Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

521: Mysterious Armored Man, So He Won't Worry About Me

As the saying goes: Misfortunes never come singly, but bad things come in pairs.

Masao Oda tried his best to stop those ninjas, and Kira Matsushima could find a way out and escape here as long as he killed these ninjas.

And she did.

But don't forget.

Matsushima Kirina still has a small oil bottle in her stomach.

Such a fierce battle, if he didn't run out to make trouble, it wouldn't be called pregnancy.


Matsushima Yuna, who was about to cut through a road, suddenly shook her figure, covered her small mouth, and felt a strong sense of vomiting, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

Matsushima Kirina, who already knew that she was pregnant, had a flash of helplessness in her beautiful eyes: "Okay, why don't you learn, why do you want to learn from that bastard? Obviously, your mother is going to take you out, but you are lucky, and you still have to come out to make trouble at this time."

The opportunity is fleeting.

Just when Matsushima Yuna was about to break out of the siege, she felt unwell.

Taking advantage of Matsushima Yuna's short time when she couldn't do anything, those ninjas stopped the formation again and surrounded them again.

The strength of the middle ninja is indeed far behind Matsushima Kirina Sho 14.

But with more than two hundred people standing here and giving it to Matsushima Wuna to kill her, she would be exhausted.

Now, being surrounded again, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes flashed with despair and regret.

"If I had known this would be the result, Mom might as well stay by your father's side and never leave. It's Mom's fault that you didn't let you see this wonderful world. If you are willing to forgive Mom, let's be mother and son again in the next life. 11

Matsushima Kirina gritted her teeth, her eyes determined.

Since she can't leave, none of these people who tried to hurt the baby will die, and she will take these people to hell with her.


Kirina Matsushima, holding a shuriken, is just about to engage in a second brutal fight.

The strong feeling of vomiting came again, and this time it was worse than last time.

Accompanied by panic and dizziness.

If the female doctor in Yan Yan's villa examines her, she will directly make a decision.

"Hypoglycemia caused by pregnancy, failure to supplement sugar in time, or violent movements can all cause this to happen."

"If you don't take a break to supplement glucose in time, syncope may occur."

Obviously, this is the case now with Matsushima Kirina.

She felt that her strength was drained all of a sudden.

Countless people were once frightened by the rumors that the strongest female jonin in the history of the Sakura Kingdom, but now she is limp on the ground like a weak woman.

Seeing this scene, those middle and lower ninjas also looked at each other, not knowing what Matsushima Kira was doing.

But the head of the family has ordered that Matsushima Wuna must be captured.

Those who can be captured alive will be captured alive, and those who cannot be captured alive will be killed on the spot.

Thinking of this, these middle and lower ninjas slowly moved towards the place where Matsushima Kira was paralyzed.

Facing the siege of the seven Jonin, Oda Masao had already dealt with it very reluctantly, and the attacked retreated steadily.

But even so, he was still worried about his little junior sister.

When he glanced in the direction of his junior sister from the corner of his eye, his eyes suddenly burst into tears.

"Junior Sister!"

"Baga! Which of you dares to try her with a finger? I'll kill your whole family!"

Seeing this scene, a middle-aged senior ninja sneered: "Sure enough, he is a seed of infatuation. He dares to be distracted in front of the seven senior ninjas. Doesn't he take us too seriously?"

Just when Masao Oda was distracted, a samurai sword suddenly appeared behind him.


A cold light passed by, and Oda Masao felt a burning pain in his back.

He knew that there must have been a deep cut on his back.

The passing of blood made Oda Masao weaker and weaker, and of course Hinagami would not let go of this excellent opportunity.

Oda Masao, who had weakened his reaction ability and offensive ability, soon had a few long scars on his body.

The blood had stained his clothes red, and anyone who looked at his blood-soaked appearance would feel a chill in his heart.

"Brother, I can't go anymore, you should break through and leave here by yourself.

Matsushima Kiruna clutched her belly, and shouted into the dense forest with a wry smile.

Masao Oda looked crazy: "No! I will never leave! Junior sister! If we die, we will die together!"

And at this time, those Zhongjangren finally came to Matsushima Enchen.

A Chunin even took out a rope made of a special material, ready to be tied up directly by Matsushima Yuna.

Ninjas are different from ordinary people, and they even have bone shrinking skills. Ordinary ropes can't trap them at all.


Just when this Chunin was about to make a move.



A deafening sound came.

Right behind this Chunin, several scary men vomited blood, flew straight into the air, and then smashed hard on the ground.

The eyeballs popped up, and he died suddenly on the spot.

Everyone looked back in horror, and saw a big man wearing a mask standing there.

The big man's chest, abdomen, arms, thighs, and calves were all wrapped in a layer of strange metal, just like medieval armor.

This person is naturally Zhou Pojun who was sent to Sakura Country by Qi Lin.

The strange armor on his body was exchanged by Qi Lin from the system space.

It is exactly the same material as the armor on Kunkun and Qingqing.

The material is hard, strong impact resistance, lighter than any metal, even bullets will be bounced off.

Zhou Pojun is one of Qi Lin's most trusted generals.

Although his force value is astonishing, but now is the era of hot weapons, no matter how powerful 970 people are, they can't match bullets, artillery, or even swords.

Qi Lin simply spent some points to help him exchange for this armor that is comparable to bulletproof vests and extremely lethal.

Imagine, with such a hard material, what kind of visual violence feast will Zhou Pojun hit the enemy with kicks, punches and legs?

Those ninjas just now are the best example.

With one punch, the last two words of death or injury can be ruled out.

You can go to see Hades directly.

"You go, I'll stop them."

Zhou Pojun spoke in crappy Sakura language, and said to Matsushima Sono and Oda Masao.

Masao Oda couldn't tell who this person was.

But Matsushima Kirina was astonished with her beautiful eyes.

After that, her beautiful eyes were a little bit complicated and soft.

Obviously promised to give her freedom, why do you still worry about her and send people all the way to protect her?

After resting for a while, although Matsushima Yuna has not recovered her full victory strength, she still has basic mobility.

Holding her body up, she shouted to Masao Oda: "Brother, let's get out of here quickly."

Oda Masao was covered in blood and looked extremely tragic.

Matsushima Kiruna suspected that if the fight continued, he would die of blood flow before the seven Jōnin killed him. .

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