Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

531: Only A Good Woman Like Me Can Be Worthy Of You

"The quality that Mr. Qi Lin cherishes is exactly what I cherish. As Mr. Qi Lin wishes, I still maintain my virginity.

But what surprised Qi Lin was that Felicia told him very generously that she was actually a virgin.

"You're not talking to me, are you? In France, there are girls over 16 who are virgins?"

"Or did you use some kind of technology? Self-healing?"

Felicia lightly fiddled with the blond hair beside her ears, and said with a smile: "It is true that Westerners are open-minded, and my thinking also belongs to Westerners' thinking, but if you want me to be willing to hand over my innocent man, I must meet my expectations. Unfortunately, until now, I have not met such a man, so is it strange that I am still a virgin?"

"Also, is Bernice a virgin? She has known Buzz for so long, why is Mr. Qi Lin still willing to let her be your woman?"

Qi Lin always made things difficult for her, so it's time for her to make things difficult for Qi Lin.

Speaking of this matter, Bernice raised her face proudly: "Unfortunately, I am a celebrity, and I have a contract with the company, so I cannot have contact with the opposite sex in public. It just so happens that Buzz and I are just Engaged, not married, I am a 23-year-old child, this can be verified at any time my dear."


It was embarrassing to hear two women openly discussing this.

Qi Lin directly changed the topic: "Miss Felicia, you said that you haven't met a man who can tempt you for a while, what about me? As far as I know, you French women look down on Chinese men, right?"

Speaking of this, Felicia's beautiful eyes showed a hint of arrogance for the first time: "Only the ignorant people at the bottom will believe in what the media preaches. Borrag Baz is the best of the family. The heir, but in the end it was easily handled by Mr. Qi Lin.

"The security of the 1,000 collections has been arranged seamlessly, and Mr. Qi Lin still unknowingly took them away."

"France has been following in the footsteps of the beautiful country, but the 720 anti-virus company founded by Mr. Qi Lin can make the beautiful country suffer, and send a business negotiation team to China."

"In all of this, there is no reason for me not to believe that Mr. Qi Lin is the only man who is worthy of me, Felicia."

Being praised by ordinary people, maybe Qi Lin listened and felt nothing in his heart.

But being praised by Felicia, the daughter of the Baz family, the vice president of Wanxi Group, and a descendant of the European luxury brand Hermès, Qi Lin still felt a little embarrassed.


Felicia's words made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Then what if I think you, Felicia, are not good enough for me?"

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth curled up slightly, and he said a very unbearable sentence.

Felicia's pretty face was slightly taken aback, and finally a second expression besides the elegant expression appeared.

It seemed that she was really hit by Qi Lin.

In the next second, Felicia became serious and began to count her honors.

"I won't go into details about my extra hobbies like piano, horseback riding, and fencing."

"At the age of 6, Felicia already knew 8 languages ​​and had been to 22 countries in Europe and America.

"At the age of 11, he joined the think tank of the family group and negotiated the first billion-dollar contract for the family.

"At the age of 14, he was admitted to the Business School of Oxford University. At the age of 18, he obtained a double master's degree in economics and philosophy."

"During the period, I met the President of France, dignitaries from 27 countries, had dinner with Buffy, and chatted with Bill Winery.

"Noble ladies who are more beautiful than me don't have my business management ability."

"Those who are better at business management than me are not as beautiful as me."

"I can't believe that I am not worthy of Mr. Qi Lin like this, what other woman in this world is worthy of you.

Looking at Felicia who was looking at Qi Lin with beautiful eyes, Qi Lin touched his nose, a little dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that this woman's honor was forced to such a degree.

Although the girls around him are all beautiful, they are not without strong business ability.

But even if Zhang Man is brought out to be with Felicia, this honor will have to be hanged and beaten by her.

Qi Lin had already made things difficult for Felicia, but this woman took them all, so now Qi Lin didn't know what to say.

"Bernice, what do you think of this matter?"

"Whether you want to agree to the marriage of the Baz family today, I will let you decide."

Qi Lin is too bad.

If he agrees, he will appear a little lewd and obscene.

Might as well leave this problem to Bernice.

This made Bernice who had been staring at Felicia couldn't help being taken aback.

To be honest, she hated everyone in the Baz family. She wished that Qi Lin would directly reject Felicia and drive this woman away.

But I want to return to think so.

It's really up to her to make the decision.

Bernice began to hesitate again.

Rejecting Felicia can only push the Baz family to the opposite of Qi Lin, and let my dear bear unknown dangers.

Once Qi Lin marries Felicia, not only can he gain the friendship of the Baz family, but also the resources brought by Felicia's marriage, which is simply limitless for Qi Lin's future strength growth.

in addition.

Regarding Qi Lin's matter, he did not make the decision himself, but let her decide.

This shows that Qi Lin is still important to her in his heart and has given her the greatest respect.

Since my dear has thought of himself, there is no need for me to hold him back just to be jealous.

Bernice was thinking carefully here.

Felicia's heart skipped a beat.

She didn't expect Qi Lin to hand over such a big matter to Bernice to make a decision.

And Bernice has always hated her, doesn't this mean that he is going to be out?


Qi Lin has always had a question, why Felicia is so eager to marry him.

Could it be that this woman really fell in love with him at first sight?

Such a nonsense thing is definitely impossible.

The actual situation is.

Before Felicia came to China, the family had always been inclined to let her marry members of the UAE royal family.

European and American women are always clamoring for freedom, but the more powerful they are, the less they can decide their own happiness.

Felicia shuddered at the thought of marrying the United Arab Emirates, the purgatory where there was no freedom and everything was restrained.

It also happened at this time that Qi Lin's appearance gave her a glimmer of life.

Not to mention handsome and handsome, Qi Lin killed Bogra Baz easily, and created the current Internet favorite 720 antivirus.

Marrying such an outstanding young talent, I don't know how many times better than marrying the prince of the United Arab Emirates.

Therefore, the attitude of the Baz family suddenly changed, and Qi Lin really wanted to thank Felicia.

It was she who took the trouble to explain to the family the various benefits and long-term benefits of the marriage between Shanming and Qi Lin, and finally persuaded the family members to agree to choose ten family women to marry Qi Lin.

cough cough~

There is really no shortage of beautiful girls in the Baz family. At first, everyone really thought that Felicia was thinking about the family.

Knowing that Felicia sold themselves to Qi Lin and married to Huaxia, they shouted that they were fooled and were deceived by Felicia.

Of course, this is just a postscript. .

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