to go back to the mountains and forests with Masao Oda at all, okay?

If he knew that the child in his womb belonged to Qi Lin, he would have to kill the child, which is absolutely not allowed by Matsushima Haotai.

She was silent again, ready to leave Masao Oda while he was not paying attention after getting off the plane.

After several hours of flying.

The plane finally stopped at Sakura Country International Airport.

"Junior Sister, I have a garden deep in the mountains in Osaka, which I bought earlier."

...asking for flowers...

"No one knows about this matter, why don't we go there for a while, and wait for the junior sister to decide where to go, and then I will send you there, okay?"

Oda Masao helped Matsushima Yuna carry the suitcase, and said eagerly following behind.

He also noticed that it seemed that the junior sister didn't really want to go back to the mountains with him.

Matsushima Kirina also sighed slightly at this time.

Oda Masao is following so closely now, it is impossible to get rid of him all at once. We can only follow Oda Masao to Osaka for a few days, and then look for opportunities to leave.


Matsushima Kirina nodded.

Masao Oda's face brightened, and he immediately flattered him: "Then junior sister, wait for me here, I'll rent a car first."


The two who had already decided to go to Osaka had no idea.

The moment they got off the plane, they were targeted by the family ninja.

Although both of them are top ninjas, they are both ninjas from the Matsushima family, and the disguise technique is useless at all.

Can easily feel the ninja's special murderous aura from people of the same kind.

After renting a car.

Masao Oda acted as the driver, and Kirina Matsushima sat in the back row and set off towards Osaka.

When passing a sparsely populated road, Oda Masao suddenly stopped the car with a solemn expression.

"Brother, did you feel it too?"

Matsushima Kuna, who was still leaning on the back of the chair just now, sat up with a pretty face and a frosty face, already holding a sharp kunai in her hand.

Masao Oda's face was full of murderous intent: "You guessed it right for Junior Sister, it seems that the Patriarch is really not going to keep us alive.

"Why is he still refusing to let us go when we are all ready to retire to the mountains?"

Oda Masao didn't know at all, and Matsushima Chio didn't even know that the two returned to Sakura Country.

It was because of Qi Lin's tip-off that the whereabouts of the two were exposed.

He just wanted to force Matsushima Yuna into desperation, and then went back to beg Qi Lin to protect her and the child Chuan in her belly. .

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