Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

535: Kill This Woman, It’S Useless To Keep Her

Oda Masao was about to be hit and collapsed by the fact that Matsushima Yuna suddenly said.

The woman I love the most actually wants to help the enemy, the big devil who defiled him, to give birth to a child.

The little junior sister he had been waiting for all his life.

He has loved his little junior sister all his life!

Why did things become like this!

Masao Oda knelt on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and silent tears rolled down from between his fingers.


The enemy will not give Masao Oda time to grieve.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, which meant that the ninjas had already caught up.

With grief and anger in the ninja's heart, Masao Oda stood up from the ground again.

A light drizzle began to fall.

"As long as Junior Sister is happy, why should I be sad?"

I comforted myself in my heart.

Oda Masao said something that surprised Matsushima Kuna ten "seven zero three".

"Junior sister, stand up!"

"I will escort you to Qi Lin. If he knows that you are pregnant with his child, he will definitely protect you."

"Since you want to give birth to this child, give birth to it."

Oda Masao said with a blank face.

Matsushima Kirina's eyes once again shed tears, and she looked at Masao Oda gratefully.

The senior brother has shown her too much kindness in this life, but she can't repay the slightest bit with emotion.

A woman's heart is so big that it can hold countless romantic pictures.

A woman's heart is so small that she can only accommodate one man.

I'm sorry, brother.

Close your beautiful eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, Matsushima Yuna's expression became firm, and she fled towards the distance step by step.

The time that the senior brother bought for her must not be wasted.

The rain in the gray sky was getting heavier.

The rainy season knows the season.

It's just that God is telling mortals that Xia Tian has arrived.


Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

Qi Lin stood in front of the villa window with his hands behind his back, looking at the scenery in the yard.



The villa door was pushed open.

Logically speaking, the door of Qi Lin's villa needs a fingerprint lock to drive the pile.

Now being pushed away by someone, it is obvious that it has already...

"Tick tock~"

"Tick tock~"

Following the sound of a figure falling to the ground, there was the sound of water droplets continuously dripping on the ground.

"Qi, Qi Lin~"

A weak voice sounded behind Qi Lin.

Qi Lin turned around gradually.

Kirina Matsushima's black and fluffy hair had been scattered at this time, and water droplets were hanging wet.

The originally rosy and beautiful little face is now white.

The whole person is lying on the exquisite antique floor, in a pair of beautiful eyes, there is the desire for life, but also the fear of death.

But the longing for life and the fear of death are all for the child in her womb.


Followed by Kirina Matsushima.

Another embarrassed figure flew in backwards.

Chio Matsushima was seriously injured, and the whole person has become a human being.

The blood washed the floor with the rain, and after a while, it had gathered into a stream.

A large mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth.

Tonight's night is destined to be very lively.

Under Qi Lin's calm gaze, more uninvited guests broke in.

Ninjas in black clothes and scarves jumped in from windows, gates, and courtyard walls like dexterous wild cats, and the number continued to increase.

After a while, Qi Lin's entire villa was surrounded by ninjas, and it was almost impossible for a fly to get out.

A ninja standing on one leg on the window sill with arms crossed said in a loud voice: "Kuna Matsushima, Masao Oda, you have nowhere to escape, you didn't cherish the chance I gave you last time, this time the Patriarch only wants the corpse .”

"Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and they will be captured without a fight. I can leave you a whole body."

At this moment.

Both Matsushima Kirina and Oda Masao were panting violently, and they didn't have the energy to respond to them at all.

Seeing this scene, there was a disdainful smile on the corner of Kameda's mouth, and he was ready to go all out with his subordinates and kill the two traitorous families directly.

He drew the two katana swords on his back and took a step forward.


But at that moment, a breath of death that made him extremely chill locked on him.

When Kameda looked up, his pupils suddenly shrank.

At some point, there were already 5 more people in Qi Lin's villa.

Qi Lin sat in the middle of the sofa, shaking the red wine glass lazily, very comfortable, as if he didn't care about the intrusion of these uninvited guests.

Qi Lin's front, back, left, and right directions.....

Early spring, midsummer, golden autumn, and cold winter were covered in lavender armor, and their beautiful faces were full of heroism, as if four witches were guarding the demon king.

Beside Qi Lin was Zhou Pojun in silver armor.

With a height of 1.9 meters, he is like a god of death, extremely intimidating, and just looking at it makes people shudder.

Although there were only six people in front of them, those ninjas felt chills all over their bodies and shuddered at the same time, as if they had broken into the abyss of demons and were being targeted by those fierce gods with monstrous flames.

Ninjas are most sensitive to death.

Kameda, who was ready to attack, took back his steps at this time.

He already understood that he seemed to have broken into a place he shouldn't have broken into.

"No wonder these two people are desperately trying to run here, Baga! They want us to offend this big man!"

Kameda cursed in his heart.

Afterwards, he said in a respectful tone, Qi Lin: "It is very presumptuous to break into Your Excellency's mansion, we just want to catch these two traitors, and it is convenient for you to kiss Your Excellency.

Oda Masao was not sure whether Qi Lin was the kind of rock-hearted, cold-blooded and ruthless person.

He endured the severe pain and said: "Save me... No! Save Junior Sister, as long as you save Junior Sister, I am willing to promise you all the conditions for her. As for myself, I can let Junior Sister die!"

Kirina Matsushima was so weak that she couldn't even speak.

She was lying on the ground, looking at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes, with a 0.5 trace of pleading in them.

It seems to be begging Qi Lin to save her and save the brother.

But Qi Lin seems to be a really cold-blooded and heartless person, with a flat face, he said to Kameda lightly: "If you want to do something, you can do it directly, especially this woman, just kill her directly, anyway, she doesn't like me, and she doesn't want to stay here It's useless to keep it by my side."

"Tick tock~"

Unfeeling, righteous, and heartless, there may be no words in the world that can hurt Matsushima Murona's crystal-like heart more than these words.

Numb teardrops dripped instantly.


Her heart, which seemed to be healing gradually, has now become countless petals.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Kameda was instantly overjoyed.

He cupped his hands towards Qi Lin: "Your Excellency's kindness, the Songdao family will definitely remember it in their hearts. After this matter is over, I will thank you."

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