It's not that they don't want to escape, it's that no matter how skilled they are, they are afraid of kitchen knives.

This is the case.

Kameda and the others just slipped out of the villa, but Qi Lin ignored them.

Kameda was still proud of his quick thinking, and he didn't fight Qi Lin recklessly, so he only saved his life today.

But in the next second, he was looking at the front with a dull face, and his heart was ashamed.

More than two hundred black-clothed men holding micro-guns surrounded them from all directions with stern faces.

Almost every ninja faced a black muzzle on his head.

There was a ninja who had strong concealment skills, so he dropped smoke bombs and wanted to escape.

But the next second.

"Bang bang bang bang~"

More than a dozen micro-guns were aimed at his hiding place, shooting crazily.

Without even a chance to scream, a corpse with countless bullet holes and bleeding profusely had already fallen down slowly.


In the face of such dense bullets, don't talk about hiding away, even the god of ninja Miyamoto Musashi is here, and he has to get a box lunch today.


These ninjas looked bitter, and all obediently threw away the weapons in their hands, raised their hands, and returned to Villa C.

Kameda cursed furiously in his heart: "Baga! Baga! Where did I break into? It's fine that the young man is so abnormally strong, and he also has such a terrifying hot weapon. With him protecting Matsushima Wuna, the Patriarch let him If I come to kill her, am I not going to die innocently?"

"I asked you to leave just now, are you going to leave? Do you want to leave now?"

"Sorry, I changed my mind, none of you can leave today.

Looking at the ninjas who had returned obediently, Qi Lin smiled faintly.

There are many things about Qi Lin, even Chun Xia Qiu Dong may not know.

Looking at these mysterious men in suits holding micro punches, Lin Dong's pretty face was a little shocked: "Boss, where did these people and weapons come from? Your strength is hidden too deeply, right?"

Not just winter.

Although Oda Masao was in severe pain in his lower body, he was also dumbfounded watching this scene.

At the beginning, he borrowed manpower from Chen Jiawei, but Chen Jiawei only lent him forty people, and all of them were imitation pistols.

For a man like Qi Lin who has an American-style micro-bump in his hands, even if King Yan came, he would have to shrink back into the underworld in fright.

"Don't hide it, I haven't seen you in a few months, are you ashamed to see the boss?"

Qi Lin didn't answer Lin Dong's question, but smiled and said towards the door.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, all eyes immediately gathered outside the villa door.

Not long after, those men in suits holding micro-blades slowly moved out of the way.

Immediately afterwards, a glamorous beauty with exquisite stilettos and high heels walked in, wearing a flaming red dress.

That graceful figure and that beautiful face instantly raised the temperature of the entire hall by several degrees.

Seeing the appearance of this figure, Chun Xia Qiu Dong couldn't hold back anymore.

The little faces were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed surprise, and immediately surrounded the dragon.

"Big sister, did you come back?"

"Sister Rose, we seem to be you these days? The boss said that you went to Peninsula to work for him."

"Big sister, I've listened to you, I didn't cause trouble, protect the boss well, don't leave again when you come back this time, okay?"

These girls were all brought up by Rose.

The eldest sister is like a mother, and now that the mother has finally returned, can the little girls be unhappy?

Even Chuchun, who has always been steady and gentle, had tears in her eyes, gently holding her sister's arm.

"Okay, okay, as soon as I came back, I was arguing with each other."

"Aren't you doing business now? If you want to reminisce about the old days, there will be plenty of time later.

Rose nodded and touched each girl's head, smiling, obviously happy to see Yaskawa.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Rose's beautiful eyes finally met Qi Lin.

As the saying goes, a long absence is better than a newly married...

Bah bah bah!

Rose is still innocent, let alone Qi Lin's woman, how can a long absence be better than a newly-married one!

But the truth is the same.

Although the two often talk on the phone and Rose reports the news of the peninsula to Qi Lin, the two haven't seen each other for several months.

Qi Lin has been playing with his own ideas, and Rose knows it too.

Rose itself also has a crush on Qi Lin.

Looking at Qi Lin's handsome cheek, and blinking at herself, her pretty face suddenly flushed slightly, pretending to turn her face to look at the captured ninjas.

"Are these the ninjas from the old days? They don't look very strong!"

Long time no see.

Rose manages an association of tens of thousands of people, and the intoxicating charm of a heroic figure and a devil's head is getting stronger and stronger.

Looking at the long red dress and the white and tender feet under the stilettos, Qi Lin was already a little moved.

But seeing Rose ignore him, Qi Lin's mouth turned up slightly, with a hint of playfulness.

"You six, as long as you can defeat this woman, I will let you go."

Qi Lin said to the six jounin.

It is true that Rose is powerful, but she is a level lower than Zhou Pojun.

One person can draw a tie against the last Jonin.

But at the same time on the six ninja.

Ahem, being hanged and beaten is almost the same.

After finishing speaking, Qi Lin blinked at Rose again: "Didn't you say that these ninjas are not very strong? I will give you a chance to prove yourself now, let me see if you have any strength during the time you went to the peninsula Grow."

EX: ""

She was just talking nonsense, how could Qi Lin be serious?

"Damn bastard, it's obviously because I didn't (Nuoma Zhao) talk to him, that's why he deliberately punished me."

Rose gritted her silver teeth and cursed inwardly.

But the problem is, Rose is an unyielding temperament.

She raised her beautiful face, and said forcefully, "Hit me, who is afraid of whom?"

Who wouldn't want a chance to live?

When Kameda saw Rose, he figured out her strength.

"This woman's strength is about the same as that of a Jonin, and it's easy for six Junin to defeat her.

"But we absolutely can't hit hard. This woman is obviously the young man's lover. If we really hurt her, no one will leave today."

From the looks of it, this ninja still has a lot of brains.

"Miss, please enlighten me"

After Kameda communicated with several jounin in the cherry blossom language, he said to Rose respectfully.

"Hmph! What are you being hypocritical about? Show your true strength. If anyone dares to release water, I will kill you!".

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