Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

542: The Future Female President Of Bangzi Country

"Does Villa No. 5 know who I'm staying for?"

Rose's high-heeled shoes had already slipped off, and Qi Lin played with her white and tender feet, which made Rose itch a little, and giggled and lightly hammered Qi Lin's chest.

"You have so many women, how do I know who you leave them to?"

Rose rolled Qi Lin's eyes coquettishly, but her ears were still listening to Qi Lin's answer.

Qi Lin suppressed a smile and said, "Of course it's reserved for the little ninja Matsushima Wuna. When she comes back from Sakura Country this time, I'll give this villa to her."

Hearing the answer that was different from what she expected, Rose was stunned.

In the next second, Rose, who has always been strong and tough, couldn't help but her beautiful eyes turned red, and the grievance in her heart suddenly burst out.

"What's so good about that female ninja? She assassinated you once or twice, and she didn't know her childhood sweetheart. Why does she own a villa here?"

Qi Lin coughed twice: "Is that so? Who do you think is eligible to live in this villa?"

Without even thinking about it, Rose blurted out: "Of course it's me, who else is there?"

Qi Lin couldn't bear it anymore, he laughed loudly and said, "My villa is only for my wife, who are you? Are you my wife?"

Rose's pretty face froze at this time, and she also realized that she had fallen into Qi Lin's trick.

But she was afraid that Qi Linzhen would give this villa to Matsushima Wuna.

Rose had asked Chuchun just now.

There are only 9 villas in the community that Qi Lin bought.

Villa 12349 already has owners.

Only the last four villas have no owners, which belong to the first-come, first-served kind.

Although Rose was not the first woman to follow Qi Lin, she also contributed a lot to Qi Lin's career.

Now it is obvious that Qi Lin is going to eat her, even Rose is counting on getting more love from Qi Lin.


"Don't give this villa to others, just leave it to me, okay? I admit that you are my husband, isn't it okay?"

As soon as Rose turned her beautiful eyes, she twisted her body and acted like a baby in Qi Lin's eyes.

The originally quite sexy beauty was tied up with a rope and wriggled like a chubby bug baby. Qi Lin couldn't help laughing at it.

"Who does the rose love the most?"

Qi Lin continued to play with Rose.

After fighting all the battles, Rose also began to face up to her own heart.

Although I am not reconciled to sharing a man with other men.

But then again, Qi Lin was the only man who subdued her properly and made fun of her.

In fact, she didn't say anything on the surface, but she admired Qi Lin in her heart.

If such a man is not qualified to be her husband Rose, who else is qualified?

"Rose loves Qi Lin the most, and Lin's husband the most."

Rose bit her lower lip lightly, her beautiful eyes did not dare to look at Qi Lin.

The heroic 'female bandit' looked shy and seemed to have an appetite.

"Who does Rose most want to marry?"

Qi Linbai did not appreciate this rare opportunity to be shy.

Rose bravely turned her small face away, and her beautiful eyes looked at Qi Lin: "Rose most wants to marry Qi Lin and become Qi Lin's wife."

Qi Lin was already laughing, holding a small face with a rose in his hands: "Do you want to give birth to a monkey for me?"

Rose blushed and nodded her beautiful face.

"What are you waiting for?"

Matsushima Kirina fell asleep in the master bedroom upstairs.

Qi Lin didn't plan to change places either.

The red dress blooms like petals.

Rose is no different from ordinary girls.

Will be shy, will hesitate, will be afraid, will be apprehensive...

But in the end, all her emotions converged into a deep love and looked at the man with whom she had the deepest entanglement.

After all, her rose is going to marry.

Although this bastard was not as she expected, he only loved her in his life.

But at the very least, she also found true love, didn't she?

"I recently bought another lamb. It is economical and affordable, and it is easy to raise."

On the sofa, Qi Lin was lying on the pillow, and Rose was lying in his arms with a blush on her pretty face.

"When did you raise lambs? Why didn't I see it when I entered the villa just now?"

"Economic and affordable? Don't sheep eat grass? It must be affordable."

Rose's white tender jade fingers stopped drawing circles on Qi Lin's chest, and her beautiful eyes looked curiously at Qi Lin who had become her husband.

Qi Lin suppressed a smile and said, "Isn't that sheep in the living room? It only needs three meals of grass a day, can it be affordable?"

Rose's pretty face froze for a moment.

The next second, she blushed with embarrassment.

"Damn Qi Lin, it's not enough to bully me just now, but now you have to bully me, see how I teach you!"

The sheep want to eat grass, Rose will show Qi Lin whether the sheep will die if they eat grass three times a day.

"There's something I've been keeping from you."

Rose is a little drowsy.

Female thugs are tougher than ordinary girls, but they have to bow their heads when they meet Qi Lin, the big devil.

"I have changed my nationality, and now I am a native of Bangzi.

Rose continued.

Qi Lin was a little strange, but he was not angry: "Why do you suddenly want to change your nationality?"

Rose's fair face arched towards Qi Lin's arms again, and then she closed her beautiful eyes comfortably: "Hasn't Huaxia been looking for me all the time? If I change to Bangzi's nationality, change my name and identity, I will be able to come and go freely in the future."

"And in order to manage our power in Bangzi Nation, I have been (obviously) elected as a Member of Parliament in Bangzi Nation."

"With the official status of combining politics and business, that Ma Dongci and the three Northeast brothers no longer dare to disagree.

"Bandit associations are bandit associations after all. The government wants to destroy them. It's just a matter of one sentence. I also want to understand this recently, so I spent countless money

Here comes this self-sore. "

After hearing what Rose said, even Qi Lin's black eyes were full of wonder.

He didn't expect that such a big change had taken place in Rose after not seeing her for just a few months.

The female thug, who had no education and only knew how to rob the rich, has begun to complete her transformation and is heading in an unpredictable direction.

"Your thinking is so silly. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if you suddenly became the female president of Bangzi Kingdom one day."

Qi Lin caressed Rose's beautiful face and said with a smile. .

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