Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

547: I Can Only Watch Her And Let Her Be Abused

Time flies.

A week has passed.

Kameda received messages from Chio Matsushima several times, asking him how things were going.

Kameda lied to Matsushima Chio, saying that Matsushima Yuna was at the end of her rape, and that as long as he was given another day or two, he would be able to bring Matsushima Xuntu's family body to meet him.

Chio Matsushima thought that Kameda was still loyal to him, and praised him with a smile.

But he never imagined that Qi Lin who tipped him off was the biggest mastermind behind this incident.

Qi Lin has already cast a towering net, which is enveloping him.

Oda Masao's injury has also healed.

Under the conditioning of Qi Lin's personal doctor, Matsushima Yuna gradually regained her energy. As long as she remembers to supplement the special nutritional supplements in time every day, dizziness, weakness and fainting will not happen again.

The people like Kameda returned to Sakura Country as tourists.

Matsushima Kira and Oda Masao followed closely, and also got on the flight to Sakura Country.

Accompanying her are Rose, Zhou Pojun, and Pu Duanji, the blasting genius of Bangzi Kingdom.

After everyone arrived at Sakura Country.

A drama aimed at Chio Matsushima began from then on.

Matsushima Kirina and Oda Masao pretended to be captured by Kameda, were tied up, and pressed back into the family.

The military division was the first to receive the news, and happily reported the good news to Chio Matsushima: "Patriarch, great news, Kameyu-kun has returned with all the ninjas that went to Huazhen."

"They not only brought back the two traitors Matsushima Kira and Oda Masao, but also captured them alive."

Chio Matsushima is tasting tea in the quaint mansion in the center of the family.

Hearing the good news brought by the military division, he couldn't help shaking anymore.

Afterwards, he drank the tea in his cup, laughed loudly and said: "It is indeed a great joy, as long as these two traitors are captured, no one in the family can make me afraid from now on~`.

"Bring them up quickly."

"Especially Matsushima Wuna, a rebellious girl, I don't know if she is still a virgin in the past few months.

A hint of obscenity flashed in Matsushima Chio's eyes.

Not long after, the six Kameda jounin escorted Matsushima Kirina and Oda Masao up.

He definitely wouldn't dare to touch Matsushima Yuna, this is the woman who stands up for your lordship.

Besides, his life was still in Qi Lin's hands.

Kirina Matsushima and Masao Oda were only tied with special ropes, walking ahead by themselves, and they just followed behind.

In fact, the ropes on both of them are slipknots, which belong to the kind that will loosen by themselves as soon as they are exerted.

The acting skills of Matsushima Kira and Oda Masao are still very online.

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were cold, but with a touch of despair.

Masao Oda gritted his teeth and stared at Chio Matsushima with a look of reluctance.

Seeing the two being tied up in a mess, Chio Matsushima laughed triumphantly.

"After a long time, my beloved daughter will see you as a father again. How do you feel?"

On Kameda's side, he is also responsible for installing bombs on various support routes, but he has no time to listen to Chio Matsushima's nonsense.

Otherwise, the time bomb strapped to his body is not a vegetarian, and when Rose presses the button, he will burp.

"Patriarch, this subordinate has been exhausted from this mission and is already exhausted. Please ask the Patriarch to let the subordinates go to rest first."

Kameda stepped forward to ask Matsushima Chio for instructions.

Chio Matsushima didn't want so many people to disturb his good work.

What will happen when a group of people watch him defile Matsushima Yuna and be ridiculed for being weak?

"I have worked hard on this matter Kameda-kun, you go down and rest first, after two days, I will prepare a celebration banquet for you, and then we will discuss the merits and rewards together.

Chio Matsushima waved his hands happily, and smiled to indicate that they could go down.

"Thank you, Patriarch."

Kameda breathed a sigh of relief, and then exchanged glances with the other five Jonin who had already defected.

After the few people retreated, they led their subordinates to act separately, and set up time bombs one after another on the main road to support this place.

inner court.

Matsushima Chio didn't know that his death date was approaching.

"Bastard, a person who has dirty thoughts about his own daughter is not worthy of being my father at all.

Kirina Matsushima looked at Chio Matsushima coldly.

Regarding Matsushima Kuna's abuse, Matsushima Chio smiled lightly and was not angry at all.

He sighed and talked about a past event.

"The ninja family is different from ordinary families. The ninja's skills are inherited in one continuous line, and the slightest leakage is not allowed, otherwise it will bring disaster to the family."

"For the sake of absolute secrecy, our ancestors established rules long ago. "

"Family women are not allowed to marry outside, and can only serve their own father or elder brother and younger brother.

"Don't blame your father for being cruel. At the beginning, my sister, your aunt, and your mother were all your grandfather's lovers. I was also in great pain because of this incident.

"But if I don't show my allegiance to my father, I will be killed by him too.

"I have endured for decades before I have the current position. Since my father could do this at the beginning, why can't I enjoy my own daughter?"

"Wunna, as long as you are willing to serve me from now on, and always be sincere to your father, I can forgive you for the crime of betraying the family.

The turbid words, constantly uttered from Chio Matsushima's mouth, can also witness the extent to which this family that has been passed down for hundreds of years has become rotten.

Deep in Matsushima Kira's (Wang Qian's) beautiful eyes, there is uncontrollable disgust and nausea.

"I will never forget how my mother died, Chio Matsushima, you beast who dedicated his wife to the devil, I will definitely kill you Gu."

"I will also abolish these disgusting rules of the Songdao family with my own hands. It is time for this decadent family to be reborn from the ashes."

Matsushima Chio laughed as if he had heard a big joke: "The prisoner under the rank has the confidence to tell me this? Since you are stubborn, then I can't keep you."

"After I finish enjoying it, I will reward you to the meritorious ministers of the family, lest you go to hell without knowing what the joy of life is.

Speaking of this, Matsushima Chio looked at Oda Masao mockingly: "You like Kirina, don't you? You even betrayed the family because of her, but now? You can only watch your beloved woman being abused by others. ".

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