After Buzz framed Qi Lin and undertook the construction of Xiaomanyao, it was exposed that he used inferior materials to damage China's interests.

The Wanxi Group controlled by his family has endured huge external pressure and been caught in a huge scandal.

Due to the pressure from Huaxia and the French authorities, Wanxi Group not only apologized on TV, but also expressed that it would compensate Qi Lin, and explained that in the near future,

The deputy director of Wanxi Group will be sent to China to discuss with Qi Lin.

For this matter, it is scoffing.

Qi Lin has long known what capitalists and European and American politicians look like.

Asking them to apologize to themselves and compensate them is simply an international joke.

Even if an apology and compensation were really made, it would still be due to the pressure of international public opinion.

Maybe after going through the process, I don't know what dirty means will be used to deal with myself behind the scenes.

Compared with the heir of Buzz, the behemoth Wanxi Group should make Qi Lin much more dignified.

But he wasn't too worried.

As a reborn person, there is still a system by his side, and now he has more than 30,000 system points.

As long as Wanxi Group dares to make a move, he has the confidence to destroy the world's number one construction group step by step.

"Boss, there are guests visiting outside the villa."

After laughing and arguing with Qi 520 Xueyao for a while, there was a knock on the door of the room.

It was the gentle voice of early spring.

Only then did Qi Lin sit up, while Yao kindly helped Qi Lin put on his coat.

"Has the other party revealed their identity?"

Qi Lin stretched out his hand and asked.

Chuchun said softly: "These dozen or so guests are all European and American faces. The leader is a beautiful lady. The translator beside her said that they came from France." Regarding the follow-up of Tian Wen caused by Buzz."

After listening to Chuchun's explanation, Qi Lin was taken aback for a moment: "Wanxi Group is really here?"

For the business negotiation team sent by Wanxi Group, Qi Lin already had expectations in his heart.

The other party came to him, or threatened himself to settle the matter, suppress the public opinion on this matter, and cooperate with Fang Group to whitewash himself.

Either pretend to apologize to himself for compensation, and then show his true colors after returning to France, and use all means to get rid of himself and then quickly.

But these are just Qi Lin's guesses.

The real purpose of the other party will be known after the meeting.

"I haven't had breakfast yet, let the other party stand at the door and wait."

Qi Lin said lightly.

Chinese people pay attention to 'momentum' to overwhelm others.

Now that they are already enemies, there is no need for Qi Lin and the other party to be polite. Let's cool down the other party first and suppress the momentum before we talk.

"Husband, are you sure you can deal with this Wanxi Group? If we are not as powerful as the other party now, why don't we bear it for a while and fight back when we have strength?"

Chong Yao also knows something about the grievances between Qi Lin and Buzz.

After a woman gets married, what worries her most is not how much money her husband can make, but his own safety.

Of course, those gold diggers and selfish girls are another story.

She squeezed Qi Xueyao's nose: "The Wanxi Group has a market value of 60 billion Huaxia coins, do you think it will be easy to deal with? But it doesn't matter, it's not in China, the mighty dragon of France, can it overwhelm a local snake like me? If it wants to continue to kill, I don't mind continuing to play with it.

"Okay, you can rest upstairs, so as not to see something you shouldn't see later, and get angry, it's not good for our baby.

Qi Xueyao pouted cutely: "I'm afraid of hurting your little baby, what about me? Are you not afraid of hurting me?"

Qi Lin laughed loudly: "Our baby eats all the vinegar? That's fine, sister Xueyao, my big baby can't be hurt either.

Under Qi Xueyao's smiling loving eyes, Qi Lin went downstairs.

Speaking of having breakfast, Qi Lin really ate breakfast slowly, which took about an hour and a half.

When it was almost time to finish eating, Qi Lin called Bernice and asked her to come here from Villa No. 4.

As Buzz's 'fiancée', Bernice should be quite familiar with some high-level executives of the Wanxi Group.

Knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy, one is victorious in all battles, so it's good to let her give me some useful information.

Bernice got up lazily, then wore a casual silk skirt and a long down jacket, and walked towards Villa No. 1.

It’s true that home is where there is love.

Although she lived here for less than a few days, Bernice slept very peacefully.


When Bernice came to the door of Villa No. 1, she saw a beautiful figure standing there quietly, followed by more than a dozen subordinates.

A woman with the appearance of a French beauty in a professional suit and skirt with a small fragrant style, turned her head with an elegant smile.

The moment she saw Bernice, she wasn't surprised, she just smiled lightly and said, "I've heard about it in my family, that you moved on and fell in love with a Chinese nobleman, and kicked Buzz Come on, now it seems that this rumor is not false."

Bernice's beautiful eyes were instantly stained with frost: "Buzz asked for this, and who I like has nothing to do with you?"

Felicia was angered by Bernice, she didn't mean to be angry at all, she still smiled gracefully: "It's really none of my business, I just want to tell you that you have a good vision.


Because of Buzz, Bernice didn't have a good impression of Felicia at all.

Of course, this also has something to do with their identities.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Bernice is a popular singer who is popular all over the world, but in the eyes of wealthy families like the Buzz family, she is just an embarrassing actress on stage.

Not to mention that Chinese wealthy families look down on celebrities, but in the eyes of real wealthy families in Europe and America, it is actually the same.

"Honey, I'm here, can you open the door?"

Bypassing Felicia, Boni said to the videophone.

After receiving the message, Chuchun looked at Qi Lin.

"Open the door."

Qi Lin, who was already sitting on the sofa picking his teeth, spoke lazily.

"Honey, why don't you call me for breakfast, I'm hungry."

Looking at the leftovers on the long mahogany table while picking her teeth, Bernice's pretty face suddenly felt aggrieved.

Qi Lin chuckled: "I asked Chuchun to make double servings, and if you want to eat, let her serve you fresh ones."

Hearing this, Bernice immediately beamed with joy and went to Chuchun.

As a European and American, Bernice actually doesn't like Chinese breakfast.

But man is a strange creature who loves houses and birds.

Seeing that Qi Lin likes to eat deep-fried dough sticks and noodles with fried sauce so much, she gradually started to enjoy the taste. Whatever Qi Lin eats, she also wants to eat.

Felicia is not unfamiliar and cowardly at all.

After the door opened, she was about to come in with her business negotiation team.

Chuchun stopped the people behind her: "I'm sorry, the boss said that only you, miss, can go in."

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